Burni FHIR Server

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Burni 使用 Node.JS 、Express 框架以及 MongoDB 實作 FHIR R4 Server,經由簡單的設定即可產生指定 FHIR Resource的 Mongoose Schema、API程式碼並可自行更改,滿足需求。目前Burni支援Windows以及Linux,讓開發人員可以快速架設 FHIR Server。 Burni 所使用的 FHIR 版本為 v4.0.1。
## Server 能力聲明 Burni 使用 AEGIS Touchstone Basic-R4-Server 測試. 測試結果: * [FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server version 18](https://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/conformance/detail?suite=FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server&sVersion=18&testSystem=5f9518730a120e4edef042ae&supportedOnly=false&cb=%2fFHIR4-0-1-Basic&format=ALL&published=true) (2,216 tests has been passed, 100% Pass) * [FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server version 14](https://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/conformance/detail?suite=FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server&sVersion=14&testSystem=5f9518730a120e4edef042ae&supportedOnly=false&cb=%2FFHIR4-0-1-Basic&published=true) (1,948 tests has been passed, 100% Pass) ## 支援功能 This server supported FHIR RESTFul API below: - read (e.g. GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/example) - update (e.g. PUT http://example.com/fhir/Patient/example) - delete (e.g. DELETE http://example.com/fhir/Patient/example) - search (e.g. http://example.com/fhir/Patient?_id=example) - history-type (e.g. http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1/_history) - history-type-version (e.g. e.g. http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1/_history/1) **resource 不包含`text`欄位** **The resources don't have `text` field** **Don't remove Bundle.js in models/mongodb/FHIRTypeSchema** ## 安裝 ```bash= npm install ``` ## 設定 設定檔位於 `config\config.js` ```javascript= module.exports = { // add the resource name that you need "Patient" : { "interaction": { "read": true, "vread": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "history": true, "create": true, "search": true } } } ``` dotenv in root path `.env` ```= MONGODB_NAME="dbName" MONGODB_HOSTS=["mongodb"] MONGODB_PORTS=[27017] MONGODB_USER="myAdmin" MONGODB_PASSWORD="MymongoAdmin1" MONGODB_IS_SHARDING_MODE=false MONGODB_SLAVEMODE=false SERVER_PORT=8080 FHIRSERVER_HOST="localhost" FHIRSERVER_PORT=8080 #use by creating bundle url FHIRSERVER_APIPATH="fhir" #If u want to use token auth, add below. ENABLE_TOKEN_AUTH=true ADMIN_LOGIN_PATH="adminLogin" ADMIN_USERNAME="adminUsername" ADMIN_PASSWORD="adminPassword" ENABLE_CHECK_ALL_RESOURCE_ID=false #true that want to check resource id cross all resource ENABLE_CHECK_REFERENCE #true that want to check reference is exist in resource content ENABLE_CSHARP_VALIDATOR=false VALIDATION_FILES_ROOT_PATH="/validationResources" VALIDATION_API_URL="http://burni-fhir-validator-api:7414" ``` 設定後, 執行 `npm run build` 產生 resource 相關程式碼 ``` npm run build ``` > TypeError: genParamFunc[type] is not a function 代表此類型的搜尋參數目前不支援。 ## 啟動服務 ``` node server.js ``` ### RESTful API - get (search) - Number - Date (DateTime, Instance Not yet) - String - Token - Reference >GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient - getById (read) >GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/123 - getHistoryById (history, vread) >GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/_history/ > GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/_history/1 - putById (update) > PUT http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1 - deleteById (delete) > DELETE http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1 ### 範例 詳細使用 Postman 的範例: [Examples Using Postman](https://github.com/Chinlinlee/Burni/blob/main/examples/Examples.md) # FHIR 驗證 感謝[FirelyTeam/firely-net-sdk](https://github.com/FirelyTeam/firely-net-sdk)使用C#實作了讚讚的驗證器。 Burni 目前使用 C# Web API 去做驗證。使用專案: [Chinlinlee/FHIR-Validator-API](https://github.com/Chinlinlee/FHIR-Validator-API) # TODO - Search parameters - [ ] composite - [ ] uri - [ ] Validation ## Special project - [Raccoon](https://github.com/cylab-tw/raccoon) - a noSQL-based DICOMWeb Server. - [ngs2fhir](https://github.com/cylab-tw/ngs2fhir) - Convert the next generation sequencing (NGS) data to the FHIR Resources.