- A simple javascript virtualization obfuscation implementation
- Custom stack based RISC virtual machine in javascript
- Compiler to compile javascript into jsvm's bytecode
- 24 Supported opcodes
The compiler only covers a subset of javascript syntax, I will be adding more over time
- JSVM's IR compiler will first construct a intermediate representation of the provided source code
- JSVM's Bytecode compiler will then compile the intermediate representation into binary that JSVM will understand
import fs from 'fs'
import { BytecodeCompiler } from './bytecode'
import { Compiler } from './compiler'
const src = fs.readFileSync('./input/basic-browserchecks/test.js').toString()
const compiler = new Compiler(src)
const ir = compiler.compile()
const bytecodeCompiler = new BytecodeCompiler(ir)
const vmArguments = bytecodeCompiler.compile()
// console.log(vmArguments)
fs.writeFileSync('./input/basic-browserchecks/test.args', JSON.stringify(vmArguments, null, 4))
fs.writeFileSync('./input/basic-browserchecks/test.jsvm', JSON.stringify(ir, null, 4))
Input JS Script
console.log("Checking Basic Browser Properties")
var appVersion = navigator.appVersion
var evalLength = eval.toString().length
// var accelerometerPermission = typeof DeviceMotionEvent !== 'undefined' && typeof DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission === 'function'
var deviceMemory = navigator.deviceMemory
var languages = navigator.languages
var concurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency
console.log(appVersion, evalLength, deviceMemory, languages, concurrency)
encryptedStrings: [
'\x00\\\f)1\r>"cv\b93\x07p\x071[\x1E9?\x16p\x151[\x19/(\x109 0',
lookUpTable: { '\x01\x00\x0B\x0B': 0 }
- Add function support
- Add dead code injection option
- Add integrity checks and domain protection
- Add dynamic map from program counter to opcodes
- Classes
- Async