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Rolf Kristensen edited this page Jul 30, 2022 · 27 revisions

Filter events in the config.

Platforms Supported: All

Configuration Syntax

  <logger ... >
    <filters defaultAction="Neutral | Ignore | Log | LogFinal | IgnoreFinal">
      <when condition="Condition" action="Enum"/>


  • defaultAction - default filter action when no match. Default Ignore.

    Introduced with NLog 4.6. Before NLog 5.0 the default was Neutral.

    • Ignore - The message should not be logged.
    • IgnoreFinal - The message should not be logged and ignore any following logging-rules.
    • Log - The message should be logged.
    • LogFinal - The message should be logged and ignore any following logging-rules.
    • Neutral - No decision
  • filterdefaultaction - Alternative name for defaultAction to match actual API.

    Introduced with NLog 5.0

Filtering Options

  • condition - Condition expression. Condition Required. See section Conditions below.
  • action - Action to be taken when filter matches. Required.
    Possible values:
    • Ignore - The message should not be logged.
    • IgnoreFinal - The message should not be logged and ignore any following logging-rules.
    • Log - The message should be logged.
    • LogFinal - The message should be logged and ignore any following logging-rules.
    • Neutral - The filter doesn't want to decide whether to log or discard the message.


Conditions are expressions used with the <when> filter. They consist of one or more tests. They are used in the filter to determine if an action will be taken.

Predefined Tokens

  • message - LogEvent formatted message
  • logger - Logger name
  • level - LogLevel object
  • exception - Exception object (Introduced with NLog 5.0)
  • ${layout} - All available layout-options (except stacktrace).

Condition Language

The filter expressions are written in a special mini-language. The language consists of:

  • relational operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >= and >
    Note: Some predefined XML characters may need to be escaped. For example, if you try to use the '<' character, the XML parser will interpret it as an opening tag which results in an error in the configuration file. Instead, use the escaped version of '<' (&lt;) in this context.
  • boolean operators: and, or, not
  • string literals which are always evaluated as layouts - ${somerenderer}
  • boolean literals - true and false
  • numeric literals - e.g. 12345 (integer literal) and 12345.678 (floating point literal)
  • log level literals - LogLevel.Trace, LogLevel.Debug, ... LogLevel.Fatal
  • predefined keywords to access the most common log event properties - level, message and logger
  • braces - to override default priorities and group expressions together
  • condition functions - to perform string and object tests
  • Single quotes should be escaped with another single quote.

Condition Functions

The following condition functions are available:

  • contains(s1,s2) Determines whether the second string is a substring of the first one. Returns: true when the second string is a substring of the first string, false otherwise.
  • ends-with(s1,s2) Determines whether the second string is a suffix of the first one. Returns: true when the second string is a prefix of the first string, false otherwise.
  • equals(o1,o2) Compares two objects for equality. Returns: true when two objects are equal, false otherwise.

    Notice that 'o1' == 'o2' or 'o1' != 'o2' will be faster and reduces memory allocations.

  • length(s) Returns the length of a string.

    Notice that 's' != '' is faster than length('s') > 0, and reduces memory allocation.

  • starts-with(s1,s2) Determines whether the second string is a prefix of the first one. Returns: true when the second string is a prefix of the first string, false otherwise.
  • regex-matches(input, pattern, options) Introduced in NLog 4.5. Indicates whether the regular expression pattern finds a match in the specified input string. options is an optional comma separated list of values from the RegexOptions enumeration.
    Returns : true when a match is found in the input string, false otherwise.
    Example : regex-matches('${message}', '^foo$', 'ignorecase,singleline')


Single quotes should be escaped with another single quote. Example:

contains('${message}', 'Cannot insert the value NULL into column ''Col1')


New custom condition functions methods can also be added.

NLog 4.7 allows you to register your own condition methods using LogFactory.Setup(). Where a lambda can be registered like this:

LogManager.Setup().SetupExtensions(s => 
   s.RegisterConditionMethod("hasParameters", evt => evt.Parameters?.Length > 0)

And a static method like this:

LogManager.Setup().SetupExtensions(s =>
   s.RegisterConditionMethod("hasPriority", typeof(NLogConditionMethods).GetMethod("HasPriority", BindingFlags.Static))

Alternative way of adding custom condition methods is creating a public static class with a static function and mark the class and method with the attributes [ConditionMethods] and [ConditionMethod] respectively.

You can find a sample implementation of a custom filter here

Then you have to tell NLog where to find your assembly (Ex. NLog.ConditionMethodsAssembly.dll)

<nlog xmlns="http:" xmlns:xsi="http:" >
		<add assembly="NLog.ConditionMethodsAssembly" />


Here are several examples with conditions:

    <logger name="*" writeTo="file">
        <filters defaultAction="Log">
            <when condition="exception != null" action="Log" />
            <when condition="length(message) > 100" action="Ignore" />
            <when condition="'${OnHasProperties:1}' != ''" action="Ignore" />
            <when condition="logger == 'MyApps.SomeClass'" action="Ignore" />
            <when condition="(level >= LogLevel.Debug and contains(message, 'PleaseDontLogThis')) or level==LogLevel.Warn" action="Ignore" />
            <when condition="not starts-with(message, 'PleaseLogThis')" action="Ignore" />
            <when condition="contains(message, '&quot;Bob&quot;')" action="Ignore" />  <!-- "Bob" -->
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