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Official Commander List (Spyro 3rd Pass)

LordSpyro edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 158 revisions

Custom Wars Tactics

CWT Commanders

CWT Ruleset

  • D2D: +10% offensive luck (all units)

  • COZ: Default Range [0~2]

  • COP: Default Boost (+10/+10) [+1 CO Zone when reached]

  • SCOP: Default Boost (+10/+10) [+2 CO Zone when reached]

  • Synergy: Only active if both Commanders are loaded into Units. Allows activation of Tag (and Merge) Powers.

  • Synergy CO Zone: If COs are both on the field at once, each +/- 5% gives +/- 2 to all siege abilities

  • CO Swap: Switches the active CO with the secondary CO.

  • Merge Power: Activates both normal CO Powers at the same time. When turn ends, performs a CO Swap

  • Tag Power: Activates active super CO power first, then swaps COs and activates secondary COs super power

  • Leader Unit: Cost 1.5x base unit; Pocket CO Zone under unit; Can be upgraded or built only when CO Unit is on battlefield

  • CO Unit: Cost 0.5x unit cost to load CO Unit, must load on allied property. If CO Unit is killed, morale bar is set to 0.

  • Rank Up: Owned units rank up +1 by destroying enemy unit. Units can't rank up past owned CO Unit Rank.

  • Pocket Zone: Has abilities of all allied CO Units on the battlefield. If no CO Units are out, this zone does nothing.

  • Flash Token: When CO Unit kills enemy at maximum rank, it creates a Flash Token. Flash Token is destroyed if CO Unit isn't on battlefield

  • Flash Power: At start of turn consumes 1 Flash Token to spread CO Zone over whole map for 1 day unless CO Unit isn't on battlefield

  • Siege Flash Power: If more than 1 Flash Token activates in one day, it gives +1 to all Siege Abilities per extra token on all owned units for one day unless CO Unit isn't on battlefield

  • Uneven Battle: If a single CO faces Dual COs, the single CO activates a Flash token every power activation

  • Defensive Siege: +1 defense per unit with Base 5 vision {owned units}

  • Luck Siege: +1 luck per unit with 5+ vision {owned units}

  • Offensive Siege: +1 attack per naval unit {owned units}

  • Seaplane Materials: A player can build 4 Strikers per allied Aircraft Carrier on the battlefield

  • Temporary Building Materials: A player can build one temp building per the combined total of allied APC and Gunboat units on the battlefield

  • Leader Unit Materials: A player can upgrade or build one leader unit per the combined total of CO Unit Ranks and Labs on the battlefield

  • Sphere of Influence: Owning a Temporary Building causes all allied buildings to emit a Pocket CO Zone of 0 range

  • Sphere of Influence Improvement: Each extra Temporary building owned adds +1 Pocket CO Zone to all allied buildings

  • CO Leader Unit Bonus: Putting a CO in a Leader Unit gives +2 to all Siege Abilities (+2 attack, +2 defense, and +2 luck) and makes HQ count as a temporary building

  • CO Leader Unit Rank Bonus: +1 all Siege Abilities for each CO Leader Unit Rank (+1 attack, +1 defense, and +1 luck)

  • Communication Towers: Gives +2 to all Siege Abilities (+2 attack, +2 defense, and +2 luck), counts as temporary building

  • Radars: Base 5 vision, gives +1 vision to all owned units and all owned properties on battlefield, counts as temporary building

  • Labs: +1 CO Leader Unit build slot, counts as temporary building

  • Empty Silos: Can be upgraded to Labs from APC


  • Direct: (1~1 range) Can move and fire in same turn
  • Indirect: (1~1+ range) Can only move or fire in a turn, not both
  • Ballistic: (1~1+ range) Can move and fire in same turn
  • Hidden: Enemy must be adjacent to see or attack this unit
  • Immunity: Causes that weather type to have +10% more chance to happen in any setting but is 15% in random weather.
  • Penalty: Stacks these weather effects onto the D2D
  • Damage: Unit's damage from damage table.

Ranking (Normal)

  • Guard (I): (+5/+0)
  • Elite (II): (+10/+0)
  • Veteran (V): (+20/+20)
  • Ace (A): (+30/+30) Pocket CO Zone {Boss Commanders Only}

Unit Types - Direct Land

INFT = Infantry
MECH = Mech
BIKE = Bike
RECN = Recon
FTNK = Flame Tank
AAIR = Anti-Air
TANK = Tank
MDTK = Medium Tank
NTNK = Neotank
WTNK = Mega Wartank
TYDR = Tank Destroyer
OOZM = Oozium

Unit Types - Indirect Land

ATNK = Anti-Tank
ARTY = Artillery
RCKT = Rockets
MISS = Missiles
PRNR = Piperunner

Unit Types - Air

TCTR = Transport-Helicopter
BCTR = Battle-Helicopter
FGTR = Jet Fighter
BMBR = Bomber
STLH = Stealth
SEAP = Seaplane
DUST = Duster

Unit Types - Sea

BSHP = Battleship
CRUS = Cruiser
SUBM = Submarine
LNDR = Lander
BKBT = Black Patrol-Boat
ACAR = Aircraft-Carrier
GNBT = Gunboat
DSYR = Battle Cruiser

Terrain Types

PLIN = Plain
FRST = Forest
MNTN = Mountain
RIVR = River
ROAD = Road
BRDG = Bridge
REEF = Reef
WTLD = Wasteland
RUIN = Ruins
SHOA = Shoals
SEAS = Seas
METR = Meteor
PLSM = Plasma
PLSP = Plasma Pipe
PSPS = Plasma Pipeseam
PIPE = Pipe
PIPR = Piperail
SWMP = Swamp
MIST = Mist
RSEA = Rough Seas
FIRE = Fire
LAVA = Meteor Lava
SKYS = Sky
SBRG = Suspension Bridge
NULL = Null

Property Types

HQTR = Headquarters
CITY = City
BASE = Factory
APRT = Airport
PORT = Seaport
CMTR = Communication-Tower
SILO = Missile Silo
PLTF = Missile Silo Platform
RDAR = Radar
TAPT = Temporary Airport
TSPT = Temporary Seaport
RUBL = Rubble
PIPS = Pipeseam
STRH = Stronghold
LABS = Lab
QURY = Query
ORIG = Oil Rig
PSTN = Pipestation
WALL = Wall

Orange Star



  • [Hit] Willful Students
  • [Miss] Downtime
  • [Specialty] High Luck & Cheating Death

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Always attack with max luck {owned units}
  • [+0/+10] Luck {Owned Units}
  • [Cheat Death] Units has a 10% chance to of remaining at 0.1 HP, ignoring destruction. {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [Cheat Death] Units has a 100% chance to of remaining at 1 HP, ignoring destruction for only the first attack upon units. {Owned Units}

Lucky Star (COP) [3*]

  • [+0/+20] Luck {Owned Units}
  • [Cheat Death] Units now has a 20% chance to of remaining at 0.1 HP, ignoring destruction. {Owned Units}

Lady Luck (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+0/+60] Luck {Owned Units}
  • [Cheat Death] Units now has a 40% chance to of remaining at 0.1 HP, ignoring destruction. {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Jinx Artillery (from Artillery)


  • Move: 4
  • Move Type: Treads
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as Artillery
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 2-5 (up from 2-3, gbaw3)
  • Damage: Same as Artillery
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • [Jinx] Adds negative luck to enemy equal to this unit's positive luck when in combat


Nell is born with luck and the Jinx Artillery fits her. It has better range than normal artillery and causes havok to her enemies by causing a Jinx or bad luck to them.


  • [Rachel] Windfall [3*]


Nell was originally all about luck. The idea is to improve her tool kit so new concept cheat death, which allows unit a chance to survive destruction. Her CO zone allows for 1 chance of 100% cheating death. Her luck in powers are reduced in response. When she reaches Vet rank her luck becomes maxed out all the time.



  • [Hit] Mechanics
  • [Miss] Waking up early
  • [Specialty] Heals & Repairs

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Repairs & HP Heal give additional +1 Heal {owned units}
  • Free Repair Cost {Owned properties}
  • 50% Build Rate to Temp Buildings {Owned Units}
  • Can Repair for +1 HP on neutral and enemy properties but Repairs cost as 150% cost. {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +1 HP Heal {Owned Units}

Hyper Repair (COP) [3*]

  • +3 HP Heal {Owned Units}

Hyper Upgrade (SCOP) [6*]

  • +5 HP Heal {Owned Units}
  • [+20/0] {Owned Units}
  • +1 movement {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Repair Tank (from APC)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision : 1
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: Same as APC
Weapon 1:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • +1 HP Repair Heal {owned units adjacent to this unit}
  • Repair costs a flat rate of 1000 G. no matter the unit.


Andy is the repair sepcialist of Orange Star and it makes sense for his unit to be the Repair Tank. Repair Tank can provide support to units in the field by bother resupply and healing friendly troops.


  • [Eagle] Air Lift [2*]
  • [Max] Power Wrench [1*]
  • [Hawke] Shaky Alliance [1*]


Andy is the mechanic and repair wise, he original doesn't have d2d but now gains one, He gets free repair costs on his properties, but has to pay 50% extra for 1 HP heal on neutral and enemy properties. DoR Concpet of Temp buildings brings a new ablity 50% build rate for temp buildings for Andy to desplay his mechanical skills. He also gets a small Heal in his CO Zone. His power gets increased by 1 HP but super stays the same, but when he reaches his vet rank all abilities are increased by +1 HP, so for example this will make +2 HP on neutral and enemy, it make it +3 on his own properties, and 1 HP increase for his CO zone, Powers, and units that can Heal HP.



  • [Hit] Weight training
  • [Miss] Studying
  • [Specialty] Direct-Combat

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [+30/+0] {owned non-soldier direct units}
  • [+20/+0] {Owned Non-soldier direct units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [-0/-10] (owned indirect units)
  • -1 range {owned indirect units}
  • [-10/+0] {owned indirect units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+30/+0] {owned direct vehicle units}
  • [+0/-20] {vs. enemy indirect attacks}

Max Force (COP) [3*]

  • {+20/+0] {owned non-soldier direct units}
  • +1 movement {owned non-soldier direct units}

Max Blast (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+40/+0] {owned non-soldier direct units}
  • +2 movement {owned non-soldier direct units}

Leader Unit - Cavalary Tank (from Tank)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: River Treads
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: Same as MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Neotank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Neotank


  • Can cross rivers but it costs 2 movement points when moving on, entering or leaving river tiles.
  • Perfect Movement [Clear] for non-river tiles.
  • Cannot benefit from Terrain Defense.


Max's personal unit is the Calvery tank that is fast reinforcemnt that can break the map by crossing and moving on rivers but it's at a cost it cannot get any terrain defense.


  • [Grit] Big Country [2*]
  • [Andy] Power Wrench [1*]


Max is power house that stinks at indirects that is considered the master of treads and tires. He is like his AW2 self in his D2D and powers. He becomes like his AW1 self in his co zone but for vehicles only but they can take more damage from indirects. WHen he reaches his vet rank d2d wise he will become his AW1 self with same weakeness.



  • [Hit] Chocolate
  • [Miss] Cowards
  • [Specialty] Soldiers

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [Revival] 25% chance a Killed unit can revive at half HP at nearest allied property {Owned Soldier units}
  • +50% Capture Rate {owned soldier units}
  • [+30/+0] {owned soldier units}
  • +1 movement {owned transport units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-10/+0] (owned non-soldier direct units)

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+10/+0] Vs Direct-Vehicle Units {owned non-direct units}
  • First-Strike Counterattacks {owned soldier units}

Double Time (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/+0] {owned soldier units}
  • Perfect Movement [all weather] {owned soldier units}
  • +1 movement {Owned soldier units}

Victory March (SCOP) [8*]

  • [+50/+0] {owned soldier units}
  • +1950% Capture Rate {owned soldier units}
  • +2 movement {owned soldier units}

Leader Unit - Commando (from Mech)


  • Move: 4
  • Move Type: Mech
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense Same Defense as Mech
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Satchel Charge
  • Ammo:3
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Artillery (Vehicles Only)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Heavy Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same damage as Recon


  • Is automatically hidden only on [FRST] & [MNTN] Tiles.
  • Can be attacked when Revealed


Orange Star’s Infantry specialist, Sami has access to her personal elite Commando units. These highly trained solders can make quick, decisive strikes against enemy infantry and armor and can hide in forests and mountains but are easily revealed.


  • [Eagle] Earth and Sky [3*]
  • [Sonja] Girl Power [1*]


Sami is an infantry or soldier specialist, she can now boost bikes on top of infantry and mechs, which I feel this seperates her from Sensei a bit. She is her AW2 iteration for D2D and her Super, but her power brings back her AW1 perfect movement as an extra push. Her capture rate is still +50% because I feel it being busted only applies to a tag with Eagle. Reducing it will take away from what makes Sami, Sami. Her CO zone helps a little for her weakenesses by allowing non-direct units to to get a bonus against direct units, but also her infantry, mechs and bikes are able to strike first in couhterattack like her rival Sonja can in her super. When she reaches her vet rank she has a 1/4 chance of reviving her own soldier units when killed close to the battlefield for half their HP.



  • [Hit] Tea
  • [Miss] Medicine
  • [Specialty] Unit Price

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • -10% Unit Price {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [+0/-10] {Owned Units}
  • +20% Capture Rate {Enemy Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • Unit Price is set at 100%. {owned units}
  • [+(Unit Price)/+0] {Owned Units}
  • D2D Weakness are doubled.

Barter (COP) [3*]

  • [Veteran Rank] -20% Unit Price during Powers {owned units} *-20% Unit Price {Owned Units}

Merchant Union (SCOP) [6*]

  • [Veteran Rank] -20% Unit Price during Powers {owned units}
  • City Deployment is set at 100% Unit Price {owned ground units}

Leader Unit - Smuggler (from Recon)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Mud Tires
  • Vision: 4
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: APC Defense (Weapon 1) & Recon Defense (Weapon 2)
Weapon 1:
  • Name: TOW Missile
  • Ammo: 1
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same Damage as Artillery (Vehicles Only)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Recon.


  • [APC] Resupply with a limit of 1 before needs to be resupplied
  • Can resupply and repair from any property


Hachi's special unit is the Smuggler a specialized Recon than is resourceful due to that it can resupply and repair from any property. They do have limited way to fight enemy armor but it only has one shot. They can resupply other units but it is also limited to 1 supply before it needs to be resupplied.


  • [Sensei] Grizzled Vets [*2]


Hachi is the most broke CO. He keeps his d2d but gains two weaknesses to his defense but also it's easier for the enemy to capture his own propteries they 20% Bonus which helps against him. His CO zone he loses his Unit Price benefits to convert it to firepower, but it doubles his d2d weaknesses. His power is not as strong as original only up to 30% less. His super is now worth an extra star but buying units from cities is set to 100% unit price. When he gains his vet rank he gains back his 50% discount only in his power and only gets 30% discout for super, but building units on cities still at 100%.



  • [Hit] Clubbin'
  • [Miss] Easy Listening
  • [Specialty] Plains & Wastelands

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] First-strike counterattacks on [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles {owned units}
  • [Veteran Rank] +1 Range on [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles {owned indirect vehicle units}
  • [+20/0] On [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+0] {Owned Vehicle Units}
  • Perfect Movement [All Weather] on [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles {owned units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +1 range {owned indirect vehicle units}
  • Double Terrain Stars to [PLIN] & [WTLD] {owned units}

Beat Down (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/0] On [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles {Owned Units}
  • +1 Range {Indirect Vehicle Units}

Block Rock (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+40/0] On [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles {Owned Units}
  • +1 Range {Indirect Vehicle Units}
  • +2 Movement (Direct Vehicle Units)

Leader Unit - Rocket Battery (from Rockets)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Mud Tires
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as Artillery
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Heavy Rockets
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 2-6
  • Damage: Same as Bomber (ground non anti-air), Rockets (anti-air and naval)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • +1 Range if starting on [PLIN] & [WTLD] Tiles.


Jake unlike Max or Jess gets indirect unit as he's not just solid direct person. He gets the Rocket Battery a unit that can rival a bomber in damage with range of a battleship. Even worse it gets additional range on Plains and Wastelands. It also has better tires so it has better movement placement than normal Rockets.


  • [Rachel] Orange Crush [2*]
  • [Jess] Heavy Metal [1*]


Jake is a very weak CO, D2D now he gets a stronger boost on plain and minor boost to vehicles, in addition perfect movment on plains and wastelands. His co zone get double terrain stars for plains and wastelands and +1 additional range for indirect vehicles. His Powers don't change exeact firepower rises to 40% for his power & 60% for his super on plains and wastelands. When he reaches he vet rank he gets first-strike counterattacks and +1 Range only on plains and wastelands.



  • [Hit] Hard Work
  • [Miss] Excuses
  • [Specialty] Base Repairs & Luck

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Targeted Non-Lethal Projectile Range +1 [Ex: 0~2 -> 0~3]
  • [Veteran Rank] 50% Repairs {owned units}
  • +1 Repair Rate (Owned properties)
  • Takes no luck damage from enemy units {owned units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [Cheat Death] Units has a 25% chance to of remaining at 0.1 HP, ignoring destruction.
  • Enemy Targeted Non-Lethal Projectiles does 50% damage inside her zone {Owned units}

Lucky Lass (COP) [3*]

  • [+0/+30] Luck {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned Units}

Covering Fire (SCOP) [7*]

  • Missiles can damage friendly targets
  • 1 [0~2] range 2 HP damage missile [highest HP total, soldiers have a 2x multiplier, capturing soldiers have a 8x multiplier]
  • 1 [0~2] range 2 HP damage missile [highest combined unit value]
  • 1 [0~2] range 2 HP damage missile [highest combined HP]

Leader Unit - Radar Missiles (from Missiles)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Mud Tires
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as Missiles
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Scud Missiles
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 3-8
  • Damage: Same as Missiles
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Reduces air damage by 50% within it's vision range.


Rachel's personal unit is the Radar Missiles they have same range as a carrier and have better movement than normal missiles but what helps it reduces air attacks by 50% with it's vision range.


  • [Nell] Windfall [3*]
  • [Jake] Orange Crush [2*]


Rachel doesn't not take luck damage to her on top of +1 base repairs in her d2d. Her CO zone she can take reduced damage from silo attacks and inventions but also like her big sis Nell she can cheat death but a lower rate than her sis. Her power is improved she keeps her luck but also gets a minor firepower and defense bonus along with +1 movement as she motives her soldies. She keeps her same super but it costs 1 Star and it can hurt her own troops. When she reaches her Vet she get a 50% discount on repairs & extend her range of damage when using silos by 1.

Blue Moon



  • [Hit] Warm Boots
  • [Miss] Rain Clouds
  • [Specialty] Snow

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Weather during powers last 1 extra day​​
  • Snow Immunity {Owned Units}
  • +1 Movement when in snow {owned units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • Rain Penalty {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +1 Movement {owned units}
  • [+10/+0] in snow {owned units}

Blizzard (COP) [3*]

  • Current weather is set to Snow (1 Day)
  • [+0/+10] {owned units}

Winter Fury (SCOP) [7*]

  • Current weather is set to Snow (1 Day)
  • -2 HP Damage {enemy units}
  • [+0/+10] {owned units}

Leader Unit - Frost Tank (from Flame Tank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Treads
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 60
  • Defense: Same as a Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: (Cryro Command)
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 0-5
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Cryro Grenades
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Incendiary Grenades


  • Hidden in Snow
  • All fire abilities are replaced with ice.


Olaf's own unit takes from the flame tank former flare and gives it ice abilities and will freeze tiles. Frozen tiles cause -75% countattack but also allows movment on rivers giving them road abilities. This makes for unique play for Olaf a useful support unit.


  • [Grit] Snow Patrol [1*]


Olaf is pretty bland, but now in d2d he gets +1 Movement. In his CO zone units start with +1 movement and get 10% firepower bonus during snow. Olaf's power & super does not change but gains 10% defense to help with the stall. When he reaches his vet rank he increases in snow rate to 2 days like in DS.



  • [Hit] Cats
  • [Miss] Rats
  • [Specialty] Indirect-Combat

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Indirect Units can use assist twice in a turn {Owned Indirect units}
  • [Veteran Rank] [+20/+0] {owned indirect units}
  • +1 Range (All indirect units)

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-20/+0] [non-soldier direct units]

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • -1 blind spot range (minimum 1) {owned indirect units}
  • HP Reduction doesn't affect damage output {owned indirect units}

Snipe Attack (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/+0] {Owned Indirect Units}
  • +1 Range {Owned Indirect Units}

Super Snipe (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+50/+0] {All Indirect Units}
  • +2 Range {All Indirect Units}

Leader Unit - Siege Cannon (from Anti-Tank)


  • Move: 3
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 1
  • Fuel: 30
  • Defense: Same as Anti-Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Heavy Cannon
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 3-10
  • Damage: Same as Rockets
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Does not gain Range from D2D, COZ or Powers
  • [+5/+0] Base Luck per additional Range from D2D, CoZ, and Powers


Grit's special unit is a siege cannon with highest range of any unit goes to 10. This unit does not add range to it instead the range bonus is turned into a luck bonus as marksman tend to get lucky sometimes.


  • [Max] Big Country [2*]
  • [Olaf] Snow Patrol [1*]


Grit is very broke so he returns to AW1 D2D of only +1 Range, he keeps his AW2 weakness of non-soldier directs getting less firepower. His CO zone he now increase the range of his blind spot, his lower range instead of the upper range like in d2d. Worse unit damaging his indirect does not reduce his firepower in his CO zone only. HIs power and super are the same just that he has lower firepower bonus for his power. When Grit reaches his vet rank he uses CWT's unique action called assist twice. Which means using something like apc moving it next to an enemy and using the assit command twice. He also regains his aw2 d2d boost of 20% firepower.



  • [Hit] Olaf and Grit
  • [Miss] Black Hole
  • [Specialty] Cheap Units

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Increases deployment funds by 25% during powers
  • -20% Unit Price {Owned Units}
  • Free Upgrade Cost {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-10/-10] {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}
  • 50% of the damage by the unit's worth in funds will be added to the player's funds

Gold Rush (COP) [2*]

  • The quantity of funds available is multiplied by 1.25x

(SCOP) Power of Money [6*]

  • [+1/0] per 300G of funds.

Leader Unit - Partisan (from Infantry)


  • Move: 3
  • Move Type: Mech
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as a Mech
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Firebomb
  • Ammo: 1
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Artillery (Soldiers) Same as Mech (Vehicles)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Rifle
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: 10% less than Infantry


  • 2x Morale Bar gain {this unit}
  • +50% Capture Rate


Colin's special unit is a specialized infantry that can capture like Sami's infantry does. It also can gain double morale bar gain valuue but it has limited attack against vehicles and poor damage against most units.


[Sasha] Trust Fund [3]


Colin is another broke co. So he now gets weakened defense on top of firepower d2d, but he can freely upgrade units into his leader unit. His CO Zone negates his d2d weakness and can earn money from combat at 50% rate. His power is reudced it's 1.25 times now as 1.5 times is worth 4 stars not 2. His super remains the same. WHen he reaches his vet he can gain +25 funds during powers both normal and super.



  • [Hit] Truffles
  • [Miss] Pork Grinds
  • [Specialty] Morale & War Funds

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Cannot charge Morale during activation of her powers {enemy players}
  • +10% income {owned properties}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • -25% morale bar charge rate {enemy units}

Market Crash (COP) [2*]

  • Moral Bar Drain [(Current Funds / 50,000) x 100] {Enemy Players}

War Bonds (SCOP) [6*]

  • +100% Conversion of Damage to Funds
  • [+((Current Funds / 50,000) x 50)/+0] {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Howitzer (from Rockets)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Treads
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as Artillery
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Rocket Cannon
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 3-6
  • Damage: Same as Rockets.
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • [+20/+0] Vs Enemy units on 1 Star terrain or less.


Sasha's special unit is a daring artillery with same range and damage as rockets. It also will get a firepower bonus against units on terrain less than 2 terrain stars.


  • [Colin] Trust Fund [3*]


Sasha keeps her d2d & power the same. Her CO zone makes it so that enemies get 1/4 less charge value their. Her super is now reworked using the formula for CO power but now turned to firepower but is multipled by 50 instead of 100 to tamp down on it going out of control. This gives Sasha a nice pusher choose instead of spaming her power. Also can earn cash threw combat at full 100% Rate. When she reaches her vet rank she makes enemies miserable by not allowing enemies to charge when she has actived her power or super.

Green Earth



  • [Hit] Lucky googles
  • [Miss] Swimming
  • [Specialty] Air Superiority

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Enemy can't counterattack {owned air units}
  • [+20/+10] {Owned Air Units}
  • -2 fuel cost per day {Owned Air Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-20/+0] {Owned Naval Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+0/+20] (Vs. Air-Def units)
  • Perfect Movement [Clear] {Non-foot soldier units}

Lightning Drive (COP) [4*]

  • [+5/+10] {Owned Air Units}
  • 2 Movement {Owned Non-Foot Soldiers Units}

Lightning Drive (SCOP) [9*]

  • All Units except Foot Soldiers can move again.
  • [+5/+10] {Owned Air Units}

Leader Unit - Lightning Fighter (from Fighter)


  • Move: 9
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: 20% more than a fighter.
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Omni-Missiles
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Fighter (vs Air), Stealth (vs ground), & seaplane (vs naval)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • +100% Moral Charge with kills {This Unit}
  • [+20/+0] {Vs. Enemy Air Units}
  • Can use Assist Command against any unit.


This is Eagle's special fighter. Which has superior damage against all unit types. It gains 100% charge with each kill it makes. It gets a firepower bonus against other units. It can also call upon allied indirects with assist against any unit.


  • [Sami] Earth and Sky [3*]
  • [Andy] Air Lift [2*]
  • [Drake] Stormwatch [2*]


Eagle D2D is like his AW2 Self. Eagle's CO ZOne his air units gain reistant to units like the anti-air, missiles, etc. IN addition he gets perfect movment for non-foot soldiers in his CO ZOne, but only in clear weather. Between debating between his CO Powers threw the series, I original going to make like AW1 power but decided that it be like his AW2 CO Power but with a twist. He gets +2 movement boost but for non-foot soldiers as making like AW1 and two-turn attack will still go out control and be broken. Thou, +2 movment to most units not just air is so the CO power be somewhat useful for non-air to make it useful but for 4 stars. His super is unchanged. When Eagle reaches vet his air units cannot be counterattacked.



  • [Hit] The sea
  • [Miss] Heights
  • [Specialty] Naval & Rain

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Rainy Weather replaces Clear Weather
  • [+0/+10] {Owned Naval Units}
  • +1 Movement {Naval Units}
  • [+10/+0] in Rain {Owned Units}
  • Rain Immunity

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-20/+0] {Owned Air Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +2 Terrain Stars {Owned Ground & Naval}
  • Income transfers to you {enemy properties}

Tempest (synonym to squall but cooler sounding) (COP) [4*]

  • +1 HP Damage {Enemy Units}
  • Enemy units lose 50% Fuel {Enemy Units}
  • [Veteran Rank] +1 Vision {Owned Units}

Typhoon (SCOP) [7*]

  • Deals 2 HP Damage {Enemy Units}
  • Enemy units lose 50% Fuel {Enemy Units}
  • Causes Rain for 1 day
  • [Veteran Rank] +1 Vision & Piercing Vison {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Missile Sub (from Sub)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Ship
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 60
  • Defense 20% Stronger than a sub.
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Missile
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 3-8
  • Damage: Same as a Battleship
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Can see hidden subs within it's vision Range
  • Cannot attack when Dived.


Drake's special unit is the missile sub, it's attack strength and range of a battleship. It can also see hidden subs with it's vision range. It cannot attack when divded.


  • [Eagle] Stormwatch [2*]


Drake improves his naval units defensively and it's movement. In rain he gains a minor firepower bonus. In his CO Zone, he gets +2 terrain star for naval & ground units. He also steals incomes of enemy cities to dip into his pirate ties. His powers are the same. When Drake reaches his vet Rank he turns all weather to rain but he gains vision in his powers and pirecing vision in his super this is give him superiority in the rain during his vet rank.



  • [Hit] Dandelions
  • [Miss] Unfit COs
  • [Specialty] Vehicle-Combat

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +1 movement {owned vehicle direct units}
  • [Veteran Rank] +1 range {owned vehicle indirect units}
  • [+20/+0] {Owned non-bike Vehicle Units}
  • Ignores Enemy CO Zone Abilities {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-10/+0] {Owned Naval & Air Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+20/+0] when attacking (owned non-bike vehicle units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned non-bike vehicles Units}

Turbo Charge (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/+0] {Owned non-bike Vehicle Units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned non-bike Vehicle Units}
  • Supplies Restored {Owned Units}

Overdrive (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+40/+0] {Owned non-bike Vehicle Units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned non-bike Vehicle Units}
  • Supplies Restored {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Tank Hunter (from Tank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Treads
  • Vision: 1
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: AP Cannon
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Anti-Tank (against armor), Same as MD Tank (all but armor)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as MD Tank


  • Destroys any remaining fuel {Enemy Vehicle Units}


Jess's special unit the Tank Hunter can armor pierce tank units. Their attacks destroy their fuel leaving them helpless.


  • [Javier] Green Flash [1*]
  • [Jake] Heavy Metal [1*]


Jess is more her DS self than AW2 D2D and powers. Jess D2D now gives the ability to ignore enemy CO zone abilties. Jess's CO zone is like a mini blitz in combined with her d2d that gives a vehicle firepower bonus & movmement bonus. When she reaches her vet rank she gains +1 movment for her direct vehicles & +1 range for her vehicle indirects.



  • [Hit] Honor
  • [Miss] Retreating
  • [Specialty] Indirect Defense & Movement based Attack

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [+0/+20] {owned units}
  • [+0/+10] {owned units}
  • [+0/+20] VS. Indirect Attacks {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+0] if the unit has moved its full movement away from its starting space before attacking. {owned direct vehicles units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • Assist can't target in zone {owned units}
  • [+0%/+20%] {owned non-moved units}

Iron Shield (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/+0] if the unit has moved its full movement away from its starting space before attacking. {owned direct vehicles units}
  • [+0/+20] Vs. Indirect Attacks {Owned Units}

Royal Charge (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+40/+0] if the unit has moved its full movement away from its starting space before attacking. {owned direct vehicles units}
  • [+5%/+0%] per movement used {owned non-direct vehicle units}
  • [+0/+60] VS. Indirect attacks {owned Units}

Leader Unit - Chaperon (from Anti-Air)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 60
  • Defense: Same as Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Gatling
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-3
  • Damage: Same as Anti-Air {non-air}, same as missiles {Vs air}
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Can reduce an enemy's attack power by their own unit strength once per enemy turn.
  • Can negate any indirect attack within its range.


The Chaperon is Javier's special Unit that helps shot down air attacks, by reducing attack power by their own strenght. It can also negate any indirect attack within its range.


  • [Kanbei] Code of Honor [1*]
  • [Jess] Green Flash [1*]


Javier on paper with COM Towers just won't work. It affects the balance of the COs and even the balance of COM Towers. So now he is redone based on being a knight. D2D he gets a small defense boost. He keeps is boost vs indirect units. Now he newly gains direct attack bonus if he moves fully before attacking a charge mechanic like Calvary in Wargroove for direct vehicles. In his CO zone the Assist command is disable for enemies and he gains a defense bonus for non-moving units. His power now called Iron Shield, adds on to this charge mechanic and his indirect attack defense. His super is called Royal Charge, it now grant full charge for his direct vehicles of 150%. In addition for non direct vehicles get attack bonus based on movement. Furthermore he still boosts his defense against indirect attacks. Javier when he reaches his vet rank becomes AW2 Kanbei level defense.

Yellow/Gold Comet



  • [Hit] Sonja
  • [Miss] Computers
  • [Specialty] High quality units

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] (+10/+10) {owned units}
  • [+20/+20] {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • +20% Unit Price

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • Steals enemy Terrain Defense Stars during combat {Owned Units}

Morale Boost (COP) [4*]

  • [+20/+0] {Owned Units}

Samurai Spirit (SCOP) [7*]

  • [+20/+20] {Owned Units}
  • Counter-attacks will be multiplied by 2

Leader Unit - Royal Guard (from Tank)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 60
  • Defense: Same ad MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as MD Tank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as MD Tank


  • Counterattacks are increased by 1.5.


Kanbei's personal unit is his Royal guard. They do increased counterattacks.


  • [Sonja] Battle Standard [3*]
  • [Javier] Code of Honor [1*]


Kanbei AW2 is broke so he is lowered D2D to his AW1/DS level d2d. His CO zone he can steal his enemies' terrain stars dropping them to zero and adding them to his own. His power and super are not changed, but his super has x2 counterattacks. When her reaches his vet rank he becomes AW2 Kanbei d2d.



  • [Hit] Computers
  • [Miss] Bugs
  • [Specialty] Intel

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Units outside enemy vision range are hidden {owned units} {owned units}
  • Terrain Stars is reduced by 1 with min of 0 {Enemy Units}
  • Hidden HP {Owned Units}
  • +1 Vision {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-5/+0] Luck {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+0/+10] Luck {Owned Units}
  • +50% Counterattacks {Owned Units}
  • [+50/+0] when first-strike counterattacks is active. {Owned Units}

Enhanced Vision (COP) [3*]

  • Terrain Stars is reduced by 2 with min of 0 {Enemy Units}
  • +50% Counterattacks {Owned Units}
  • +1 Vision {Owned Units}
  • Piecing Vision {Owned Units}

Counter Break (SCOP) [5*]

  • Terrain Stars is reduced by 3 with min of 0 {Enemy Units}
  • First-strike counterattacks (no counterattack bonus). {owned units}
  • +1 Vision {Owned Units}
  • Piecing Vision {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Spyplane (from Duster)


  • Move: 8
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: Same as a bomber.
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Machine Guns
  • Ammo: 9
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Duster
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Can detect where units are hiding. In woods or reefs during Fog of War that you can't see into, if an enemy unit is present a little arrow marker appears on the square to show this.
  • Can be built from Temp Airports at upgrade price.
  • Spotted Enemies lose all terrain stars and [-10/-10]


Sonja's unique leader unit is the Spyplane a modified duster that can show were units are hiding. In addition unlike other leader units they can be built from Temp Airports but at the cost of the upgrade price. So even if their is no airports you can use an APC to build a temp airport to produce a spylane. Futhermore any spotted enemies will lose their terrain stars and lose 10% firepower and defense.


  • [Kanbei] Battle Standard [3*]
  • [Sami] Girl Power [1*]
  • [Lash] Brainstorm [1*]


Sonja's d2d reduces enemies terrain star by 1. It also hides her own HP and grants her 1 HP. She stil has bad luck but it's at DS level. Her CO zone brings back her AW2 50% counterattack but when her super it becomes firepower instead of being loss giving a 50% firepower boost. Her power, lowers enemy terrain stars by 2. In addtion it gives 50% counterattacks, additional vision and able to see hiding places. Her Super is the same making first-strike counterattack which make counterattacks useless and reduces enemy terrains stars by 3. When she reaches her vet Rank makes her units hidden to the enemy outside of the enemies vison range changing the battlefield.



  • [Hit] Lazy, rainy days
  • [Miss] Busy Malls
  • [Specialty] Foot Soldiers & Copters

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] (+20/+0) {owned copter units}
  • [Veteran Rank] +2 Movement {owned copter units}
  • [+30/+0] {Owned Foot Soldiers}
  • [+50/+0] {Owned B-Copters}
  • +1 Movement {Owned Transport Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • {-10/+0} {Owned Vehicle & Naval Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +30% Capture Rate {Owned Units}
  • (+0/+20) {owned transport units}

Copter Command (COP) [3*]

  • Can build 9HP Infantry on all owned cities for full price
  • {+20/+0} {Owned B-Copters}
  • +1 Movement {Owned Copters}

Airborne Assault (SCOP) [7*]

  • Can build 9HP Mechs on all owned cities for full price
  • {+20/+0} {Owned B-Copters}
  • +1 Movement {Owned Copters}

Leader Unit - Mobile Helipad (from APC)


  • Move: 4
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 1
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense Same as APC
Weapon 1:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Can transport 1 copter unit.
  • Resupplied and repairs transported unit
  • Can Build Copter Units at (Normal Cost + 2000) funds


Sensei unit the mobile helipad not affected by his power is a useful support unit as it allows him acces to to his copters even when their is no airports on a map or deployment properties. They can also limited transport a copter and act like a mini-carrier by resupplying and repairing it. They do cost more than a normal battle copter to build but it's worth it for easier access to copters.


  • [Hachi] Grizzled Vets [2*]
  • [Grimm] Rolling Thunder [1*]


Sensei is broke in his powers due to spawning infantry so some changes are needed. His d2d his foot soldiers are same strength as sami but his copter remain their 50% firewpower strength. His CO zone allows for 30% capture rate & gives defense to his transport copters. His power, boosts copters firepower and movement but allows you to BUILD your own 9HP infantry at full price on cities. His super does the same but he can build mechs. He is the teacher of Kanbei and Hachi so him building from cites makes sense it also lesses the brokeness of spawning but it now costs you. When sense reaches his vet rank his copters gain 2 movement and more firepower.



  • [Hit] Doughnuts
  • [Miss] Planning
  • [Specialty] Firepower with extra movement

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] First-Strike Counterattacks {Owned Units}
  • [+30/+0] {Owned Units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [+0/-20] {All Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+0/+20] Vs. Direct Attacks {Owned Units}
  • Enemy can't counterattack {Enemy Units}

Knuckleduster (COP) [3*]

  • [+30/+0] {All Units}

(SCOP) [6*]

  • [+60/+0] {All Units}

Leader Unit - AT Cycle (from Bike)


  • Move: 8
  • Move Type: Mud Tires
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as a Bike
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • None


Grimm's special unit is AT Cycle is a cheap full force Anti-Armor unit that can capture but they cannot defend themselves if they lose their ammo.


  • [Sensei] Rolling Thunder [1*]


Grimm's nickname is Lightning Grimm and most people play him wrong, which results in lower tier placement. To improve him a little D2D he gets extra movement this separates him being a Campaign Sturm without terrain and it also allows him to better attack first. His CO zone gives defense against direct attacks and disables enemy counterattacks. His power and super are not changed. When Grimm reaches his vet rank he becomes faster and now first-strike counterattacks all the time.

Black Hole



  • [Hit] Invasion
  • [Miss] Peace
  • [Specialty] Domination

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [Shadow] Units can move through any enemy or allied unit as though it is allied {Owned Units}
  • [Veteran Rank] [+20/+0] when attacking enemy units with less HP. {Owned Units}
  • [+20/+0] {Owned Units}
  • Perfect Movement [Clear & Rain] {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [+0/-10] {Owned Units}
  • CO Zone cannot Grow

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~0 Range]

  • [+0/+30] {Owned Units}

Passive Ability [Starts at 2*]

  • Gains CO Power Bonus D2D too. Resets after use of Super or morale charge falls under 2*.

Meteor Strike (SCOP) [10*]

  • [+20/+0] {Owned Units}
  • Meteor can damage friendly units.
  • 1 [0~2] range 6 HP damage meteor [Picks highest HP total or highest combined unit value, or highest combined unit value with indirect units have a 2x multiplier depending on which will give the most damage]

Leader Unit - Juggernaught (from Neotank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Robot
  • Vision: 1
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as Megatank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Mini-Deathray
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 1
  • Damage: Ground (Same as Neotank), Air Units (Same as Missles), Naval (Same as Battleship)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Can move on mountains, water tiles for 2 movement cost.
  • No Terrain Defense
  • Can move after attacking if it kills a unit.
  • Only 3 can be on the battlefield at a time.


  • Sturm's personal unit is the Juggernaut a walking death machine robot. It's defnse is strong as a megatank, and does the best damage other than megatank on all types. More scary, they can move on mountains and water tiles for 2 movement cost that means they can cross oceans! Lucky for you they get no terrain defense bonuses, but unlucky if they kill a unit it can move again! You lucky Sturm can only have 3 of these on a battlefield at a time.


  • None


Sturm is the most broke CO. Lot of people like so called Defensive Sturm but the problem is yes it's balanced but it's not fun and it doesn't fit his personality it is bad to sacrafice the character of CO for balance sake. D2D he gets 20% firepower and perfect movement in clear or rainy weather. He has -10% defense and his CO ZOne cannot grow and it's set to zone 0. His co zone he becomes his AW2 self. He doesn't have a Power but gains power daily bonus of [+10/+10] when his is above 2 star but it will end when he goes below 2 star morale charge or uses his super. His super is the same bonus as games but his Meteor is dropped to 6 HP a nice mid point between camapaign and aw1 sturm meteor damage. WHen sturm reaches his vet rank watch out his units can move threw enemy units like they are his own units or allied becoming like a shadow. In addition when he is vetted up he gains a firepower bonus when attacking enemy units with less HP than his unit to fullfill his bloodythirsty nature.



  • [Hit] Meat
  • [Miss] Veggies
  • [Specialty] Luck Based Attack

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Negative Luck is turned into firepower bonuses {Owned Units}
  • [+0/+15] Luck

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-10/+0] Luck

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • D2D Values are doubled. {Owned Units}

Brute Force (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/+0] {Owned Units}

Barbaric Blow (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+40/+0] {Owned Units}
  • [-10/+25] Luck {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Onyx Copter (from Copter)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Mid Air
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as a Copter
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Mini-Onyx Laser
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Piperunner Damage (all but high air)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Copter


  • Damage can ignore terrain defense.


Flak is brute and like to use cool toys his speciality unit is the Onyx Copter it has a mini verson of the laser based on the Black Onyx. This copter can target mid air units like seaplanes & dusters but still cannot reach higher air units like the bombers and fighters. His damage can pierce right threw terrain defense as if it was 0 stars.


  • [Lash] Bruise Cruise [1*]


Flak is low rank character due to bad luck. D2D he gets 5% more luck than Nell to compete his bad luck stays the same at -10%. His CO zone ability doubles his D2D values. His CO zone is a flat boost which took the avage of his old bad and good luck rolls which he now gets 20%. His super, he gets 40% firepower boost but gets additional luck and bad luck. When flak reaches his vet rank all his bad luck is gone converted to add to his firepower. His supposed to be violtile CO.



  • [Hit] Getting her way
  • [Miss] Not getting it
  • [Specialty] Terrain Offense

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Firepower doubles per terrain star {owned units}
  • [+10/+0] per terrain star {Owned Ground & Naval Units}
  • [+5/+0] per Terrain Star {Owned Air Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • HP Reduction doesn't affect terrain defense {owned units}
  • Terrain Stars cannot be reduced {owned units}

Terrain Tactics (COP) [3*]

  • Perfect Movement {All Weather}

Prime Tactics (SCOP) [7*]

  • Terrain Stars are Doubled {Owned Units}
  • Perfect Movement {All Weather}

Leader Unit - Spider Tank (from Tank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Infantry
  • Vision: 2 (3+ on mountains)
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: Same a Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Ruin MD Tank


  • Limited to 5.


Lash's specical unit is the Spider Tank that has same movement as infantry and is able to go onto mountains. It's bit stronger than a normal Tank. She is limited to 5 on the battlefield.


  • [Hawke] Rebel Yell [1*]
  • [Flak] Bruise Cruise [1*]
  • [Sonja] Brainstorm [1*]


Lash appears good but has weakness due to units losing defnese as they lose HP. Lash is improved she can now affect air units but at her DS level of 5% instead of 10. Her CO zone gets rid of the weakness but treating all units as full HP on terrain defense no matter their actual HP. In addition in her zone flame tanks cannot reduce her terrain stars. Her powers are unchanged but her CO power is just reduced in cost. Her vet doubles her terrain firepower.



  • [Hit] His own face
  • [Miss] Dirty Things
  • [Specialty] Fast Morale Recharge & Extra Movement

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +50% Morale Bar charge {Owned Units}
  • Morale Cost after use is reduced by 10% {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [Acid] Damage rounds down to nearest .1 HP after combat {enemy units}​​​​​​

Sideslip (COP) [2*]

  • +1 Movement {All Units}

(SCOP) [5*]

  • [+10/+0] {All Units}
  • +2 Movement {All Units}

Leader Unit - Spirit (from Bomber)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 60
  • Defense: same as a stealth
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Bombs
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as a bomber
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Anti-Air type attacks (anti-air, missiles etc) is 25% less effective


Adder's unit is the Spirit is basically same as a Stealth but bomber based instead of fight. In additiion anti-air is 25% less effective.


  • [Koal] Creepy Crawly [1*]


Adder is bland but not as low it plagues with not playing right. D2D ability makes power recharge penalty at 10% instead of 20% normally. His CO Zone, is posion like that damage rounds down to the nereast 0.1 HP after combat. His powers are unchange but get firepower bonus now in his super. When Adder gets his Vet rank he gets 50% morale boost charge.



  • [Hit] Black Coffee
  • [Miss] Incompetence
  • [Specialty] Everything

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +20% Morale Charge Speed {owned units}
  • [+10/+0] {Owned Units}
  • +50% Counterattack {Owned Units} (from AW Returns to help compete but not push over the brink)

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • HP Reduction doesn't affect damage output {owned units}

Black Wave (COP) [5*]

    • +1 HP Damage {Enemy Units}
    • +1 HP Heal {Owned Units}

Black Storm (SCOP) [9*]

  • +2 HP Damage {Enemy Units}
  • +2 HP Heal {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Drone (from APC)


  • Move: 8
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as a Duster.
Weapon 1:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Adds +1 Range in vision range {owned indirect units}
  • Adds +1 Movement in vision range {owned direct Units}
  • [+10/+0] in vision range {owned Units}
  • Can still transport 1 Foot Soldier.
  • loses all temp building properties.


Hawke's special unit the Drone, helps his units by giving them a firepower bonus, a movement bonus for direct-combat and a range bonus for indirects-combat, but the catch it is in it's vision range. Further more than can still transport foot soldiers too.


  • [Lash] Rebel Yell [1*]
  • [Andy] Shaky Alliance [1*]


Hawke is very balanced he has minor changes. D2D to help out a bit he gains +50% counterattack. His CO zone shows his rutherless that HP reduction does not effect damage. His powers are unchanged. When hawke reaches vet he gets minor 20% speed charge bonus.



  • [Hit] Energy
  • [Miss] Static Electricity
  • [Specialty] Mechanical Warfare

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [+0/+20] to Terrain Defense {Owned Units}
  • [+0/+5] Base Luck {Owned Units}
  • [+20/0] Units that have been resupplied or refueled at start of turn {owned non-foot soldier units}
  • [-5/+0] Base Luck {Enemy Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-15/+0] Base Luck {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • Base Luck is set to 0 {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}
  • Hidden HP {owned Units}

Overclock (COP) [3*]

  • Base Luck is set to 0 {Owned Units}
  • [+20/0] Units that have been resupplied or refueled at start of turn {owned non-foot soldier units}
  • Units can move after being built for 1/2 movement {non-foot soldiers units}
  • [-5/+0] Base Luck {Enemy Units}

System Crash (SCOP) [7*]

  • Base Luck is set to 0 {Owned Units}
  • [+40/0] Units that have been resupplied or refueled at start of turn {owned non-foot soldier units}
  • Units can move after being built {non-foot soldiers units}
  • [-15/+0] Base Luck {Enemy Units}

Leader Unit - Auto Tank (from Tank)


  • Move:6
  • Move Type: Treadd
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 80
  • Defense: Same as Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Auto Cannon
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as a Tank


  • Once per turn counterattack is automatically actived when enmy unit moves into or through an adjacent space.


Jugger's special unit is a robot tank based on his robot brain. They can automatically counterattack any enemy that moves into or threw an adjacent space.


  • [Kindle] Fireworks [1*]
  • [Koal] Power Surge [2*]


Jugger is too much like flak so he another co that I cannot keep the same and redisgned. Jugger has same luck as AW2 Flak but his own same bad luck. This is to reprisent him being less smart. He also weakness the enemy luck by 5%. In addition, any unit that has been resupplied or refueled that turn gets 20% firepowr bonus for non-foot soldiers. His commander zone he is like his prototype Epoch in CW. His luck is set to 0. He gains 10% firepower and defense and hides his HP only in the zone the rest of the battlefield does not have hidden hp. His power is now adjusted, luck is set to 0 and he gains another 20% firepoweer for units that has been resupplied or refuled that turn for non-foot soldiers. He also reduced enemy luck by another 5%. After building units during his power they can only move 1/2 as much. His super, sets luck to 0 and he gains another 40% firepoweer for units that has been resupplied or refuled that turn for non-foot soldiers. He reduces enemy luck by another 15% now. In addition any non-foot soldier he builds can move again fully. When jugger reaches his Vet Rank, adds 20% defense to terrain defense.



  • [Hit] Proverbs, Ramen
  • [Miss] Fondue
  • [Specialty] Pavement & Movement

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] (+10/+0) {vs. enemy units with higher defense stars}
  • [+0/+20] Units on ROAD & BRDG Tiles {Owned Units}
  • Weather Immunity {owned units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+20/+0] Units on ROAD & BRDG Tiles {Owned Units}
  • First-strike counterattacks on ROAD & BRDGE Tiles {owned units}

Forced March (COP) [3*]

  • [+3/+0] per movement in single direction, takes longest streak {owned units}
  • [+10/+0] Units on ROAD & BRDG Tiles {Owned Units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned Units}

Trial of Woe (SCOP) [5*]

  • [+5/+0] per movement in single direction, takes longest streak {owned units}
  • [+20/+0] Units on ROAD & BRDG Tiles {Owned Units}
  • +2 Movement {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Hot Tank (from Recon)


  • Move: 12 [On ROAD Tiles] & 7 [Other legal tiles]
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 80
  • Defense: Same as Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Laser Cannon
  • Ammo: 9
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: 10% more than Tank (Infantry & Vehicles)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Steal Terrain Defense from enemy when attacked.


Koal's special unit is the Hot Tank. It tears up the pavement (roads/bridges) on pavement with 12 movement and 7 movement on other legal tiies. It can also steal the terrain defense from the enemy when attacked.


  • [Jugger] Power Surge [2*]
  • [Kindle] Flash Point [1*]
  • [Adder] Creepy Crawly [1*]


Koal is a master of many things. D2D he gets 20% def bonus on pavement and being such skilled warrior he is immune to weather effects.
His CO Zone, he gets 20% firepower bonus and can first-strike counterattack but only on the pavement. His power he now gets a 3% firepower bonus per movement but has to be the longest streak in a single direction. He gets 10% firepower bonus on pavement and his +1 movement bonus. His super bumps it up to a 5% firepower bonus per movement but has to be the longest streak in a single direction. He gets 20% firepower bonus on pavement and 2 movement. When Koal reaches his vet rank he gets a 10% firepower bonus against enemies those with higher terrain stars.



  • [Hit] Anything Chic
  • [Miss] Anything passé
  • [Specialty] Urban warfare

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +2 Terrain Stars to Propteries {owned units}
  • [+40%] on HQTR, CITY, BASE, APRT, PORT, RDAR, TAPT, TSPT, LABS, QURY, ORIG & PSTN Tiles {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • [+1/+0] x total amount of CITY Tiles {owned units}
  • [+10/+0] {owned units that cost more than 10000G}

Urban Blight (COP) [3*]

  • [+40%] on HQTR, CITY, BASE, APRT, PORT, RDAR, TAPT, TSPT, LABS, QURY, ORIG & PSTN Tiles {Owned Units}
  • -3 HP damage on HQTR, CITY, BASE, APRT, PORT, RDAR, TAPT, TSPT, LABS, QURY, ORIG & PSTN Tiles {enemy units}

High Society (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+3/+0] x total amount of HQTR, CITY, BASE, APRT, PORT, RDAR, TAPT, TSPT, LABS, QURY, ORIG & PSTN Tiles {owned units}
  • [+80%] on HQTR, CITY, BASE, APRT, PORT, RDAR, TAPT, TSPT, LABS, QURY, ORIG & PSTN Tiles {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Hover Artillery (from Anti-Tank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Hover
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as Anti-Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Pipe Cannon
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 2-5
  • Damage: Same as Piperunner
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage:


  • All Terrain costs is 1.
  • Cannot cross sea or mountains.


Hover Artillery is based from the piperunner but with heavier armor. They use hover movement which alows all terrain costs to be 1. They cannot csubstain movement over mountains or the sea but they otherwise have perfect movement. They do have the strength and range of a piperunner and can even attack air unlike normal artillery, and they also have the armor of an anti-tank.


  • [Jugger] Fireworks [1*]
  • [Koal] Flash Point [1*]


Kindle keeps her D2D of boosting urban terrain. Her CO zone boosts 1% per city and she gets 10% bonus for higher tech units. Her power and super are unchanged. Her vet rank adds +2 terrain stars to cities.

Von Bolt


  • [Hit] Long Life
  • [Miss] Young 'uns!
  • [Specialty] Overpower

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +1 HP Heal {owned units adjacent to owned properties}
  • [+10/+10] {owned units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • Cannnot Counterattack {owned units}
  • -1 Move {owned units that cost more than 10000G}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +1 Repair HP {Owned Units}

Passive Ability [Starts at 2*]

  • Gains CO Power Bonus D2D too. Resets after use of Super or morale charge falls under 2*.

Ex Machina (SCOP) [10*]

  • 1 [0~2] range 5 HP damage crippling bolt (highest combined HP or highest funds value)

Leader Unit - Prism Tank (from MD Tank)


  • Move: 4
  • Move Type: Treads
  • Vision: 1
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Crystal Cannon
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as MD Tank (Infantry & Vehicle)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Attacks Heal same amount as damage delt to enemies.


Von Bolt's special unit is a tank that can sap enemy HP. It can heal the same ammount as it damaged delt to enemies.


  • None


Von Bolt keeps his D2D the same but cannot counterattack and units that are 11000 unit price or greater lose 1 movement. His CO zone is 1 HP repair heal so he has to pay for it. Like sturm he at 2 stars he gains his CO powe bonus of 10/10 but loses if he drops below or activates his super. His super is improved only by that damage is now 5 HP instead of 3 HP. When Von bolt reaches his vet rank his cities become like mini black crystals healing units for 1 HP.

12th Battalion



  • [Hit] Hope
  • [Miss] Dispair
  • [Specialty] Direct-Attack Ground & firepower against higher-priced units.

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] [+10/+0] Base Luck Vs enemy unit cost > player unit cost {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+0] {Owned Direct-Ground Units}
  • [+20/+0] Vs enemy unit cost > player unit cost {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-20/+0] {Non-Direct Ground Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~2 Range]

  • If ally unit waits inside zone, they can move again, but waiting a second time makes them go into wait move. {Owned non-CO & Leader Units}
  • [+0/-20] Reanimated units when not in wait {owned non-CO units}
  • (+5/+0) per morale star charged {owned CO units}

Inspire (COP) [3*]

  • [+20/+0] Vs enemy unit cost > player unit cost {Owned Units}
    • 1 Movement {Direct-Ground Units}

Rally Cry (SCOP) [7*]

  • [+20/+0] {Direct-Ground Units}
  • [+40/+0] Vs enemy unit cost > player unit cost {Owned Units}
  • +2 Movement (Direct-Ground units)

Leader Unit - Victory Tank (from Tank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense Same as Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Ruin MD Tank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as Ruin MD Tank


  • Starts at Vet Rank Automatically
  • Ability to gain Vet Rank Ability
  • Cannot get benefits from CO zone abilities.


Will's unit is the Victory Tank. This unique that it is already at Vet level and can use the Vet Rank ability due to be so full of morale Will brings. Unlike other leader units it cannot gain benfits from his CO Zone scarficing that to be automatic vet rank ahead of other units.


  • None


Wiil likes to motivate his troops and the student of Brenner. His D2d he minorly boosts Direct-Ground combat. He does well enemy units that are higher-priced than him. He is weak with non-direct ground combat. His CO zone is based from Ceaser from Wargroove. Non-CO Units that do their first wait in the zone get reanimated at cost of 20% defense and if they wait a 2nd time in the zone they will go into wait mode and the defense loss resets. Will's CO & leader units also gains +5% firepower per charged moral star. Will's power Inspire he boosts his direct-ground movement and gets more firepower against higher-priced enemies and a 1 movement bonus. Will's Super Rally cry he rallys his troops give 2 movement bonus. He gets even more firepower against higher-priced enemies and now gets bonus for his direct-ground. When he reaches his vet rank he gains 10% luck bonus on higher priced enemy units.



  • [Hit] Helping Others
  • [Miss] Dishonor
  • [Specialty] Defense

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] During powers, immune to non-combat damage {owned units}
  • [+0/+10] {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~3 Range]

  • +1 HP Heal {Owned Units}
  • +1 HP Repair Rate {Owned Units}
  • Free Repairs {Owned Units}

Reinforce (COP) [3*]

  • +1 HP Heal (All Units)
  • [+0/+30] {Owned Units}

Lifeline (SCOP) [6*]

  • +3 HP Heal {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+50] {Owned Units}
  • +1 movement {Owned units}

Leader Unit - Medic Tank (from Flame Tank)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 60
  • Defense: Same as Flame Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: [Medic Strike Command]
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 0-5
  • Damage: None
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as a Tank.


  • Medic Strike does [0~2] +2 HP Heal {owned units}
  • All Flame Abilities are removed.


Brenner's leader unit is the Medic Tank, he converts the Flame Tank to a ranged healing support. It loses all flame abilities and weapons but it's secondary has tank strength machine gun at least.


  • None


Brenner is alike Andy but he is more rugged and more focused. Brennner in his d2d only boosts all units with 10% defense. Brenner's CO zone is his main focus. He like Andy can give +1 Heal to his units, but unlike Andy he adds on to his repair rate and it costs all free but only in his zone. Brenner power's Reinforce can only heal for +1 and increases his defense by 30%. Brenner's super Lifeline heals for +3 HP and raises Defense by 50% but small increase of 10% firepower and +1 movement also. When Brenner reaches his vet rank he can be immune to non-combat damage during powers.



  • [Hit] Teasing
  • [Miss] Flying
  • [Specialty] Ground Units & Fog of War

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [+20/+0] in [FRST], [RUIN], [MIST] & [REEF] {Owned Units}
  • [+10/+0] {Owned Ground Units}
  • +2 Vision {Owned ground Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-20/+0] {Owned Air Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~1 Range]

  • [+0/+10] {Owned Ground Units}

Night Vision (COP) [3*]

[Veteran Rank] Hides units like they are in hiding places {owned units}

  • Causes 1 Day of Fog of War
  • Piercing Vision {owned ground units}
  • [+20/+0]% if the opponent couldn’t see the unit before it moved/attacked {owned ground units}

Espionage (SCOP) [7*]

[Veteran Rank] Hides units like they are in hiding places {owned units}

  • Causes 1 Day of Fog of War
  • Piercing Vision {owned ground units}
  • [+20/+0]% if the opponent couldn’t see the unit before it moved/attacked {owned ground units}
  • [+20/+0] {owned ground units}

Leader Unit - Intel Truck (from Recon)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Mud Tires
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 50
  • Defense: Same as a Recon
Weapon 1:
  • Name: (CommJammer)
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: 1-3
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Deploy Command triggers AFoW (Artificial Fog of War) field
  • AFoW (Artificial Fog of War) Tiles act like Forests Tiles in FoW
  • AFoW Tiles can still be effected by the Flame Tank.


Lin is like Sonja an intel specialist but she is very much in deception. Lin's intel truck can deploy a field of artifical fog of war and they act as field of hiding places which completement her powers. Yet it can be still effected by the Flame Tank's abilities.


  • None


Lin is a soft counter to Sonja in intel and master of fog of war. Lin D2D gets 20% firepower when attacking from hiding places. Lin is ground specialist and gets 10% firepower bonus along with +2 to her ground vision. Lin is not-skilled with air so gets 20% firepower reduction. Lin's CO zone gives 10% defense to her ground units. her power night vision gives pirecing vision and triggers fog of war to the field. She gets 20% firepower bonus if her ground units were not in enemy sight after she triggers her fog of war. Her super Esponiage, brings all from her power but adds a base 20% firepower bonus for her ground units on top of it. Lin when she reaches her vet rank will now hide her units during powers.



  • [Hit] Flowers
  • [Miss] Ammesia
  • [Specialty] Everything

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Terrains Stars are set to 2 execpt for terrain with higher stars. {owned Units}
  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • -10% Capture Rate {owned units}
  • Base Luck is set to 0 {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~2 Range]

  • [+10/+0] Vs enemy unit cost > player unit cost {Owned Units}

Deep Strike (COP) [4*]

  • +1 Movement (Owned non-indirect units)
  • +1 Range (Owned Indirect units)

Hyper Strike (SCOP) [7*]

  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}
  • +2 Movement (Owned non-indirect units)
  • +2 Range (Owned Indirect units)

Leader Unit - Mobile Workshop (from APC)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Tread
  • Vision: 1
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as APC
Weapon 1:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Can heal adjacent units by 1 HP but it costs funds.
  • Can transport two infantry or mech units.
  • Can instantly build temp buildings.
  • Can reduce adjacent ememy properties by 5 capture points.


Isabella's special units is the Mobile Workshop. This unit can heal adjacent units by 1 HP but it cost funds. It is able to carry 1 extra foot soldier and can instantly build temp buildings. Futhermore, it can reduce adjacent enemy properties by 5 capture points to help the capturing phase.


  • None


Isabella's D2D give 10% firepower and defense like Von Bolt at cost of 10% capture rate and base luck is set to 0. Her CO Zone she gets 10% firepower against units that are higher price than hers like Will does. Her power Deep strike increases movement and indirect range by 1. Her super Hyper strike increaese 10% firepower and defense and boosts movement and range of units by 2. When isabella reaches her vet rank she sets all her terrain to 2 stars unless the terrain has higher terrain stars.

Lazurian Army



  • [Hit] Revenge
  • [Miss] Not getting it
  • [Specialty] Air Attack

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] (+30/+0) vs. non-retaliating enemy units {owned units}
  • [+30/+0] {owned air units}
  • [+3/+0] per filled star in enemies morale bar {owned units}
  • [+10/+0] vs. non-retaliating enemy units {owned units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • (+0/-3) per filled star in own morale bar {owned units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~1 Range]

  • Can't repair {attacked enemy units}
  • Can't Counterattack {attacked enemy units}

Sonic Boom (COP) [3*]

  • +1 movement {owned Units}
  • Counter-attacks are performed as if with full HP at all times {owned units}

Shock Wave (SCOP) [7*]

  • +2 movement {owned Units}
  • Counter-attacks are performed as if with full HP at all times {owned units}
  • HP Reduction doesn't affect damage output {owned units}

Leader Unit - Fortress (from Duster)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as Bomber
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Bombs
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: 5% more firepower than a Bomber
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Does 20% more damage to units on property tiles.
  • [+0/+10] (Vs. Air-Def units)
  • 2x counterattack against Air-Def


Tasha's unit is the Fortress it unique upgrades from duster to compete with bombers. Fortress does 20% more damage to units on property tiles. It has 10% defense and does 2x counterattack against Air-Defenses. They have slower movement than bombers.


  • None


Tasha is master of revenge. Her d2d she gets 30% firepower for her air units. She gets 10% firepower bonus on non-retaliating enemy units. As her enemies charge up their morale bar she gains +3% firepower per star on them. She gets reckless as she charges her own morale bar and gers -3% defense per star. Her CO Zone disables repairs & counteratacks for enemy units. Her power Sonic Boom, gives +1 Movement and makes it so counterattacks do same strength as full HP no matter the HP of the unit. Her super Shock Wave builds up on that add another 1 movement to all units and she her attacks now do same strnegth as full HP no matter the HP of the units. Her vet rank she now gains addoitonal +30% firepower bonus on units that cannot retaliate on her.



  • [Hit] Getting Things Done
  • [Miss] Talking
  • [Specialty] Naval and Indirect Combat

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +2 Range before movement if unit moves loses range {owned direct units}
  • [+3/+0] per tile unit is seperated from it's target {owned indirect units}
  • [+0/+20] Hiding Places Tiles {owned units}
  • +1 Movement {Owned indirects & Naval}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-20/+0] {owned direct vehicles & air units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~2 Range]

  • [+20/+0] {owned indirects & Naval}
  • Pefect Vision (Piercing Vision + Vision cannot be reduced) {owned units}

Quick Shot (COP) [2*]

  • +1 Range {Owned Indirects}
  • First Indirect gets +5 Range {owned indirects}

Long Shot (SCOP) [7*]

  • Indirect Range is set to 8. {owned non-carrier indirect units}
  • +2 Range {Owned carrier units}
  • [+20/+0] {owned indirects & Naval}

Leader Unit - Aegis Warship (from Gunboat)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Transport
  • Vision: 3
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: same as Destroyer
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Anti-Ship Missiles
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 3-6
  • Damage: Same as Destroyer (Ground), Same as Battleship (Naval)
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Upgrade is 2x cost instead of 1.5x
  • Can transport 2 land units.


Gage's special unit is the Aegis Warship. It unlike other fighting ships can transport 2 land units. It mean the upgrade cost is double not 1.5 times like other COs. Aegis Warship is very vulerable to Subs and Air which it cannot fire upon.


  • None


Gage is more a sniper than marksman like Grit. Gage D2D gains +3 firepower each tile away from it's target. Gage gets 20% defense bonus if he puts units into hiding places. In addition his indirects & naval units get +1 movement for easier setups. Gage is not good with direct-attack vehicles & air so it gets reduced 20% firepwoer. Gage's CO zone he gets 20% firepower bonus to his indirects & naval units and they get Perfect Vision, which means they can see into hiding places and cannot have their vision reduced. Gage's power Quick shot increases his indirects by 1 range and the first indirect can fire by crazy 5 range. Gage's super long shot set's all indirects to 8 range like a carrier and the carrier get +2 range. In addition his indirects & Naval get 20% firepower bonus. When Gage reaches his vet rank, he allows his directs +2 range but only at start of turn before moving.



  • [Hit] Honor
  • [Miss] Killers
  • [Specialty] Large CO zone & starts at higher rank.

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Verteran Rank] None replaced by Ace Rank.
  • All units start at Guard Rank. {owned units}
  • Gets Access to Ace Rank. {Player}
  • 50% CO & Leader Unit Cost {Owned units}
  • Leader unit limit is doubled.

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • Zone does not Grow

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~5 Range]

  • CO Unit is at Elite Rank {owned units}
  • Takes triple amount of kills to reach next rank {owned units}

Braveheart (COP) [3*]

  • [+10/+0] {Owned Units}

Time for Heroics (SCOP) [6*]

  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}
  • First-strike counterattacks (no counterattack bonus). {owned units}

Leader Unit 1 - Sniper (from Infantry)


  • Move:3
  • Move Type: Infantry
  • Vision: 2 (5 on mountains)
  • Fuel: 9
  • Defense: Same as Mech
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Anti-Tank Rifle
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 1-2
  • Damage: Ruin MD Tank {Vs Soldiers & Copters} A-Air {Vs non-armor vehicle), 1/2 Anti-tank {Vs armor},
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • First-strike counterattacks vs. soldiers


Forsythe's cares about his soldiers so he deploys a specialized indirect unit called the Sniper. The Sniper is effective but has limited ammo and no secondary.


  • None


Forsythe is a legendary general he is not like other COs. All his units start at the Guard Rank or Rank 1. It takes 50% less cost to build a CO unit or a leader unit. He gets access to the Ace Rank. Leader unit limit is doubled. His CO zone does not grow. IN his CO zone his CO zone unit starts at the Elite Rank or Rank 2. It takes triple the amount of kills to reach next rank. His power is called braveheart that gives 10% firepower bonus. His super gives 10% firepwoer & defense and allows for first-strike counterattacks like sonja. He does not have vet rank ability it is repalced by Ace Rank.

New Rubinelle Army



  • [Hit] Living the Good Life
  • [Miss] Responsiblity
  • [Specialty] Air Defense & Cheating

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Owned Air Units benefit from terrain bonuses {owned units}
  • [+0/+30] {owned air units}
  • [+10/+0] Vs enemy unit cost < player unit cost {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • -10% morale charge speed {owned units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~2 Range]

  • (+20/+0) vs. enemy units of different type {owned units}
  • Morale Bar doesn't reset on CO Unit Death

Wingman (COP) [4*]

  • [+0/+30] {Owned Air Units}
  • [+20/+0] Vs enemy unit cost < player unit cost {Owned Units}

Fallen Angel (SCOP) [7*]

  • [+0/+60] {Owned Air Units}
  • [+40/+0] Vs enemy unit cost < player unit cost {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Zeppelin (from Battle Copter)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Seeker Missiles
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 2-4
  • Damage: Same as Stealth but 30% less
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


*It can see and target hidden units.


  • Waylon's unit is a cheating unit, the Zeppelin. It is a unique indirect air that can attack hidden units too. It has 30% less damange than a stealth.


  • None


Waylon is a cheat and mean. D2D he gets 30% defense to air units and against units with lower unit price than his he gets 10% firepower. Dude his own troops not liking him he gets -10% moral charge speed. His CO zone he gets more cruel, he now gets 20% firepower bonus against units of a different type. Inaddition, when his CO unit dies he keeps his morale charge. When His power Wingman increase air defense by 30% and 20% firepower against enemy units that cost less. His super fallen angel his air defense increases by 60% and he gains 40% firepower against enemy units that cost less. When he reaches he vet rank it enables his air units to gain terrain defense.



  • [Hit] Power
  • [Miss] Insubordinates
  • [Specialty] Tech & Naval Units

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Extra -2 Daily Fuel {all enemy units}
  • [Veteran Rank] Enemy units at 0 fuel are destroyed
  • [+20/+0] {owned units that cost more than 10000G}
  • [+0/+20] {naval & copter units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [+0/-10] {owned soldier units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~3 Range]

  • +1 HP Heal {owned indirects}

Mobilize (COP) [2*]

  • Restores Full (Owned Units)
  • Free Repairs {owned Units}

High Command (SCOP) [6*]

  • Allows units that can carry other units to produce the kind of units they can carry for full cost. They’re added to the contents of the unit as a free action, and if dropped off, they can move immediately (Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Prime Battleship (from Destroyer)


  • Move: 5
  • Move Type: Ship
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as Battleship
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Cannon
  • Ammo: 5
  • Range: 2-6
  • Damage: 10% more than a Battleship
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Has Ballastic Movement


Greyfield's special unit is his Prime Battleship, This battleship like destroyer has ballastic movement and is stronger in combat than a battleship.


  • None


Greyfield is naval madman. D2D, He gets +20% firepower for units above 10000 price and gets +20% defense for his naval and copters. He mistreats his soldiers so gets -10% defense. His CO zone he can heal his indirects for +1 HP. His Power, refuels and makes resupplies free. His super turns his transport units into production facilites for a turn. When he reaches Vet he inceases enemy daily fuel cost and makes so if the enemy runs out of fuel they are destroyed.

Intelligent Defense Systems



  • [Hit] Mr. Bear
  • [Miss] Broken Toys
  • [Specialty] Weather

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • Perfect Movement [All Weather] {Owned Units}
  • Weather Immunity
  • Non Weather chance is doubled.

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-10/-10] {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~3 Range]

  • +1 HP Repair Heal at +50% Cost {Owned Units}

Stormfront (COP) [2*]

  • [Veteran Rank] 1 HP Damage {Enemy units}
  • Random Weather for 1 days.

Enigma (SCOP) [7*]

  • [Veteran Rank] 1 HP Damage {Enemy units}
  • Random Weather for 3 days.
  • [+10/+10] {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Hydra Tank (from Recon)


  • Move: 7
  • Move Type: Treads
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: Same as a Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Light Cannon
  • Ammo: 6
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: 10% less than a Tank
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Machine Gun
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as a Recon


  • Move again for 1/2 movement.


Penny's special unit is the Hydra Tank, which not as powerful as normal Tank has slighty better movement and can move again after attacking to repostion.


  • None


Penny is the weather COs. I liked the idea she gets perfect movement at the cost of 10% firepower and defense. Her CO Zone gives you +1 Hp Repair Heal but also at +50% cost increase, this is help balance that perfect movement. Her CO power grants you 1 day of random weather. Her super gives you nice 10% firepower & defense boost to push, along with 3 days of random weather. When penny reaches her vet rank now her powers triggers 1 Hp damage to enemy units.



  • [Hit] Breakfeast in Bed
  • [Miss] Weakness
  • [Specialty] Very High Firepower

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [+20/+20] {owned units that cost more than 10000G}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [-10/-10] {owned units that cost less than 11000G}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~0 Range]

  • [+20/+20] (Owned Units)
  • [Veteran Rank] +1 HP Heal

Bombardment (COP) [5*]

  • [+20/+0] {Owned units}
  • 1 [0~2] range 2 HP damage bomb (highest combined HP, gunboat mult 0.5x) {Enemy Units}

Firestorm (SCOP) [9*]

  • 1 [0~2] range 4 HP damage bomb (highest combined HP, gunboat mult 0.5x) {Enemy Units}
  • All tiles hit are turned into fire.
  • [+40/+0] {owned units}

Leader Unit - Albatross (from Fighter)


  • Move: 4
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 4
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: 50% stronger than bomber.
Weapon 1:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Gun Turrets
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Mech (Vs Soldiers), Anti-Air (vs vehicles), 1/2 anti-air (vs air)


  • Can transport land units
  • can resupply and repair transported units
  • each unit is repaired by 2 HP but cost funds
  • only 1 can be built.


  • Tabitha's unit is the Albatross. A specialized air unit that can transport, resupply and repair land units. You lucky only 1 can be built.


  • None


  • Tabitha is self abosrbed CO. D2D Her higher tech units (units 11000 and above) get +20% firepower and defense, but her units under 11000 suffer a -10% firepwer and defense. Her CO zone she gives herself +20% firepower and defense. Her CO power does sturm like damage of 2 HP and increases her firepoweer by 20%. Her Super does 4 HP now and sets the tiles on fire and boosts her units by 40% firepower. When she reaches her vet rank she empowers herself to heal herself +1 HP per turn.



  • [Hit] Experiments
  • [Miss] Ethics
  • [Specialty] Repair Heal

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] +1 HP Repair Heal on non-properties {owned units}
  • [+20/+20] {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • CO Zone does not Grow

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~1 Range]

  • [Veteran Rank] +2 Repair Heal {owned units}
  • +2 Repair Heal {Owned Units}

Passive Ability [Starts at 2*]

  • Gains CO Power Bonus D2D too. Resets after use of Super or morale charge falls under 2*.

Miasma (SCOP) [10*]

  • The whole battle field turns green like a toxic cloud. {animation}
  • Fog of War {Enemy Units}
  • -4 HP Damage {Enemy Units}
  • +1 Terrain Movement cost {enemy units}

Leader Unit - Pulsatrix (from Bomber)


  • Move: 4
  • Move Type: Air
  • Vision: 5
  • Fuel: 99
  • Defense: Same as a Bomber
Weapon 1:
  • Name: Mega Bomb
  • Ammo: 3
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Same as a Megatank {vs ground}, same as bomber {Naval}
Weapon 2:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A


  • Only 1 can be Built
  • +1 HP Heal to itself and adjacent units.


Caulder's unit is the Pulsatrix a mini-great owl. It can heal 1 HP every turn to itself and adjacent units on top of any heals he gets on the battlefield. It does the same damage as a Megatank against ground & same as a bomber against Naval. You can only build 1.


  • None


Caulder is pure evil, He gets superior +20% Firepower and Defense but his CO zone does not grow but he has a hidden weakness of you draining his funds of repairs. His CO zone has a repair heal of +2. Like sturm and von bolt he at 2 stars he gains his CO powe bonus of 10/10 but loses if he drops below or activates his super. His super called Miasma releases a poison cloud!. It triggers fog of war for his enemy but not him. On top it does 4 HP worth of damage and increases his enemies terrain costs by 1. When Caulder reaches his vet he now gets +1 HP Repair heal on non-propteries!

Honor COs

Faust - Black Hole


  • [Hit] Completing his masters goals.
  • [Miss] Ladybugs (They are Scary)
  • [Specialty]

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Repairs & HP Heal give additional +1 Heal {owned units} *Free Repairs {Owned Units}
  • 50% Build Rate to Temp Buildings {Owned Units}
  • Can Repair for +1 HP on neutral and enemy properties but Repairs cost as normal and not free {Owned Units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • None

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~? Range]

  • +1 HP Heal {Owned Units}

Hyper Repair (COP) [3*]

  • +3 HP Heal {Owned Units}

Hyper Upgrade (SCOP) [6*]

  • +5 HP Heal {Owned Units}
  • [+20/0] {Owned Units}
  • +1 movement {Owned Units}

Leader Unit - Robotic Infantry (from Infantry)


  • Move: 6
  • Move Type: Mud Tires
  • Vision: 2
  • Fuel: 70
  • Defense: Same as a Tank
Weapon 1:
  • Name: None
  • Ammo: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Damage: N/A
Weapon 2:
  • Name: Autocannon
  • Ammo: Infinite
  • Range: 1-1
  • Damage: Tank Secondary (Vs infantry, mechs, bikes & copters), Tank primary vs (other ground, and naval)


  • Has 20% chance of negating air attacks.
  • Has +20% Capture Rate.


Faust's personal unit is the Robotic Infantry these are fully machines. They have 1/5 chance of negating air attacks. They have 20% increase capture rate due to being machine based without an organic controling them. They are equal to a Tank.


  • ???



  • [Hit]
  • [Miss]
  • [Specialty] Sabotage

Daily Strengths (D2D)

  • [Veteran Rank] Hidden HP {owned Units}
  • 10% of damage recieved is reflected on the enemy {owned units}
  • All Partial HP is rounded Down {enemy units}

Daily Weaknesses (D2D)

  • [+0/-10] {Owned Units}

Commander Zone (COZ) [0~2 Range]

  • Attacking/Counterattacking with primary ammo destroys all ammmo the enemy and disables them to be resupplied till next turn {owned units}

Sabatoge (COP) [3*]

  • 30% of damage recieved is reflected on the enemy {owned units}
  • Attacks cost 2x Ammo & Fuel {Enemy units}

Explosive Heroism (SCOP) [7*]

  • [+20/+0] regardless of HP of your units {owned units}
  • 50% of damage recieved is reflected on the enemy {owned units}

Leader Unit - ??? (from None)


  • Move:
  • Move Type:
  • Vision:
  • Fuel:
  • Defense:
Weapon 1:
  • Name:
  • Ammo:
  • Range:
  • Damage:
Weapon 2:
  • Name:
  • Ammo:
  • Range:
  • Damage:


  • .



  • None



  • [Hit]
  • [Miss]
  • [Specialty] False Courge & Panic Attacks

Drakov/The Beast

  • [Hit]
  • [Miss]
  • [Specialty] Merciless & Stealing
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