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Releases: helix-toolkit/helix-toolkit


27 Feb 18:42
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[2.25.0] Release - 2024-02-27


  1. Add CombinedSelectionCommand. (WPF)
  2. Allow importer to load obj,off,ply,stl from application resources. (WPF)
  3. Add AngleProperty for BillboardTextVisual3D (WPF)
  4. Add Angle Property for TextVisual3D. (WPF)
  5. Added ability to create tiled image materials with controlled vertical and horizontal scale factor. (WPF)
  6. Support color inner rectangle of RectangleAdorner. (WPF)
  7. Add FillRectangleBrush property for RectangleSelectionCommand, CombinedSelectionCommand. (WPF)


  1. Re-implmenet zoom extents algorithm.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  2. Get rid of the sync context in RenderHostBase. Get rid of unnecessary parallel frustum tests. Change SceneNode ItemsInternal from ObservableCollection to own implementation.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  3. Improve dual depth peeling implementation. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)


  1. Fixed NullRefrenceException in CuttingPlaneGroup.CuttingPlanes (WPF)
  2. Fixed null exception XamlExporter (WPF)
  3. Fix outline highlight not showing up while rending backface only. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  4. Fix particle system not able to render 2x2 particle texture. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  5. Fix rendering doesn't update after removing item from Viewport3DX.Items.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  6. Fix OIT mode switch not working in UWP demo.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  7. Fix WinUI crash. (WinUI)

Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.25.0

V2.24.0 Release

09 May 22:20
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[2.24.0] - 2023-05-09


  1. Adding IncreaseSwapchainFPS property for sharpdx wpf viewport for disable/enable FPS increasing feature. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  2. Adds additional 2D offset property for billboards. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)


  1. Simplify topology setting in device context. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  2. Adds dedicated thread for processing non-rendering related tasks in DefaultRenderHost. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  3. Make the guid setter of ShaderResourceViewProxy public. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  4. Imporve GC by remvoing static reference to NullSceneNode in SceneNode. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  5. Improve node animation to avoid accumulated time dependency. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)

Breaking Change

  1. Change animation updater to absolute timestamp based. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)


  1. Fixed HelixToolkit.WinUI package severe memory leak. (WinUI)
  2. Fixed bounding sphere is not properly transformed with non-uniform scaling matrix. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  3. Fixed the difference size of ZoomExtends of Viewport3DX between different cameras. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  4. Fix memory leak by disposing entire tree if top node is being disposed. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  5. Fix missing edge clicking, incorrect model updirection in ViewCubeVisual3d (WPF)

V2.23.0 Release

28 Nov 08:26
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[2.23.0] - 2022-11-28


  1. Add feature of enabling rotation/translation/scale control in every axis for TransformManipulator3D (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/WinUI)
  2. Decouple HelixToolkit.Wpf and HelixToolkit.Core.Wpf packages from HelixToolkit core library. HelixToolkit package will no longer be a dependency for both HelixToolkit.Wpf and HelixToolkit.Core.Wpf. (WPF)


  1. Automatic invert up direction for rotation mode = turntable (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  2. Improve swapchain framerate under SharpDX.WPF (WPF.SharpDX)
  3. Adds function to invalidate bone matrices/morph target weights manually (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)


  1. Fix models are not rendered by adding them directly into viewport3DX.Items. (WPF.SharpDX)
  2. Correct y axis color typo (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  3. Fix potential null ref exception in HelixToolkit.WinUI. (WinUI)
  4. Fix null reference exception in GeometryRenderCore.OnAttachBuffers(). (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  5. Fix shadow map light camera property update does not trigger re-rendering. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)

V2.22.0 Release

29 Aug 16:09
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[2.22.0] - 2022-8-29


  1. Change SceneNode.Attach to accept IEffectsManager instead of IRenderHost. This change will allow scene graph to be built and pre-attached in separate thread (all graphics resources are created during attaching). UI thread is still required to add generated sub graph back to the main graph which is associated with the Viewport. Example can be found here. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  2. Re-implement logging to use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions logging interface. To override the internal debug logger, set HelixToolkit.Logger.LogManager.Factory on app start up to provide your own logging implementation.
  3. Due to logging change, minimum dot net version has been changed for all Helixtoolkit libraries.
    + .Net Framework 4.6.2 
    - .Net Framework 4.5
    + netstandard 2.0
    - netstandard 1.3


  1. Fix intersecting hit test in CrossSectionMeshGeometryModel3D. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  2. Fix depth peeling not working after Viewport resizing. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  3. Fix missing depth peeling shader passes for batched mesh. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)

V2.21.1 Release

16 Jun 08:12
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[2.21.1] - 2022-06-16


  1. Allow environment map to skip rendering but still available for other object to do reflection. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  2. Remove unnecessary scene graph re-creation during loading/unloading. (UWP/WinUI)
  3. Update WinUI AppSDK to 1.1.1. (WinUI)


  1. Fix MSAA enable causes incorrect rendering on screenspaced objects. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)
  2. Fix binding erorr: Converter failed to convert value of type of Element3D. (UWP/WinUI)
  3. Fix missing TeapotGeometry in Helixtoolkit.Core.Wpf. (Core.Wpf)
  4. Fix custom viewcube texture not working. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core/WinUI)

V2.21.0 Release

28 May 22:29
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[2.21.0] 2022-05-28

We did some major code refactoring and changes in this release.


  1. Support Depth peeling based order independent transparency rendering. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)


  1. Improved constant buffer array management in MaterialVariable and ConstantBufferComponent. Use single array to hold all structs used by material with same size.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Simplified DisposeObject base class. Remove Collect function and object dictionary. All graphics resources must call RemoveAndDispose to free either on OnDispose if the resource is created in constructor or OnDetach if the resource is created in OnAttach. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. Improved all buffer upload functions to avoid creating DataStream object to reduce GC during rendering.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. Upgraded the Dot Net minimum requirements from 4.5 to 4.6 on HelixToolkit.SharpDX.Wpf. (WPF.SharpDX)
  5. Upgraded net standard from 1.1 to 1.3 on Helixtoolkit.SharpDX.Core. (Core)
  6. Improved resource pool implementation. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  7. Relax manipulator binding target type to Elements instead of GeometryModel3D (WPF.SharpDX)

V2.20.2 Release

01 Feb 20:37
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[2.20.2] - 2022-02-01


  1. Fix viewcube edge hit test is not working properly. #1702 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Fix environment map getting black area under certain conditions when using orthographic camera. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. Fix null pointer exception if effects manager is not being set on viewport3DX. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)

V2.20.1 Release

19 Jan 22:37
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[2.20.1] - 2022-01-19


  1. Fix stl reader failed to read any ASCII STL file. (WPF)

V2.20.0 Release

01 Nov 02:24
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[2.20.0] - 2021-10-31


  1. Post effect support in screen spaced group. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Supports software rendering as config for effects manager. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)

V2.19.0 Release

12 Oct 01:04
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[2.19.0] - 2021-10-11


  1. Fix shadow is showing on the back of the object #1649 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Fix UWP memory leak due to event handlers are not being released properly. #1185 (UWP)