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Materials for CCN software workshop at FENS 2024

We have a slack channel for communicating with attendees, if you haven't received an invitation, please send us a note!

Note that the rest of this README is for contributors to the workshop. If you are a user, please view the built website instead!

Building the site locally

To build the site locally, clone this repo and install it in a fresh python 3.11 environment (pip install -e .). Then run mkdocs serve and navigate your browser to localhost:8000.

Adding notebooks

Instead of directly writing tutorials as .ipynb files, which are hard to version control and review, we are using mkdocs-gallery, which converts .py scripts into jupyter notebooks when the documentation is built. Additionally, we have an additional file, scripts/, which is run by the Github Actions that builds the site (or by binder), but needs to be run manually if you want to see its output locally. This script creates two additional versions of each notebook: a user-facing version, which has much of the text and code removed, only retaining some basic headers, brief pointers, and introductory blocks, and a presenter-facing version, which has notes for the presenter as well as all code blocks. The following will describe the syntax for mkdocs-gallery and, see also docs/examples/ for an example.


  • The first markdown block must be contained within the module docstring at the top of the file, i.e., be contained within """. It must start with a single # and be the only level 1 header.
  • All following markdown blocks start with # %% and continue until a line without #:
# %%
# This is a markdown cell.
# This line is part of the same markdown cell.

# But this is just a regular comment, because of the empty line preceding it.
  • You can use admonitions in the markdown blocks as well, which is helpful. See site for different possible headers.
# !!! note
#     This is an admonition.

  • This script creates two additional copies of each script found in docs/examples, placing one of them in docs/for_users and the other in docs/just_code.

  • In general, removes the contents of all markdown cells and leaves the code alone, but its behavior is dictated by the file's headers, as well as four special directives:

    1. Any content placed within <div class="notes"> </div> will be invisible in the fully-rendered notebook, but present in both the for_users/ and just_code/ versions. The idea here is that these contain bullet points summarizing the upcoming content.
    2. If a header is followed by {.keep-text}, then the for_users/ and just_code/ versions will contain the text found under that header (until we hit the next header with the same level or higher):
    # ## Header
    # This text will be removed
    # ### Header {.keep-text}
    # This text is present
    # #### Header
    # This text is present
    # ### Header
    # This text will be removed
    1. If a header is followed by {.strip-headers}, then the for_users/ version will remove all headers beneath it (but not itself) until we hit the next header with the same level or higher:
    # ## Visible header
    # ### Visible header {.strip-headers}
    # #### Hidden header
    # #### Hidden header
    # ### Visible header
    1. If a header is followed by {.strip-code}, then the for_users/ version will remove all code beneath it, until we hit the next header with the same level or higher:
    # ## Header
    # ### Header {.strip-code}
    # #### Header
    # ### Header
    1. If a code block starts with # {.keep-code}, then that code will be preserved in the for_users/ version (this over-rules the {.strip-code} directive):
    # ## Header
    # ### Header {.strip-code}
    # #### Header
    # {.keep-code}
    # #### Header

    Note the empty line between the header and {.keep-code}! This is necessary to ensure that the line with {.keep-code} is considered part of the code block, not the markdown block containing the header. For your local version (if you're running mkdocs serve / mkdocs build during development), these {.keep-code} tags will still appear in the fully rendered version, but we remove them manually before building for Github pages (using sed, see .github/workflows/site.yml for how).


See nemos Feb 2024 workshop for details on how to set up the Binder