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Visual Studio Support

Julian Verdurmen edited this page May 21, 2022 · 14 revisions

NLog integrates with Visual Studio® (including Express Editions)


NLog supports Intellisense when editing XML configuration files. All you need to do is add two namespace declarations to the <nlog> tag:

<nlog xmlns="http:" 
  <!-- configuration goes here --> 

The other change necessary is turning
<target type="TypeName"/>
<target xsi:type="TypeName"/>.

Once you do this, you really good support for Intellisense and config file validation in Visual Studio.


Integration with Add/Reference dialog

NLog Setup registers the appropriate AssemblyFolders entry in registry so that Visual Studio is able to locate the *.dll files and present them in Add Reference dialog. This is supported in all Visual Studio versions.

New Item Templates

NLog comes with 3 sample configuration files that can be quickly added to you project through Add New Item dialog. They are:

  • configuration file that defines one File Target (typical)
  • configuration file that defines one Console Target
  • empty configuration file

Please note that you need to change “Copy To Output Directory” option of properties of NLog.config to “Copy Always”

Note that “New Item” templates are supported on Visual Studio 2005 and higher (including Express Editions).

Code Snippets

NLog installs a Visual Studio 2005 Code Snippet called “nlogger” that can be used to quickly declare a logger instance. It inserts the following piece of text:

private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
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