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Conditional and Boolean Operators

akarnokd edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 28 revisions

This section explains operators with which you conditionally emit or transform Observables, or can do boolean evaluations of them:

Conditional Operators



Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

given two or more source Observables, emits all of the items from the first of these Observables to emit an item

    Observable source1 = Observable.range(1, 5);
    Observable source2 = Observable.range(6, 5);
    Observable.amb(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(source1, source2)))
        .subscribe(next -> System.out.printf("next: %s\n", next), // onNext
            throwable -> System.out.printf("error: %s\n", throwable), //onError
            () -> System.out.println("Completed") //onComplete


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

emit items from the source Observable, or emit a default item if the source Observable completes after emitting no items

 Observable.empty().defaultIfEmpty(1).blockingSubscribe(next -> System.out.printf("next: %s\n", next), // onNext
                throwable -> System.out.printf("error: %s", throwable), //onError
                () -> System.out.println("Completed") //onComplete


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

discard items emitted by a source Observable until a second Observable emits an item, then emit the remainder of the source Observable's items

Observable observable1 = Observable.range(1, 10).doOnNext(next -> Thread.sleep(1000));
observable1.skipUntil(Observable.timer(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
    .subscribe(next -> System.out.printf("next: %s\n", next), // onNext
        throwable -> System.out.printf("error: %s", throwable), //onError
        () -> System.out.println("Completed") //onComplete


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

discard items emitted by an Observable until a specified condition is false, then emit the remainder

Observable.range(1, 10).skipWhile(next -> next < 5)
    .subscribe(next -> System.out.printf("next: %s\n", next), // onNext
        throwable -> System.out.printf("error: %s", throwable), //onError
        () -> System.out.println("Completed") //onComplete


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

emits the items from the source Observable until a second Observable emits an item or issues a notification

Observable.range(1, 10).takeUntil(value -> value >= 5)
    .subscribe(next -> System.out.printf("next: %s\n", next), // onNext
        throwable -> System.out.printf("error: %s", throwable), //onError
        () -> System.out.println("Completed") //onComplete


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

emit items emitted by an Observable as long as a specified condition is true, then skip the remainder

     Observable.range(1, 10).takeWhile(value -> value <= 5)
                .subscribe(next -> System.out.printf("next: %s\n", next), // onNext
                        throwable -> System.out.printf("error: %s", throwable), //onError
                        () -> System.out.println("Completed") //onComplete

Boolean Operators



Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

determine whether all items emitted by an Observable meet some criteria

Flowable.range(0,10).doOnNext(next -> System.out.println(next)).all(integer -> integer<10).
    blockingSubscribe(success->System.out.println("Success: "+success));


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

determine whether an Observable emits a particular item or not

    .contains(4).blockingSubscribe(contains->System.out.println("contains: "+contains));


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

determine whether the source Publisher is empty

Flowable.empty().isEmpty().subscribe(isEmpty -> System.out.printf("isEmpty: %s", isEmpty));


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation: http:

test the equality of the sequences emitted by two Observables

Flowable<Integer> flowable1 = Flowable.range(1,3).doOnNext(next-> System.out.print("flowable1: "+next + " "));

Flowable<Integer> flowable2 = Flowable.range(1,3).doOnNext(next-> System.out.println("flowable2: "+next));

    .blockingSubscribe(sequenceEqual->System.out.println("sequenceEqual: "+sequenceEqual));
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