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Mitch Sundt edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 1 revision

Getting started with development for the FoneAstra sensor interfacing board


FoneAstra is a battery-powered interfacing board to enable wired (USB-Serial) or wireless (Bluetooth) communications between mobile devices and low-level sensors connected to the board. It is based on the ATMega 328p processor running at 8MHz. It has connection headers for commonly used low-level communication protocols, such as I2C, SPI and 1-wire, as well as general-purpose digital and analog I/O. When connected to a mobile device capable of being a USB Host, the board can be powered by the mobile device itself and does not require a battery. Additionally, FoneAstra has an on-board SD memory socket, a real-time clock, a few LEDs, and an audio buzzer for feedback to users.

Required hardware

Setting up the development environment

  • Install the ArduinoIDE
  • Checkout the FoneAstra repository
  • Create a folder called "Arduino" in your home directory's documents (Windows - "/Users/<login name>/My Documents", Mac - "/Users/<login name>/Documents")
  • Inside the "Arduino" directory, create another directory called 'libraries'
  • If using one wire temperature sensor, then download the OneWire.Zip and unzip it in the Arduino/libraries folder, which should result in a directory structure Arduino/libraries/OneWire/OneWire.cpp
  • To test your installation open the 'FoneAstra30TempSketch' project by navigating to <FoneAstra Repo Root>/software/board/FoneAstra30TempSketch/ and launch "FoneAstra30TempSketch.ino"
  • Under Tools->Board select "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3V, 8MHz) w/ ATMega 328". NOTE: The board type needs to be set up correctly even if not using a temperature sensor.
  • Connect the FTDI breakout board to a mini-usb cable that is connected to your development machine.
  • Connect the FTDI board to the inner side of the 2x6 connector on the bottom side of the board.
  • Turn FoneAstra On, a green LED on the topside of the board flickers when the board is turned on.
  • Click the "Upload" icon in the IDE (this is the second icon from the left in the toolbar and is an arrow pointing to the right).
    • You will be asked to select the appropriate serial port on your development machine.
  • Install ODK Sensors, FoneAstra30TempSensorDemo and FoneAstra30TempDriver on your Android device.
  • Start the FoneAstra30TempSensorDemo application and click on the "Start" button.
  • Follow instructions to discover the FoneAstra device and assign the FoneAstra30TempDriver to that device.
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