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ESMValTool Community Discussion

This repository is used for discussion, announcements, and other community based activities.

This issue tracker is intended to be low-to-medium traffic. Here are some proposed uses:

  1. Announcing meetings and sharing meeting notes
  2. Announcing workshops
  3. Discussing conferences

We hope that by removing these discussions from the high-traffic ESMValGroup/ESMValTool issue tracker more people will feel comfortable subscribing to them.

Monthly ESMValTool meetings

Format and agenda

  • Anyone with an interest in ESMValTool is welcome to join and ask questions
  • We start the meeting by doing a round where everyone gets one minute to introduce themselves and tell what they will be working on in the next month or what they would like help with.
  • Using the input from the introduction round, we can decide to talk about specific topics with the entire group or make smaller breakout groups to continue the discussion there.
  • GitHub issues (ESMValTool/ESMValCore) are our preferred way to communicate outside the meeting and keep track of work, so any feature requests/action items/etc discussed in the meeting should ideally result in a GitHub issue.
  • If you already know that you would like to bring up a particular topic in the meeting, you can mention it in the GitHub discussion announcing the meeting. That will make it easy to find for other people in the meeting and we can already start discussing there before the meeting. If you expect there might be a lot of discussion on the topic, you might want to create a new GitHub discussion for it and link it from the meeting announcement disucssion.

Calendar invitations to the meeting are sent to the mailing list, join it here.

User engagement team meetings

The user engagement team can be contacted at [email protected]. Team meeting minutes can be found in User Engagement Lead.

Tech lead team meetings

The technical lead team can be contacted at [email protected]. More information about the technical lead team meetings can be found in Tech Lead.

Science lead team meetings

The scientific lead team can be contacted at [email protected]. Meeting notes from the science lead team meetings can be found in Science Lead.

Proto-Steering Group meetings

Meeting notes from proto-Steering group meetings can be found in proto-Steering Group.


Date Title Venue/Audience Presenter Link to material/ announcement
2024-09-02 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): Analyzing CMIP-style data made easy 2024 ACCESS Community Workshop, Canberra/Australia (invited; remotely) Birgit @hb326
2024-07-24 An Introduction to ESMValTool A-RIP Workshop in Boulder/USA; part of a taught tutorial Birgit @hb326
2024-07-22 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): Analyzing CMIP-style data made easy A-RIP Workshop in Boulder/USA Birgit @hb326
2024-07-03 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): Analyzing CMIP-style data made easy Seminar at ORNL/Tennessee/USA Birgit @hb326
2024-05-21 An Introduction to ESMValTool AI4PEX Project Kick off Meeting Ranjini @rswamina slides
2023-11-09 Reliable and reproducible Earth System Model data analysis with ESMValTool NCAR Workshop on Correctness and Reproducibility for Climate and Weather Software Valeriu @valeriupredoi slides
2023-09-05 Analysis-ready climate data with ESMValCore and ESMValTool EMS2023 Peter @Peter9192 abstract
2023-06-15 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): Analyzing CMIP data made easy CACTI Meeting Kiel/Germany (participants of the AerChemMIP, RFMIP, PDRMIP, and RAMIP) Birgit @hb326
2023-05-10 Research software and beyond - a community and FAIR software: ESMVaITool for evaluations of Earth system models DCC Event: Sustainable Research Software: Challenges & Solutions, University of Groningen, Netherlands Sarah@SarahAlidoost presentation
2023-04-13 Reproducible climate data analysis with ESMValTool GRS and WRM seminar, TU Delft, The Netherlands Peter @Peter9192 and Bouwe @bouweandela
2023-04-05 NCEO ESMValTool Tutorial (Basic) National Centre for Earth Observation, UK and the TerraFIRMA project Ranjini @rswamina presentation
2023-03-24 Climate data analysis with ESMValTool NAC 2023 Bouwe @bouweandela presentation
2022-12-15 Evaluation of Native Earth System Model Output with ESMValTool AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (Chicago, IL, USA) Manuel @schlunma
2022-11-28 Introduction to ESMValTool RDWK group at KNMI, The Netherlands Bouwe @bouweandela
2022-09-05 ESMValTool​: A successful open-source software for evaluations of Earth system models​ Lorentz workshop: Boosting (sub) seasonal forecasts with Explainable AI​, Lorentz Center, Leiden University Sarah @SarahAlidoost pdf
2022-06-13 Introduction to ESMValTool: webinar IS-ENES3 Klaus @zklaus webpage and recording
2021-10-07 Research software and beyond - ESMValTool: a community and FAIR software for evaluations of Earth system models Workshop on Sustainable Software Sustainability Sarah @SarahAlidoost webpage
2021-09-07 ESMValTool : Earth System Model Evaluation Tool and Tutorial NCEO Session on EO for earth system model evaluation at the EO Week 2021 Ranjini @rswamina Webpage no longer active.
2021-06-24 ESMValTool User Engagement Met Office UK ESMValTool Coffee Morning Ranjini @rswamina
2021-05-19 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): analyzing CMIP data made easy DLR Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Neustrelitz/Germany Birgit @hb326
2021-05-18 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): analyzing CMIP data made easy COP26 Energy-Climate Hackathon lightning talk Ranjini @rswamina
2021-04-22 Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool): analyzing CMIP data made easy Data Science of the Natural Environment Seminar, Lancaster/UK Birgit @hb326
2020-12-12 ESMValCore and ESMValTool: analyzing CMIP data made easy AGU Fall Meeting (virtually) Birgit @hb326
2020-11-17 An Introduction to ESMValTool NCAS/NCEO/MOHC Joint Forum: Bringing together observations and models to improve our simulations of the coupled Earth System. Ranjini @rswamina
2020-04-21 ESMValTool: A Community driven tool for climate model evaluation and analysis. UK CMIP6 Worksho Valeriu @valeriupredoi webpage
2020-06-16 ESMValTool Progress and Updates UKESM General Assembly Ranjini @rswamina, Lee @ledm, Valeriu @valeriupredoi webpage
2020-01-08 ESMValTool and NCEO Data NCEO Data Meeting Ranjini @rswamina
2019-06-00 ESMValTool for model evaluation JULES Evaluation Meeting Ranjini @rswamina
2018-07-09 ESMValTool: Diagnostics and Metrics for Earth System Model Evaluation UKESM LTSM Project Annual Meeting Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi pdf
2018-06-12 CMIP model evaluation with the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) TriMIPathlon, Reading/UK (participants of AerChemMIP, RFMIP and PDRMIP) Birgit @hb326

Training events

Date Title Venue/Audience/ ~No. of attendees Instructor Link to material/ announcement Category
2024-07-24 ESMValTool tutorial A-RIP Workshop, Boulder, USA, ~12 Birgit @hb326, Manuel @schlunma (online), Axel @axel-lauer (online) Research Group
2024-03-12--2024-03-15 ESMValTool Hackathon DLR, Munich, Germany, ~25 Manuel @schlunma, Axel @axel-lauer, Birgit @hb326, Lisa @LisaBock GitHub project Organization
2023-10-29 ESMValTool tutorial WCRP/SPARC Training school on “Climate Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence in the Global South”, Kigali, Rwanda, ~30 Birgit @hb326 Early career researchers (mostly from Africa)
2023-09-05--2023-09-06 ESMValTool Hackathon DLR, Munich, Germany, ~15 Manuel @schlunma, Axel @axel-lauer, Birgit @hb326, Lisa @LisaBock GitHub project Organization
2023-05-30 ESMValTool workshop NICEST2, INES-interim, KeyCLIM, ~15 Yanchun @YanchunHe, Alok @monsieuralok, Tomas @TomasTorsvik webpage, material Organization
2023-04-17 Training workshop: introduction to ESMValTool ITC, University of Twente, Netherlands, ~25 Bouwe @bouweandela, Pranav @cpranav93, Sarah @SarahAlidoost webpage Organization
2023-02-14 Introductory tutorial and processing native model output DLR-IPA, ESM department, ~16 Birgit @hb326, Axel @axel-lauer, Manuel @schlunma, Remi @remi-kazeroni Research Group
2022-06-27 Introduction to ESMValTool: a tool for evaluation of climate model data, workshop IS-ENES3, ~25 Remi @remi-kazeroni, Klaus @zklaus, Manuel @schlunma, Valeriu @valeriupredoi, Birgit @hb326 webpage, introduction and material
2022-06-13 ESMValTool: writing your own diagnostic Online in CCCma (ECCC), ~12 Liza@malininae Internal for ECCC, no public link Organization
2022-05-25 Earth System Model Evaluation with ESMValTool in the Jupyter notebook EGU22, ~40 Bouwe @bouweandela, Sarah @SarahAlidoost, Carsten @cehbrecht, Peter @Peter9192, and Klaus @zklaus webpage, Jupyter notebook and instructions and slides Conference
2022-03-00 Tutorial Online (4C project), ~18 Birgit @hb326, Manuel @schlunma, Remi @remi-kazeroni Research Group
2022-02-00 Tutorial Online (UKCA), ~12 Ranjini @rswamina, Klaus @zklaus, Remi @remi-kazeroni Research Group
2021-09-13 How to use ESMValTool? Online in CCCma (ECCC), ~15 Liza@malininae Internal for ECCC, no public link Organization
2020-07-00 Tutorial Online (Plymouth Marine Labs, UK), ~12 Lee @ledm, Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi Organization
2020-07-00 Tutorial Online(UK CMIP6 Analysis Workshop), ~12 Lee @ledm, Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi pdf Research Group
2020-07-00 Tutorial Online (LaunchPad Project Members ), ~13 Lee @ledm, Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi webpage Project
2019-09-00 Tutorial Online (NCEO Conference, Nottingham, UK), ~11 Lee @ledm, Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi Organization
2019-04-00 Tutorial NCEO, Leicester, UK, ~2 Ranjini @rswamina Organization
2019-02-00 Tutorial SMHI, Norkopping, Sweden - week long interactive course., ~9 Lee @ledm, Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi, Klaus @zklaus Organization
2018-01-00 Tutorial UKESM Core Group, U.Reading, UK, ~8 Lee @ledm, Ranjini @rswamina, Valeriu @valeriupredoi Research Group


This repository is used for meeting announcements and other community activities.



