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Ivan Oleynikov edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 2 revisions


Module for FeralInteractive/gamemode.

Addressed by gamemode

option typeof default description
format string {glyph} The text format.
format-alt string {glyph} {count} The text format when toggled.
tooltip bool true Option to disable tooltip on hover.
tooltip-format string Games running: {glyph} The text format of the tooltip.
hide-not-running bool true Defines the spacing between the tooltip window edge and the tooltip content.
use-icon bool true Defines if the module should display a GTK icon instead of the specified glyph.
glyph string The string icon to display. Only visible if use-icon is set to false.
icon-name string input-gaming-symbolic The GTK icon to display. Only visible if use-icon is set to true.
icon-size integer 20 Defines the size of the icons.
icon-spacing integer 4 Defines the spacing between the icon and the text.

Format replacements:

string replacement
{glyph} The string icon glyph to use instead.
{count} The amount of games running with gamemode optimizations.

Tooltip format replacements:

string replacement
{count} The amount of games running with gamemode optimizations.


"gamemode": {
    "format": "{glyph}",
    "format-alt": "{glyph} {count}",
    "glyph": "",
    "hide-not-running": true,
    "use-icon": true,
    "icon-name": "input-gaming-symbolic",
    "icon-spacing": 4,
    "icon-size": 20,
    "tooltip": true,
    "tooltip-format": "Games running: {count}"


  • #gamemode
  • #gamemode.running
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