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Tags: aks-/enzyme


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-adapter-react-16] v1.15.7

 - [fix] `isEmptyRender`: properly detect memoized SFCs returning null
 - [fix] avoid a crash with lazy components
 - [fix] fix `simulateError()` on Memo component (enzymejs#2525)
 - [babel] add `babel-plugin-add-module-exports` and fully use ESM syntax
 - [deps] update `enzyme-shallow-equal`, `enzyme-adapter-utils`, `object.assign`, `object.values`, `prop-types`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix lintingan npmignore file
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-markdown`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-shallow-equal] v1.0.5

 - [deps] update `object-is`
 - [babel] add `babel-plugin-add-module-exports` and fully use ESM syntax
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix linting
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `@babel/node`, `@babel/register`, `babel-loader`, `babel-plugin-add-module-exports`
 - [dev deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`, `chai`, `eslint-plugin-markdown`

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-adapter-utils] v1.14.1

 - [babel] add `babel-plugin-add-module-exports` and fully use ESM syntax
 - [deps] update ``, `object.assign`, `object.fromentries`, `prop-types`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix linting
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `@babel/node`, `@babel/register`, `babel-plugin-add-module-exports`, `chai`, `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-markdown`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-adapter-react-helper] v1.3.10

 - [deps] update `object.assign`, `object.getownpropertydescriptors`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
 - [meta] babel: set `transformRuntime` to false
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix linting
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `@babel/node`, `@babel/register`, `babel-loader`, `babel-plugin-add-module-exports`, `chai`
 - [dev deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-adapter-react-16.3] v1.7.5

 - [babel] add `babel-plugin-add-module-exports` and fully use ESM syntax
 - [deps] update `enzyme-shallow-equal`, `enzyme-adapter-utils`, `object.assign`, `object.values`, `prop-types`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix linting
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-adapter-react-15] v1.4.4

 - [refactor] make it match the 15.4 adapter
 - [babel] add `babel-plugin-add-module-exports` and fully use ESM syntax
 - [deps] update `enzyme-adapter-utils`, `object.assign`, `object.values`, `prop-types`, `react-is`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix linting
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `@babel/register`, `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-markdown`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`

[email protected]

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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ljharb Jordan Harband
[enzyme-adapter-react-14] v1.4.4

 - [babel] add `babel-plugin-add-module-exports` and fully use ESM syntax
 - [deps] update `enzyme-adapter-utils`, `object.assign`, `object.values`, `prop-types`, `react-is`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
 - [eslint] switch to `@babel/eslint-parser`, fix linting
 - [dev deps] update `@babel/cli`, `@babel/core`, `@babel/node`, `@babel/register`, `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `eslint-config-airbnb-base`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`, `eslint-plugin-markdown`, `eslint-plugin-react`, `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`
 - [dev deps] update `safe-publish-latest`; use `prepublishOnly`