slaMEM is a tool used to efficiently retrieve MEMs (Maximal Exact Matches
between a reference genome sequence and one or more query sequences, similarly to
these software tools:
slaMEM relies on an FM-Index together with a new data structure called
SSILCP (Sampled Search Intervals from Longest Common Prefixes
) to store
information about parent intervals in a time- and space-efficient way.
slaMEM also includes an useful feature to display the locations of the found MEMs, generating images like the one below.
If you use slaMEM, please cite:
./slaMEM (<options>) <reference_file> <query_file(s)>
: find MEMs: any number of occurrences in both ref and query (default)mam
: find MAMs: unique in ref but any number in queryl
: minimum match length (default=20)o
: output file name (default="*-mems.txt")b
: process both forward and reverse strandsn
: discard 'N' characters in the sequencesm
: minimum sequence size (e.g. to ignore small scaffolds)r
: load only the reference(s) whose name(s) contain(s) this string
: generate MEMs map image from this MEMs file
./slaMEM -b -l 10 ./ref.fna ./query.fna
./slaMEM -v ./ref-mems.txt ./ref.fna ./query.fna