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hypercube-lab edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 1 revision


QuantumChat is an in-house instant messenger developed by HyperCube. It is a dApp (decentralized application) built on the HyperCube network using the Athena SDK.

QuantumChat protects all of your personal information completely through the use of Decentralized Identifiers. The blockchain-based network intends to be a global platform for free, anonymous, and secure communication, enabling users to conduct private chats via phone or text messaging.

Rather than keeping data on a centralized server, which is the most popular means of relaying communication data today, QuantumChat protects users' privacy by transporting and distributing messages via decentralized file sharing via HyperCube blockchain technology.

By utilizing the aforementioned distribution techniques, the software ensures ultimate anonymity for its users while also safeguarding their encrypted data, making it impregnable to hackers and malicious attacks of any kind.

Additionally, the QuantumChat application does not gather users' personal information, as just a username and password are necessary for app registration and access to users individually stored, protected data on the QuantumChat app blockchain.

The QuantumChat app, which is presently in development, was developed with a billion-user audience in mind by the QuantumChat team. Each user of the QuantumChat app will be assigned a unique DID. Additionally, users will have the option of storing their texts on their phone and deleting them at any moment.

QuantumChat is a versatile application that may be used for a variety of purposes, including messing, on-chain trade, and other services.

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