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Error Handling Operators

akarnokd edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 29 revisions

There are a variety of operators that you can use to react to or recover from onError notifications from reactive sources, such as Observables. For example, you might:

  1. swallow the error and switch over to a backup Observable to continue the sequence
  2. swallow the error and emit a default item
  3. swallow the error and immediately try to restart the failed Observable
  4. swallow the error and try to restart the failed Observable after some back-off interval



Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to invoke the given io.reactivex.functions.Consumer when it encounters an error.

doOnError example

Observable.error(new IOException("Something went wrong"))
    .doOnError(error -> System.err.println("The error message is: " + error.getMessage()))
        x -> System.out.println("onNext should never be printed!"),
        () -> System.out.println("onComplete should never be printed!"));


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to swallow an error event and replace it by a completion event.

Optionally, a io.reactivex.functions.Predicate can be specified that gives more control over when an error event should be replaced by a completion event, and when not.

onErrorComplete example

Completable.fromAction(() -> {
    throw new IOException();
}).onErrorComplete(error -> {
    // Only ignore errors of type
    return error instanceof IOException;
    () -> System.out.println("IOException was ignored"),
    error -> System.err.println("onError should not be printed!"));


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to emit a sequence of items if it encounters an error.

onErrorResumeNext example

 Observable<Integer> numbers = Observable.generate(() -> 1, (state, emitter) -> {

    return state + 1;

        error -> System.err.println("onError should not be printed!"));

// prints:
// 1
// 2
// 6
// 24
// 120
// 720
// 5040
// 40320
// 362880
// 3628800
// 39916800
// 479001600


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to emit the item returned by the specified io.reactivex.functions.Function when it encounters an error.

onErrorReturn example

    .map(v -> Integer.parseInt(v, 10))
    .onErrorReturn(error -> {
        if (error instanceof NumberFormatException) return 0;
        else throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        error -> System.err.println("onError should not be printed!"));

// prints 0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to emit a particular item when it encounters an error.

onErrorReturnItem example

    .map(v -> Integer.parseInt(v, 10))
        error -> System.err.println("onError should not be printed!"));

// prints 0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to continue emitting items after it encounters an java.lang.Exception. Unlike onErrorResumeNext, this one lets other types of Throwable continue through.

onExceptionResumeNext example

Observable<String> exception = Observable.<String>error(IOException::new)
    .onExceptionResumeNext(Observable.just("This value will be used to recover from the IOException"));

Observable<String> error = Observable.<String>error(Error::new)
    .onExceptionResumeNext(Observable.just("This value will not be used"));

Observable.concat(exception, error)
        message -> System.out.println("onNext: " + message),
        err -> System.err.println("onError: " + err));

// prints:
// onNext: This value will be used to recover from the IOException
// onError: java.lang.Error


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to resubscribe to the source reactive type if it encounters an error in the hopes that it will complete without error.

retry example

Observable<Long> source = Observable.interval(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .flatMap(x -> {
        if (x >= 2) return Observable.error(new IOException("Something went wrong!"));
        else return Observable.just(x);

source.retry((retryCount, error) -> retryCount < 3)
        x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x),
        error -> System.err.println("onError: " + error.getMessage()));

// prints:
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// onError: Something went wrong!


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to resubscribe to the source reactive type if it encounters an error until the given io.reactivex.functions.BooleanSupplier returns true.

retryUntil example

LongAdder errorCounter = new LongAdder();
Observable<Long> source = Observable.interval(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .flatMap(x -> {
        if (x >= 2) return Observable.error(new IOException("Something went wrong!"));
        else return Observable.just(x);
    .doOnError((error) -> errorCounter.increment());

source.retryUntil(() -> errorCounter.intValue() >= 3)
        x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x),
        error -> System.err.println("onError: " + error.getMessage()));

// prints:
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// onError: Something went wrong!


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

Instructs a reactive type to pass any error to another Observable or Flowable to determine whether to resubscribe to the source.

retryWhen example

Observable<Long> source = Observable.interval(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .flatMap(x -> {
        if (x >= 2) return Observable.error(new IOException("Something went wrong!"));
        else return Observable.just(x);

source.retryWhen(errors -> {
    return -> 1)

    // Count the number of errors.

    .doOnNext(errorCount -> System.out.println("No. of errors: " + errorCount))

    // Limit the maximum number of retries.
    .takeWhile(errorCount -> errorCount < 3)

    // Signal resubscribe event after some delay.
    .flatMapSingle(errorCount -> Single.timer(errorCount, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
    x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x),
    () -> System.out.println("onComplete"));

// prints:
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// No. of errors: 1
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// No. of errors: 2
// onNext: 0
// onNext: 1
// No. of errors: 3
// onComplete
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