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Tags: HighDiceRoller/icepool



Toggle v1.5.0a0's commit message
* Providing only a `drop` argument to `lowest()` or `highest()` will …

…now keep all other elements rather than just the first non-dropped element.

* `depth` argument to `Die.reroll()` is now mandatory.
* `tuple` outcomes are now auto-`tupleize`d again during `Die` construction.
* Add `Die.stochastic_round()` method.
* Add `percent` option to `Population.probability` methods.
* Add new `again_count` mode for handling `Again`, which limits the total number of dice.
* Improved ability to `keep` from both ends for certain types of multiset expressions.
* Rename `func` parameters to `function`.
* Experimental `Die.reroll_to_pool()` method.
* Experimental `all_straights_reduce_counts` and `argsort` multiset evaluations.


Toggle v1.4.0's commit message
* Rename `keep_counts` to `keep_counts_ge`. Add `le`, `lt`, `gt`, `eq…

…`, and `ne` variants.

* Add `count_subset` evaluation that counts how many times the right side is contained in the left.
* Add `ImplicitConversionError` as subclass of `TypeError`.
* Add binary multiset operators to `Deck`.
* Add `modulo_counts` / `%` operation on multisets.
* Rebind generators and evaluate when fully bound non-generator expressions are given to an evaluator.
* Fix `Symbols` intersection.
* Fix argument order in `__rfloordiv__`.


Toggle v1.3.0's commit message
* Fix `Symbols` operator priority with `Population`, `AgainExpression`.

* Added experimental `map_to_pool` and `explode_to_pool` methods.
* Split `compair` into `compare_lt` etc.
* Constructing a mixture of dice now effectively uses the old `lcm_joint` method, which reduces the denominator more aggressively.


Toggle v1.2.0's commit message
* Experimental `Symbols` class representing a multiset of characters.

* `marginals` now forwards `__getattr__` to outcomes, as long as the attribute name doesn't begin with an underscore.
* Operators on expressions now keep negative counts by default. The `keep_negative_counts` argument is retired.
* Add unary `-` for `MultisetExpression`.
* `MultisetExpression.isdisjoint()` now raises an error for negative counts.
* Small performance optimization for `Vector`.
* `Population.marginals` is no longer a `Sequence`, since the mixins don't make sense.
* `Mapping`s are now properly excluded from `Population.common_outcome_length`.
* Fixed quoting in `repr` for populations.


Toggle v1.1.2's commit message
* Add `z(n)`, which produces a die that runs from 0 to `n - 1` inclus…


* Add `Population.to_one_hot()`, which converts the die or deck to a one-hot representation.
* Add `Die.mean_time_to_sum()`, which computes the mean number of rolls until the cumulative sum is greater or equal to the target.


Toggle v1.1.1's commit message
* Fix non-fully-bound case of `MultisetEvaluator.evaluate()`.

* Add `default` argument to `lowest(), highest(), middle()`.
* Add `Population.entropy()`.


Toggle v1.1.0's commit message
* `mean()`, `variance()`, etc. now return an exact `fractions.Fractio…

…n` when possible. (Note that `Fraction`s only support float-style formatting from 3.12.)

* Rename `disjoint_union` to `additive_union`.
* Add `keep_negative_counts` keyword argument to `+, -, &, |` binary operators for multiset expressions (default `False`).
* Symmetric difference (`^`) for multiset expressions is now a straight absolute difference of counts.
* Add unary `+` operator for multiset expressions, which is the same as `keep_counts(0)`.