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Insights: ericvsmith/dataclasses

Dependency graph

Repositories that depend on dataclasses

61,598 Repositories 2,357 Packages
These counts are approximate and may not exactly match the dependents shown below.
Filter by owner
@konradhalas konradhalas / dacite dacite-cjunct
1,694 103
@ghost flask-shopify-integration
@ghost ngon-commis
@ghost ikhyun
@ghost cyberintegrations
@ghost vsaiortc
@ghost aria-studio
@tumaer tumaer / jax-sph
44 4
@ghost py-sat-sdk
@c-spark c-spark / cspark-py-sdk cspark
0 0
@code-lukas code-lukas / rt-utils rt-utils-raystation
0 0
@ghost nlu-dev
@indestinee indestinee / ec_tools ec-tools
1 0
@zlai-llm zlai-llm / zlai
5 2
@EarningsCall EarningsCall / earningscall-python earningscall
1 0
@ghost useful-rdkit-utils
@ghost equilipy-hpc
@ORNL ORNL / Equilipy equilipy
5 1
@trezor trezor / python-shamir-mnemonic shamir-mnemonic
165 59
@IGNF IGNF / Borea ign-borea
2 0