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UAlbertaBot Unit Micro

davechurchill edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 2 revisions

Combat Management Logic

Combat in UAlbertaBot is handled within CombatCommander:

  • CombatCommander.update()
    • Set a worker to scout if it is the appropriate time
    • If any of our occupied regions contain enemy units, create defense Squad to defend
    • If additional combat units are available, attack as follows:
      • If we know of a visible enemy base location, attack it
      • Otherwise, if we see visible units, attack them
      • Otherwise, if we know where an enemy building was, attack it
      • Otherwise, explore until we find a new attack target
    • Squads.update() - perform squad commands
      • Perform CombatSimulation
        • If simulation returns victory
          • Continue attacking toward current target
          • Call associated MicroManager sub-class for each unit type
        • If simulation returns defeat
          • Retreat Squad toward own base

If you wish to change this logic or add your own, you simply need to modify CombatCommander.update() to do so.

Squad Formation & Implementation

In the above example we see that Squad objects are created. A Squad is an object which holds the following information:

class Squad
    SquadOrder         order;                  // the order to be carried out 
    UnitVector         units;                  // the units in this squad
    MeleeManager       meleeManager;           // manager for melee units in this squad
    RangedManager      rangedManager;          // manager for ranged units in this squad
    DetectorManager    detectorManager;        // manager for detector units in this squad
    TransportManager   transportManager;       // manager for transport units in this squad

    std::map<BWAPI::Unit *, bool>   nearEnemy; // whether or not a given unit is near an enemy unit

With a SquadOrder consisting of

class SquadOrder
    enum { None, Attack, Defend };

    int                type;       // type of order, from enum above
    int                radius;     // the radius of action for this order
    BWAPI::Position    position;   // the position where this order is to be carried out

Example Squad

  • order = { Attack, 600, (200, 300) }
  • units = { Zealot, Zealot, Dragoon, Observer }

This Squad has the intuitive meaning of "Take these two Zealots, Dragoon and Observer to Attack all enemy units within a radius of 600 of position (200, 300). The Zealots will have their behaviour controlled by MeleeManager, the Dragoons by RangedManager, and the Observer by DetectorManager.

Any Squad formed and added to SquadData inside CombatCommander will have its update() method called each frame, and will carry out behaviours in this fashion. If you wish to add new behaviours you need to modify SquadOrder and the respective MicroManagers.

By default, UAlbertaBot will only set one Attack squad and send it to attack the closest known enemy base.

Unit Micro

Unit Micro in UAlbertaBot is handled by MicroManager and its sub-classes. Squad.update() calls Squad.setManagerUnits() which assigns each unit in the squad to a specific MicroManager sub-class. For generality, UAlbertaBot contains MicroManager sub-classes such as MeleeManager and RangedManager rather than perform micro specific to each UnitType.

The default behaviour for each of these managers is as follows:

  • MeleeManager - Attack closest enemy unit based on a given priority
  • RangedManager - Attack closest enemy unit and then retreat until attack cooldown has finished (aka: kite)
  • DetectorManager - The first detector made will follow the primary attack Squad into battle. Any others will explore the map.
  • TransportManager - Not yet implemented.

These can be modified independently in order to implement your own unit micromanagement. You can even make your own unit-specific managers, as long as you make sure to add them to the correct managers within Squad.