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Network Cross Chain

hypercube-lab edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

Cross-Chain Bridge


X-Bridge, a means of bridging blockchains, makes it possible to transfer tokens and other types of data from one blockchain to another. Interoperability across the chains is provided via the connection channel because each can have various protocols, rules, and governance models.

X-Bridge is a connection channel in which no one must trust any one entity or authority. Instead, the mathematical truth within the code ensures that everyone is protected.

Trustless connection occurs via the underlying technology rather than with the help of an agreement or commitment.

HyperCube CrossChain Capability

HyperCube was made to solve scalability, interoperability, and security problems so that people may trade many cryptocurrencies on one platform. HyperCube supports interoperability with blockchains and other networks such as Bitcoin or Ethereum via X-Bridges. Several X-Bridges that connect HyperCube to external networks have either been created or are actively being created. HyperCube is optimized to reduce the need for mediation in digital systems, so everyone in the ecosystem prefers a trustless connection channel.

Let's look at a simple example of a connection: imagine a decentralized insurance marketplace. One possible way to construct this on HyperCube would be to launch a sidechain that serves as a marketplace for those buying and selling insurance, thereby giving people greater choice in providers. Consider that HyperCube had a sidechain that brought in external data, as well as another that gathered information from IoT devices that were outside of the chain.

If you bought flight delay insurance, it may include details on which sidechains (the oracle and IoT sidechains) must verify your flight is delayed before a claim would be paid out. If the insurance sidechain got a signal from both the oracle and IoT sidechains, it could trigger a transaction from the insurance company's account to the policy holder's using a stablecoin, such as Dai, utilizing an Ethereum connection channel. An illustration of the value of interoperability is really elementary.

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