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Dordovel edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

The user module displays the current user name with avatar and system uptime.


Addressed by user

option typeof default description
interval integer 60 The interval in which the information gets polled.
format string {user} {work_H}:{work_M} The format, how the information should be displayed.
avatar string $HOME/.face Path to custom image
height integer 30 Avatar height
width integer 30 Avatar width
icon bool false Option to enable avatar icon
open-on-click bool true Option to enable path opening
open-path string $HOME folder path

Format replacements:

string replacement
{up_H} System startup time
{up_M} System startup minute
{up_d} System startup day
{up_m} System startup month
{up_Y} System startup year
{work_H} System uptime hours by day
{work_M} System uptime minutes
{work_S} System uptime seconds
{work_d} System startup days
{user} Username


"user": {
        "format": "{user} (up {work_d} days ↑)",
        "interval": 60,
        "height": 30,
        "width": 30,
        "icon": true,
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