Basic Examples of FreeRTOS with ESP32 and ESP-IDF
Port of sysprog's esp8266-openocd to contemporary OpenOCD(0.10-based)
Function library for decoding 32-bit ARM and Thumb/Thumb-2 instruction sets.
Minimal I2C master routines for all AVR microcontrollers.
esp-open-sdk / esp-open-sdk
Forked from pfalcon/esp-open-sdkFree and open (as much as possible) integrated SDK for ESP8266/ESP8285 chips
Cross platform GUI MODBUS TCP/RTU simulator & gateway. Interprets data types including ascii float and int.
Documentation around Nextion Stuff. HMI files, TFT files, ZI files, ...
Free Pascal bindings for libhidapi on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and macOS.
Low-level protocol library for communicating with Microchip CMSIS-DAP based debuggers
A debug interface for AVR-based embedded systems development on GNU/Linux.
Hardware agnostic OneWire and Dallas temperature implementation with flexible drivers
A GDB RSP server for AVR debuggers supported by Microchips pymcuprog
mainline avrdude imported from svn:
Preconfigured Buildenvironment of esp sdk's for freepascal
Port of sysprog's esp8266-openocd to contemporary OpenOCD(0.10-based)
A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router)
Code to stabilize a quadcopter using an Arduino Uno and an MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope
SImple diagnostics for ESP8266 and ESP32 devices
Random bits of ESP8266/Arduino debugging code I wrote
CMSIS-DAP compatible wireless debugger for various ESP chips such as ESP8266, ESP32. Optional 40MHz SPI acceleration, etc. 适配多种ESP芯片的无线调试器