- Pekalongan, Indonesia
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/maulanahutama14/
Starred repositories
The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x Package - a free open seismic processing, research, and educational software package. Please seek distribution gzipped tar files at https://wiki.Seismic-Unix.org not the Gi…
Assignments for the ErSE328 Advanced Seismic Inversion course.
Seismic Reservoir Modeling Python package
MIRROR of https://gitlab.com/hkex/resipy which is a GUI and Python API for R2 codes
Notebooks with examples and demos of segyio
Collection of geophysical notes in the form of IPython/Jupyter notebooks.
Material for ODSC Europe presentation -- Probabilistic Deep Learning in TensorFlow, the why and the how
A Primer on Gaussian Processes for Regression Analysis (PyData NYC 2019)
JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
📗 SheetJS Spreadsheet Data Toolkit -- New home https://git.sheetjs.com/SheetJS/sheetjs
Python for Geoscientist - Digital Geoscience Data Handling using Python