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Conditions (additional for PLAYERINTERACT)

Roughly_ edited this page Dec 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Additional conditions only for PLAYERINTERACT trigger.

Whenever there's a material value, reference this

  • 'BLOCK-IS [material]' - checks if the block is equal to that material.
  • 'CLICKED-LMB-AIR' - triggers if the taken action is LMBing an air block.
  • 'CLICKED-RMB-AIR' - triggers if the taken action is RMBing an air block.
  • 'CLICKED-LMB-BLOCK' - triggers if the taken action is LMBing a block.
  • 'CLICKED-RMB-BLOCK' - triggers if the taken action is RMBing a block.
  • 'PHYSICAL-ACTION' - triggers if the taken action is physical (ref. the trigger page).




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