Burni FHIR Server

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Burni is an implementation of the FHIR server with Node, Express, and MongoDB providing very simple ways to customize the HL7 FHIR® specification Currently, Burni support both Windows and Linux environment to enable developers to rapidly deploy a FHIR service. Burni also supports to import your Implementation Guide to store FHIR Resources and create FHIR RESTful API as well. Burni use version 4.0.1 (R4) of the HL7 FHIR specification.
## Conformance Statement Burni has been tested by AEGIS Touchstone Basic-R4-Server. The conformance results show below: * [FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server version 18](https://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/conformance/detail?suite=FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server&sVersion=18&testSystem=5f9518730a120e4edef042ae&supportedOnly=false&cb=%2fFHIR4-0-1-Basic&format=ALL&published=true) (2,216 tests has been passed, 100% Pass) * [FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server version 14](https://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/conformance/detail?suite=FHIR4-0-1-Basic-Server&sVersion=14&testSystem=5f9518730a120e4edef042ae&supportedOnly=false&cb=%2FFHIR4-0-1-Basic&published=true) (1,948 tests has been passed, 100% Pass) ## features This server supported FHIR RESTFul API below: - read (e.g. GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/example) - update (e.g. PUT http://example.com/fhir/Patient/example) - delete (e.g. DELETE http://example.com/fhir/Patient/example) - search (e.g. http://example.com/fhir/Patient?_id=example) - history-type (e.g. http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1/_history) - history-type-version (e.g. e.g. http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1/_history/1) **The resources don't have `text` field** **Don't remove Bundle.js in models/mongodb/FHIRTypeSchema** ## Installation ```bash= npm install ``` ## configure The resources config in `config\config.js` ```javascript= module.exports = { // add the resource name that you need "Patient" : { "interaction": { "read": true, "vread": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "history": true, "create": true, "search": true } } } ``` dotenv in root path `.env` ```= MONGODB_NAME="dbName" MONGODB_HOSTS=["mongodb"] MONGODB_PORTS=[27017] MONGODB_USER="myAdmin" MONGODB_PASSWORD="MymongoAdmin1" MONGODB_IS_SHARDING_MODE=false MONGODB_SLAVEMODE=false SERVER_PORT=8080 SERVER_SESSION_SECRET_KEY="secretKey" FHIRSERVER_HOST="localhost" FHIRSERVER_PORT=8080 #use by creating bundle url FHIRSERVER_APIPATH="fhir" #If u want to use token auth, add below. ENABLE_TOKEN_AUTH=true ADMIN_LOGIN_PATH="adminLogin" ADMIN_USERNAME="adminUsername" ADMIN_PASSWORD="adminPassword" ENABLE_CHECK_ALL_RESOURCE_ID=false #true that want to check resource id cross all resource ENABLE_CHECK_REFERENCE #true that want to check reference is exist in resource content ENABLE_CSHARP_VALIDATOR=false VALIDATION_FILES_ROOT_PATH="/validationResources" VALIDATION_API_URL="http://burni-fhir-validator-api:7414" ``` After configuration, run `npm run build` to generate resources ``` npm run build ``` > TypeError: genParamFunc[type] is not a function mean that search parameter method not support ## Usage ``` node server.js ``` ### RESTful API - get (search) - Number - Date (DateTime, Instance Not yet) - String - Token - Reference >GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient - getById (read) >GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/123 - getHistoryById (history, vread) >GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/_history/ > GET http://example.com/fhir/Patient/_history/1 - putById (update) > PUT http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1 - deleteById (delete) > DELETE http://example.com/fhir/Patient/1 ### Examples The details of postman's request body and response: [Examples Using Postman](https://github.com/Chinlinlee/Burni/blob/main/examples/Examples.md) # Validation Thanks to [FirelyTeam/firely-net-sdk](https://github.com/FirelyTeam/firely-net-sdk) implement the excellent validator by C#. Currently, Burni use the C# Web API to do validation. The repository : [Chinlinlee/FHIR-Validator-API](https://github.com/Chinlinlee/FHIR-Validator-API) # TODO - Search parameters - [ ] composite - [ ] uri - [ ] Validation ## Special project - [Raccoon](https://github.com/cylab-tw/raccoon) - a noSQL-based DICOMWeb Server. - [ngs2fhir](https://github.com/cylab-tw/ngs2fhir) - Convert the next generation sequencing (NGS) data to the FHIR Resources.