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Gameboy Zero RetroPie status overlays

This repository contains a script to display lovely slightly-transparent overlays on top of your RetroPie games and emulationstation menus

What can it do?

  • display battery level (Requires ADS1x15)
  • display WiFi state (connected/disconnected/disabled)
  • display Bluetooth state (connected/disconnected/disabled)
  • display under-voltage state
  • display warning if frequency-capped
  • display warning if throttling
  • adjust icons' position to current display resolution
  • gracefully shut down the Pi after 60s from when voltage goes below 3.2V
  • show a big imminent shutdown warning when the counter starts ticking

What do I need to get it running?

  • See installation instructions below for setup steps
  • pngview from AndrewFromMelbourne
  • material-design-icons from Google
  • Adafruit ADS1015 with Vbat on A0 (or alternative)
  • a symbolic link to overlay_icons/ic_battery_alert_red_white_36dp.png under material_design_icons_master/device/drawable-mdpi/
  • an entry in crontab to start this on boot
  • check and adjust paths in the script header if required
  • some battery readings calibration - check logs
  • some patience

But what does it look like?

Like that:

Bluetooth, wifi connected, battery discharging
Bluetooth, wifi connected, battery discharging

Bluetooth, wifi disconnected, battery discharging
Bluetooth, wifi disconnected, battery discharging

Bluetooth, wifi disabled, battery charging
Bluetooth, wifi disabled, battery charging

CPU throttled due to high temperature
CPU throttled due to high temperature

Under-Voltage, Freq-capped due to high temperature, battery critical, shutdown imminent warning
Under-Voltage, Freq-capped due to high temperature, battery critical, shutdown imminent warning - shutting down in 60s


Installation Instructions

SSH into your device or access the terminal using F4. We're assuming you already have Internet access configured

1. Install pngview by AndrewFromMelbourne

mkdir ~/src && cd ~/src
git clone --depth 1
cd raspidmx/
make -j4
sudo cp pngview/pngview /usr/local/bin/

2. Download Material Design Icons by Google

cd ~/src
git clone --depth 1 material-design-icons-master

3. Download the script and install dependencies:

mkdir ~/scripts && cd ~/scripts
git clone --depth 1
ln -s ~/scripts/gbz_overlay/overlay_icons/ic_battery_alert_red_white_36dp.png ~/src/material-design-icons-master/device/drawable-mdpi/ic_battery_alert_red_white_36dp.png
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python3-smbus python3-pip
sudo pip3 install adafruit-ads1x15

Test the script:

python3 ~/scripts/gbz_overlay/ &

You should now see overlay icons

4. Set up script autostart

Note: Do not use rc.local, it's deprecated

sudo crontab -e

Then at the bottom of the file, add the line:

@reboot python3 /home/pi/scripts/gbz_overlay/

You can use this one-liner instead if you prefer:

(crontab -l ; echo "@reboot python3 /home/pi/scripts/gbz_overlay/") | crontab -

5. Reboot