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UAlbertaBot Configuration File

David Churchill edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 10 revisions

UAlbertaBot Configuration File

A sample UAlbertaBot Configuration File can be seen here: Sample Configuration File

Most of the parameters in the configuration file are self explanatory. Some notes:

  • UAlbertaBot will load its default settings if the config file is not found
  • Edit UAlbertaBotModule.cpp's onStart() function to point to your config file location. If you use a relative file path, it will be relative to the Starcraft installation folder.
  • The config file is written in JSON and must have valid JSON syntax to be parsed correctly. An error will be shown in-game and logged as an error if it cannot be read or parsed correctly.

Many of the options in the config file can also be set in real-time while running the game by using the command: /set VariableName value. For example you can set the UseAutoObserver value by typing /set UseAutoObserver true. Please note that Strategy options cannot be set in this way.