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Aggregate Eclipse Setup

Mitch Sundt edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 1 revision

Creating an Eclipse Project for ODK Aggregate

We like the Atlassian SourceTree app for working with Git repositories.

NOTE: For Building the ODK Aggregate v1.x source, clone the Git repo and update to the tip of the v1_4 branch. or update to the v1_\0, v1_\1, v1_\2 or v1_\3 branch (or uiExperiment branch for the unstable tip).

See the CONFIGURE.TXT in the root directory to complete the configuration.

Upload ODK Aggregate to Google App Engine

  1. Click on the Deploy App Engine Project.
  1. A window will pop up that will request the user name and password for upload. (Note only project developers can upload to Google App Engine. Go to to add developers). If the Application ID has already been set then enter your user name and password and click okay. The project should upload and you are done. To set the Application ID click on the App Engine project settings.
  1. (Updating Application ID) To update the Google App Engine Application ID simply change the text in the Application ID field to the application ID that was created on Google App Engine. After the Application ID is correctly set go back to the previous instructions on uploading.
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