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hydi: calling differential DNA hydroxymethylation


hydi implements methods for calling differential DNA hydroxymethylation from oxWGBS-Seq and oxRRBS-Seq experiments.


Briefly, ox[RR|WG]BS experiments involve sequencing the DNA of each biological sample twice - following two distinct chemical treatments. The first treatment with sodium bisulfite (BS) is carried out to measure the sum of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethyl-cytosine (5hmC). Thus, we denote the sum of both modifications by 5modC and 5modC=5mC+5hmC. The second treatment involves an oxidation reaction prior to the sodium bisulfite conversion (oxBS). Subsequent sequencing yields information on 5mC-levels. To obtain 5hmC estimates, the signals from BS and oxBS experiments are subtracted. Specifically, in hydi, we model 5hmC=5modC-5mC employing binomial distributions directly based on the read counts of each experiment.


Installing (Linux)

Before installing, make sure that your system is equipped with

  • gcc >= 7.5.0. Other compilers might work but are untested.
  • make >= 4.2.1. Other versions should work too, but are untested.
  • git >= 2.26.2. Other versions should work too, but are untested.

To install hydi, please make also sure that to have the following dependencies installed on your system (including the corresponding developer packages):

  • zlib data compression library (zlib >= 1.2.11)
  • GNU scientific library (gsl >= 2.6)
  • GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (gmp >= 6.2.0)

Subsequently, run

git clone
cd hydi

After compilation, hit

./hydi.x --help

to ensure the program compiled correctly. The compilation of hydi should not take more than five minutes on a standard machine. Development and testing has been performed on a x86_64 GNU/Linux (OpenSuse 5.3.18-lp152.66-default). Running hydi on other operating systems such as Darwin/MacOS may require additional installations.

To run the helper-script '' (see below) you are additionally required to provide

  • python 2.7

Installing (MacOS X)

We recommend using hydi on a linux machine. However, if you still want to run it on your Mac and are able to install all requirements, e.g. via homebrew or MacPorts, please install hydi with

git clone
cd hydi


usage: ./hydi.x [-a <file>] [-b <file>] [-o <file>] [-m] [-p] [-e]
  Testing for the equality of hydroxymethylation from oxbs sequencing

 -a, --group1 <file>  path/filename of count file for group 1 (default:none)
 -b, --group2 <file>  path/filename of count file for group 2 (default:none)
 -o, --output <file>  path/filename of output (default:none)
 -m, --maxiter        maximum iterations in gradient descent (default:100)
 -p, --alpha          significance level for flags and confidence intervals (default:0.050000)
 -e, --epsilon        precision of numerical approximation (default:1.000000e-06)

Input and output files

parameter description
group1 formatted input file for the 1st group (G1). The format is described below.
group2 formatted input file for the 2nd group (G2). The format is described below.
output path or filename for the output. If option is omitted, the output will be dumped to standard output

Please note, the assignment of the sample files to the groups matters. The calculation of estimates and confidence intervals for differential hydroxymethylation uses G1 as a reference. Thus, negative values indicate a loss of hydroxymethylation in G1 as compared to G2. Conversely, positive values indicate a gain of hydroxymethylation in G1. For instance, in a comparison of a group of cancer samples versus healthy controls it is recommended to assign the cancer data to G1 to make the interpretation more intuitive.


parameter description
maxiter control of the number of iterations for the gradient descent used in the estimation of maximum likelihoods
alpha parameter controlling the level of confidence intervals and used for flags
epsilon parameter controlling the numerical precision of all calculations

Please note, while increasing maxiter and decreasing epsilon may provide a better precision, the runtime of hydi may be affected substantially. Convenience flags of hydis output are set based on the value of alpha. Furthermore, hydi calculates 1-alpha confidence intervals.

Input data format

hydi calls differentially hydroxymethylated cytosines (dhmC) by comparing two groups of samples analysed with oxRRBS or oxWGBS sequencing experiments. For each group, hydi needs to be given a separate (gzipped) tab-separated file. Each file summarizes the count data obtained from the individual sequencing libraries in a specific order.

The first line is a header with column descriptions and sample identifiers. Each of the following lines represents a single C in the genome. The first three fields of each line specify the coordinates of the C.

All following fields contain the count data. For each sample, there are four fields, i.e. two for each sequencing run:

column description
chrom chromosome (alphanumeric)
pos position of C (integer)
strand strand of C ("+" or "-")
ID of BS-Seq (coverage) number of reads aligned to coordinate in BS-Seq
ID of BS-Seq (non-conversion) number of non-converted Cs at coordinate in BS-Seq
ID of oxBS-Seq (coverage) number of reads aligned to coordinate in oxBS-Seq
ID of oxBS-Seq (non-conversion) number of non-converted Cs at coordinate in oxBS-Seq

where BS and oxBS denote the two distinct treatments briefly described above. For a two samples,

chrom	pos	strand	SRR2074675	SRR2074675	SRR2074676	SRR2074676	SRR2074679	SRR2074679	SRR2074680	SRR2074680
chr1	608564	+	40	37	23	17	31	28	19	12

Should counts be unavailable for a sample, e.g. when a specific C is not covered by one of the sequencing runs, the value NA may be used. Running examples are provided with the code.

Output data

Hydi returns the results in a tab-separated text file. Each line represents a single genomic Cs and summarizes the test data for group 1 (G1) and group 2 (G2). The first three fields hold their respective coordinates (see input data). The remaining 18 fields are described in the following table:

field name description
4 cil1 lower bound of confidence interval of the 5hmC-level (G1)
5 ml1 maximum likelihood estimate of 5hmC-level (G1)
6 ciu1 upper bound of confidence interval of the 5hmC-level (G1)
7 pval1 p-value for test of absence of hydroxymetylation/overshoots (G1)
8 fdr1 fdr corrected p-value for test of absence (G1)
9 cil2 lower bound of confidence interval of the 5hmC-level (G2)
10 ml2 maximum likelihood estimate of 5hmC-level in (G2)
11 ciu2 upper bound of confidence interval of the 5hmC-level (G2)
12 pval2 p-value for test of absence of hydroxymetylation/overshoots (G2)
13 fdr2 fdr corrected p-value for test of absence (G2)
14 overshoot flag (0: no overshoot; 1:overshoot G1; 2:overshoot G2; 3: overshoot G1 & G2)
15 5hmC flag (0: no 5hmC; 1:5hmC in G1; 2:5hmC in G2; 3: 5hmC in G1 & G2)
16 cil_diff lower bound of confidence interval of 5hmC differences between G1 and G2
17 ml_diff maximum likelihood estimate of 5hmC differences between G1 and G2
18 ciu_diff upper bound likelihood estimate of difference of 5hmC-levels between G1 and G2
19 pval_diff p-value for test on equality of hydroxymethylation in G1 and G2
20 fdr_diff fdr corrected p-value for test on equality in G1 and G2
21 est_mindiff estimated minimum difference of hydroxymethylation between G1 and G2

All confidence interval bounds and estimates are given as rates, i.e. on the interval of [0,1]. Confidence intervals are calculated to the 1-alpha-level. The convenience flag overshoot is set for one or both groups if the maximum likelihood estimate for 5hmC is negative and significantly different from 0 (based on the chosen alpha). Similarly, the 5hmC-flag is set for one or both groups if the estimates are positive and significantly different from 0 (based on the chosen alpha).

An example output line looks like this:

chr1	434286	+	-0.069985	0.013117	0.096011	0.752027	0.977618	-0.087720	0.015558	0.117299	0.763707	0.951594	0	0	-0.130453	-0.002441	0.125570	0.9
70594	1.000000	0.000000


Analysis of differential 5hmC

For the analysis of differential hydroxymethylation it is recommended to filter out all Cs with overshoots, i.e. a statistically significant negative hydroxymethylation. Overshoots may be caused by coverage or alignment problems. To do this, the convenience flag overshoot (field 14) may be used. This can be done, for instance, by calling

awk '{if(NR == 1 || $14 == 0) print }' examples/output.txt > examples/output.noovershoot.txt

For all downstream analyses, it is recommended to filter the data for a desired fdr cutoff, e.g. fdr <= 0.1, using fdr_diff (field 20) and to use the convenience field est_mindiff (field 21) to eliminate biologically irrelevant differences. Both values are calculated based on the difference p-value (field 19) and the confidence interval (field 16-18), respectively. For instance, the shell command

awk '{if(NR == 1 || ($14 == 0 && $20 <= 0.1 && $21 >= 0.1)) print }' examples/output.txt > examples/output.noovershoot.filtered.txt

excludes sites with significant overshoots and extracts all sites with significant fdr-corrected differential hydroxymethylation and a minimum difference of at least 0.1.

Analysis of 5hmC

If hydi is used for identifying 5hmCs in either group, the convenience flag 5hmC (field 15) may come in handy. For instance, to identify sites that are hydroxymethylated in both groups run

awk '{if(NR == 1 || $15 == 3) print }' examples/output.txt > examples/output.5hmC.txt


./hydi.x -a examples/G1.txt.gz -b examples/G2.txt.gz > examples/test.out

Running the provided minimum example should not take more than a few seconds on a standard linux machine.

Complaint department

  • steve hoffmann leibniz minus fli de
  • robert schwarz leibniz minus fli de


The following tutorial shows the complete workflow for dhmC analysis from (ox)BS-Seq fastq data to calling differenital hydroxymethylation with hydi.

Tools that are needed

The following list contains all tools/scripts that are needed for this tutorial

  • SRA Toolkit
  • Cutadapt
  • segemehl.x
  • samtools
  • BamUtil
  • haarz
  • picard
  • hydi.x

Preparation and download data

Download reference genome

wget ftp:
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz

#rename the reference genome
mv Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa GRCh38.p12.fa

Generate segemehl indices

segemehl.x -d GRCh38.p12.fa -x GRCh38.p12.fa.segemehl.ctidx -y GRCh38.p12.fa.segemehl.gaidx -F 1

Download data

Download of the whole genome oxBS-Seq and BS-Seq data of normal and malignant human liver (GEO database, accession number GSE70090).

The liver samples from are selected and the accession list is downloaded (SraAccList.txt). The sra-files are downloaded with prefetch and extracted with fastq-dump. For each selected sample a sra file is downloaded. In the following, sample_x is used for simplicity, which means that the commands have to be done for each sample.

prefetch --option-file SraAccList.txt
fastq-dump --split-files --gzip sample_x.sra

Analysing Data

Quality trimming with cutadapt

Clipping of adapters and bases with bad quality. The downloaded fastq-files serve as input.

cutadapt -a NNAGATCGGAAGAGC -A NNAGATCGGAAGAGC -q 20 -O 10 -m 25 -j 10 -o sample_x_1_clipped.fastq.gz -p sample_x_2_clipped.fastq.gz sample_x_1.fastq.gz sample_x_2.fastq.gz

Mapping with segemehl

The clipped reads are aligned with segemehl and the results are stored in alignment files (.bam-format). The alignment files are sorted with samtools sort and subsequently indexed with samtools index.

segemehl.x -d GRCh38.p12.fa -i GRCh38.p12.fa.segemehl.ctidx -j GRCh38.p12.fa.segemehl.gaidx -q sample_x_1_clipped.fastq.gz -p sample_x_fastq_2_clipped.fastq.gz -F 1 -t 100 -b -o sample_x.bam

samtools sort -T tmp/tmp --threads 20 -o sample_x.sort.bam sample_x.bam

samtools index sample_x.sort.bam

Clipping of Overlaps

The overlaps within the alignment files are removed with bam clipOverlap and the clipped .bam files are sorted and indexed with samtools.

bam clipOverlap --in sample_x.sort.bam --out sample_x.clipped.bam

samtools sort -T tmp/tmp --threads 20 -o sample_x.clipped.bam

samtools index

Generating vcf-files with haarz

For each sample the methylation is called for each cytosine with haarz and the results are sorted with picard. At the end the sample specific vcfs are merged with bcftools merge

haarz.x callmethyl -d GRCh38.p12.fa -u -b > sample_x.unique.vcf 2>>vcfs.stderr

java -jar picard.jar SortVcf I=sample_x.unique.vcf O=sample_x.unique.sorted.vcf.gz

bcftools merge `ls -lm *unique.sorted.vcf.gz | tr -d '\n' | tr ',' ' '`  -Oz -o samples.merged.vcf.gz

Generating tables needed for hydi needs a text file that contains the assignments of samples to group/stage. In the following is the content of the file for this specific tutorial example.

sample_BS	sample_oxBS	stage
SRR2074675	SRR2074676	normal
SRR2074679	SRR2074680	normal
SRR2074683	SRR2074684	normal
SRR2074687	SRR2074688	normal
SRR2074677	SRR2074678	tumor
SRR2074681	SRR2074682	tumor
SRR2074685	SRR2074686	tumor
SRR2074689	SRR2074690	tumor runs with python 2.7 and needs as input a sample assignment file, the merged vcf file and a minimal coverage (-c, default 10). The minimal coverage determines how much reads must at least cover the respective C. The minimal sample number can be set via -m (default 3), which means that if in at least one group the required sample number is not reached the respective CG is not considered overall. The counts that are smaller or equal to the required coverage (-c, default 10) are substituted by an NA, which can be handled by hydi. The script does extract all Cs in CpG context and generates two tables in a zipped format that contains in their name the respective group/stage.

usage: vcfs2tab [-h] [-s SAMPLES] [-v VCFFILE] [-c MINCOV] [-m MINSAM]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -s SAMPLES  path/filename of sample assignment file
  -v VCFFILE  path/filename of merged vfc file
  -c MINCOV   minimal coverage (default: 10)   
  -m MINSAM   minimal sample number per group that need to reach the required coverage (default: 3) 

You will find the sampleAssignment.txt for that tutorial in the examples directory and in the scripts directory. Run for that specific tutorial in the following way:

python -s sampleAssignment.txt -v samples.merged.vcf.gz -c 10

Run Hydi

Finally, run hydi with the two generated tables by

./hydi.x -a tumor.dat.gz -b normal.dat.gz > hydi.result.out


calling differential hydroxymethylation







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