This repository aims to document everything from the Nextion ecosystem. File formats, protocols, ...
- File Formats
- HMI (Source file) - TBD
- TFT (Compiled binary)
- ZI (Font) - TBD
- Protocols
- Full Instruction Set (includes all the useful instructions the official NIS doesn't tell you about)
- Upload Protocol v1.2 (allows skipping)
- TFTTool. Python script that allows modifying TFT files (like changing from Nextion to TJC). Also allows a very rudimentary parsing of the content.
- Nexus - Nextion Upload Script. the reference implementation of the upload protocol v1.2.
- Nextion TFT Uploader - C# project using v1.0 of the upload protocol.
- Nextion Font Editor. Full documentation of the Nextion .zi font files and a handy tool for modifying them.