
Mikhail Vrubel'

Russian painter, scenographer, and sculptor, 1856-1910

Name Variants (ULAN):
Vrubel', Mikhail Aleksandrovich; Vrubel', Mihail Aleksandrovič; Vrubel', Mihajl Aleksandrovic; Vrubel, Mihajl Aleksandrovič; Wrubel, Michael Alexandrovitsch; Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel; Vrubel, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; Vroubel, M. A.; Wroubel, Michel; Wrubel, Michail; Wrubel, Michel; Vrubelʹ, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; Врубель, Михаил Александрович
1856, Omsk
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 13
Exhibiting Countries: 3
Exhibiting Cities: 4
Catalogue Entries: 76
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 76
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Feb 22, 1905 (Feb 9, 1905 o.S.) Выставка картин "Союз Русских Художников" [Vy'stavka kartin "Soyuz Russkikh Khudozhnikov" : Exhibition of Painting "Union of Russian Artists"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 3
Mar 3, 1905 (Feb 18, 1905 o.S.) XII-я Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников в Москве 1905 г. [XII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov v Moskve 1905 g. : XII. Exhibition of Paintings of the Moscow Association of Artists in Moscow 1905] Moscow [Istoricheskij muzej] 5
Jan 27, 1906 (Jan 14, 1906 o.S.) Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 8
Feb 1906 Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] Saint Petersburg [Ekateriniskij zal] 15
Nov 15, 1906 Russische Kunstausstellung 1906 Berlin Eduard Schulte, Kunsthandlung 16 art galleries
1907 Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Exhibition of Painting "Union of Russian Artists"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 4
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 5 others
1908 XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 6
1908‒1909 Салон 1909 [Salon 1909 : Salon 1909] Saint Petersburg [In the rooms of the museum and "Menshikov's apartments"] 5
1909‒1910 VII Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [VII Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VII Exhibition of Paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow [Literaturno-Khudozhestvenny'j Kruzhok : Literature and art salon] 2
1909‒1910 XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1
Nov 5, 1913 (Oct 23, 1913 o.S.) Выставка Графических Искусств [Vy'stavka Graficheskikh Iskusstv : Exhibition of Graphic Arts] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro N. E. Doby'chinoj : Art Bureau of N. E. Dobychina] 5
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 1 others
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Konstantin Korovin RU 1861 1939 7 exhibitions
Tatjana Lugowskaya 1875 7 exhibitions
Pyotr Petrovichev RU 1874 1947 6 exhibitions
Konstantin Somov RU 1869 1939 8 exhibitions
Filipp Malyavin RU 1869 1940 5 exhibitions
Viktor Borisov-Musatov RU 1870 1905 7 exhibitions
Konstantin Yuon RU 1875 1958 7 exhibitions
Igor Grabar RU 1871 1960 7 exhibitions
Arkady Rylov RU Jan 29, 1870 Jun 22, 1939 7 exhibitions
Valentin Serov RU 1865 1911 7 exhibitions
Léon Bakst RU 1866 1924 8 exhibitions
Stanislav-Vitold Vladislavovich Noakovsky PL 1867 1928 5 exhibitions
Aleksandr Golovin RU 1863 1930 5 exhibitions
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky RU 1875 1957 9 exhibitions
Alexandre Benois RU 1870 1960 8 exhibitions
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow RU 1867 1928 4 exhibitions
Stepan Petrovich Yaremich RU 1869 1939 6 exhibitions
A. P. Tokarev 4 exhibitions
Boris Kustodiyev RU 1878 1927 7 exhibitions
Agnes Lindemann RU Jul 3, 1878 Nov 6, 1942 6 exhibitions
Ivan Bilibin RU 1876 1942 7 exhibitions
Yevgeny Lansere RU 1875 1946 6 exhibitions
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin RU 1859 1937 5 exhibitions
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov RU 1863 1918 5 exhibitions
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin RU 1864 1916 4 exhibitions
Isaak Levitan RU 1860 1900 3 exhibitions
Andrey Ryabushkin RU 1861 1904 3 exhibitions
Maria Vasilievna Iakunchikova-Veber RU 1870 1902 3 exhibitions
Elza Backlund SE 1880 1974 3 exhibitions
Vasili Ivanovich Denisov RU 1862 1922 5 exhibitions
Fedor Ivanovich Rerberg RU 1865 1938 4 exhibitions
Sergey Vinogradov RU 1869 1938 4 exhibitions
Il'ya Repin RU 1844 1930 3 exhibitions
Mikhail Anatolyevich Mamontov RU 1865 1920 3 exhibitions
Dmitry Stelletsky RU 1875 1947 4 exhibitions
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva RU 1871 1955 6 exhibitions
Vasily Ivanovich Komarov RU 1868 1918 3 exhibitions
Stanislav Julianovič Žukovskij RU 1873 1944 4 exhibitions
Leonid Pasternak RU 1862 1945 4 exhibitions
Leonard Turzhansky RU 1875 1945 3 exhibitions
A. V. Shhusev 3 exhibitions
Yakov Kalinichenko RU 1869 1938 3 exhibitions
Nicholas Roerich RU 1874 1947 6 exhibitions
Nikolay Krymov RU 1884 1958 5 exhibitions
Nikolay Pavlovic Ul'yanov RU 1875 1949 4 exhibitions
Aleksander Sredin RU 1872 1934 4 exhibitions
Petr Nikandroivč Mironovic RU 3 exhibitions
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt RU 1865 1918 3 exhibitions
Olga Della-Vos Kardovskaya RU 1875 1952 3 exhibitions
Nikolaj Petrovič Feofilaktov RU 1878 1941 4 exhibitions
Leonid Brailovskii RU 1867 1937 4 exhibitions
Ekaterina Vasilevna Goldinger RU 1881 1973 3 exhibitions
Ivan Georgievic Gugunava GE 1860 1919 3 exhibitions
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin RU 1863 1935 3 exhibitions
Aleksey Stepanov RU 1858 1923 3 exhibitions
Grigorij Michajlovič Bobrovskij RU 1873 1942 3 exhibitions
Boris Anisfel'd RU 1879 1973 5 exhibitions
Pavel Kuznetsov RU 1878 1968 4 exhibitions
Konstantin Bogayevsky RU 1872 1943 5 exhibitions
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff RU 1871 1930 6 exhibitions
Apollinary Vasnetsov RU 1856 1933 3 exhibitions
Abram Arkhipov RU 1862 1930 3 exhibitions
Rimma Nikitična Brailovskaja RU 1877 1959 3 exhibitions
Viktor Zamyraylo UA 1868 1939 3 exhibitions
Vasily Milioti RU 1875 1943 2 exhibitions
Sergey Sudyekin RU 1882 1946 4 exhibitions
Mikhail Ivanov RU 1748 1823 2 exhibitions
Margarita V. Sabaschnikow RU Jan 31, 1882 Nov 2, 1973 2 exhibitions
Alexander Seredin 2 exhibitions
Mikhail Ezuchevsky 1879 1928 2 exhibitions
Maria Chapchal (Berngof) 1882 1970 2 exhibitions
Usein Bodaninsky RU 1877 1938 2 exhibitions
A. E. Ivanov 2 exhibitions
Asor Hansen NO 1862 1929 2 exhibitions
Gian Luciano Sormani IT 1867 1938 2 exhibitions
Aleksej Alekseevič Jasinskij RU 1874 1943 3 exhibitions
Elena Vladimirovna Aleksandrova RU 1874 1921 2 exhibitions
Mikhail Kharlamov RU 1880 1948 3 exhibitions
Eugiché Tatewossianz 2 exhibitions
Paolo, Prince Troubetzkoy IT 1866 1938 2 exhibitions
Jurij Il'ič Repin RU 1877 1954 2 exhibitions
Jan Ciągliński PL 1858 1913 3 exhibitions
Dmitry Kardovsky RU 1866 1943 2 exhibitions
Sergey Ivanov RU 1864 1910 2 exhibitions
Vasili Dmitrievich Millioti RU 1875 1943 2 exhibitions
Sigmund Sinding NO 1875 1936 2 exhibitions
Domenico Maria Durante IT 1879 1944 2 exhibitions
Aleksandr Fedorovich Gaush RU 1873 1947 4 exhibitions
E. N. William 2 exhibitions
Boris Nikolaevič Lipkin RU 1874 2 exhibitions
Adam Burachevski 1881 2 exhibitions
Erna von Deters DE 1876 1961 2 exhibitions
Konstantin Evseev 1879 1944 2 exhibitions
Vladimir Pokrovsky RU 1871 1931 2 exhibitions
N. S. Smirnova 2 exhibitions
Vladimir Orlov RU 1887 1962 2 exhibitions
Léon Zack RU 1892 1980 2 exhibitions
Semen Frolov RU 1878 1950 2 exhibitions
Christian Krohg NO 1852 1925 2 exhibitions
Adolf Le Comte NL 1850 1921 2 exhibitions
Luigi Conconi IT 1852 1917 2 exhibitions
Mikhail Larionov RU 1881 1964 5 exhibitions
Nikolay Sapunov RU 1880 1912 3 exhibitions
D. Varapaev 2 exhibitions
Konstantin Konstantinovich Pervukhin RU 1863 1915 2 exhibitions
Vasily Surikov RU 1848 1916 2 exhibitions
Anna Semenovna Glagoleva RU 1873 1943 2 exhibitions
Viktor Ivanovich Zarubin RU 1866 1928 2 exhibitions
Ivan Sacharov 2 exhibitions
Elena Ivanovna Kamenceva RU 1879 1977 2 exhibitions
James Jebusa Shannon US 1862 1923 2 exhibitions
Lorenzo Viani IT 1882 1936 2 exhibitions
Felice Castegnaro IT 1872 1958 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Vizzotto Alberti IT 1862 1931 2 exhibitions
Emilio Pasini IT 1872 1924 2 exhibitions
Giulio Genovese IT 1928 2 exhibitions
Angelo Torchi IT 1856 1915 2 exhibitions
Guido Grimani IT 1871 1933 2 exhibitions
Galileo Chini IT 1873 1956 2 exhibitions
Aleksandr Georgievich Yakimchenko RU 1878 1929 2 exhibitions
Michail Semenovič Pyrin RU 1874 1943 2 exhibitions
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov RU 1862 1934 2 exhibitions
Nikolai Petrovich Khimona RU 1865 1920 2 exhibitions
Walter Thor DE 1870 1929 2 exhibitions
Carlo Fornara IT 1871 1968 2 exhibitions
Carlo Balestrini IT 1868 1923 2 exhibitions
Giacomo Grosso IT 1860 1938 2 exhibitions
Pompeo Mariani IT 1857 1927 2 exhibitions
Theodoor van Hoijtema NL 1863 1917 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Giani IT 1866 1936 2 exhibitions
Ambrogio Antonio Alciati IT 1878 1929 2 exhibitions
Giulio Ettore Erler IT 1876 1964 2 exhibitions
Carlo Donati IT 1874 1949 2 exhibitions
Antonietta Fragiacomo IT 1859 1942 2 exhibitions
Adolfo Mattielli IT 1883 1966 2 exhibitions
Augusto Sezanne IT 1856 1935 2 exhibitions
Stefano Bersani IT 1872 1914 2 exhibitions
Mario De Maria IT 1852 1924 2 exhibitions
Michail Fedorovič Šemjakin RU Oct 21, 1875 Dec 3, 1944 2 exhibitions
Georgy Lukomsky RU 1884 1952 3 exhibitions
Alberto Martini IT 1876 1954 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Milioti RU 1874 1962 3 exhibitions
Lino Selvatico IT 1872 1924 2 exhibitions
Ercole Sibellato IT 1878 1963 2 exhibitions
Augusto Carutti IT 1875 1956 2 exhibitions
Konstantin Kuznetsov RU 1863 1936 2 exhibitions
Floris Hendrik Verster NL 1861 1927 2 exhibitions
Auguste Donnay BE 1862 1911 2 exhibitions
Adolf Fischer DE 1860 1918 2 exhibitions
Bernardus Johannes Blommers NL 1845 1914 2 exhibitions
Menso Kamerlingh Onnes BE 1860 1925 2 exhibitions
Johann Zoetelief Tromp NL 1872 1947 2 exhibitions
Philip Zilcken NL 1857 1930 2 exhibitions
Gerke Henkes NL 1844 1927 2 exhibitions
Umberto Moggioli IT 1886 1919 2 exhibitions
Augusto Majani IT 1867 1959 2 exhibitions
Emilio Borsa IT 1857 1931 2 exhibitions
Felice Casorati IT 1883 1963 2 exhibitions
Luigi Nono IT 1850 1918 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Vianello IT 1873 1926 2 exhibitions
Hans Petersen DE 1850 1914 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Kuznetsov RU 1850 1930 2 exhibitions
Adolf Iosifovic Charlemagne RU 1826 1901 2 exhibitions
Lionello Balestrieri IT 1872 1958 2 exhibitions
Leonhard Sandrock DE 1867 1945 2 exhibitions
Max Schlichting DE 1866 1937 2 exhibitions
Louis Willem van Soest NL 1867 1948 2 exhibitions
Leonardo Bazzaro IT 1853 1937 2 exhibitions
Alceste Campriani IT 1848 1933 2 exhibitions
Lodovico Cavaleri IT 1867 1942 2 exhibitions
Emilio Gola IT 1851 1923 2 exhibitions
Vittorio Guaccimanni IT 1859 1938 2 exhibitions
Emilio Longoni IT 1859 1933 2 exhibitions
Emo Mazzetti IT 1870 1955 2 exhibitions
Santiago Rusiñol ES 1861 1931 2 exhibitions
Matteo Olivero IT 1879 1932 2 exhibitions
Glauco Cambon IT 1875 1930 2 exhibitions
Pietro Chiesa CH 1876 1959 2 exhibitions
Isaac Israëls NL 1865 1934 2 exhibitions
Gaetano Previati IT 1852 1920 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe de Sanctis IT 1858 1924 2 exhibitions
Vincenzo Migliaro IT 1858 1938 2 exhibitions
Giulio Aristide Sartorio IT 1860 1932 2 exhibitions
Raffaele Tafuri IT 1857 1929 2 exhibitions
Cesare Vianello IT 1803 1894 2 exhibitions
Alessandro Milesi IT 1856 1945 2 exhibitions
Guido Marussig IT 1885 1938 2 exhibitions
Walter Lokkenberg RU 1875 1921 2 exhibitions
Mykhail Latri RU 1875 1941 2 exhibitions
Isaak Brodsky RU 1884 1939 2 exhibitions
Edgar Chahine FR 1874 1947 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Johannes Haverman NL 1857 1928 2 exhibitions
Thorolf Holmboe NO 1866 1935 2 exhibitions
Giorgio Belloni IT 1861 1944 2 exhibitions
Antonio Piatti IT 1875 1962 2 exhibitions
Julius Olsson GB 1864 1942 2 exhibitions
Mario Reviglione IT 1883 1965 2 exhibitions
Vincenzo de Stefani IT 1859 1937 2 exhibitions
Llewelyn Lloyd IT 1879 1949 2 exhibitions
Alexsey Morgunov RU 1884 1935 2 exhibitions
Baldassare Longoni IT 1876 1956 2 exhibitions
Luigi Gioli IT 1854 1947 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Battista Costantini IT 1872 1947 2 exhibitions
Bartolomeo Bezzi IT 1851 1923 2 exhibitions
Alessandro Battaglia IT 1870 1940 2 exhibitions
Hermen Anglada-Camarasa ES 1871 1959 2 exhibitions
Albert Baertson BE 1866 1922 2 exhibitions
Cesare Maggi IT 1881 1962 2 exhibitions
Umberto Coromaldi IT 1870 1948 2 exhibitions
Francesco Sartorelli IT 1856 1939 2 exhibitions
Guglielmo Ciardi IT 1842 1917 2 exhibitions
Lodovico Tommasi IT 1866 1941 2 exhibitions
Plinio Nomellini IT 1866 1943 2 exhibitions
Eugen Felix Prosper Bracht DE 1842 1921 2 exhibitions
Otto Ackermann DE 1872 1953 2 exhibitions
Gerolamo Cairati IT 1860 1943 2 exhibitions
Vettore Zanetti-Zilla IT 1864 1946 2 exhibitions
Enrico della Leonessa IT 1865 1921 2 exhibitions
Antonio Discovolo IT 1874 1956 2 exhibitions
Alexei Jawlensky RU 1864 1941 4 exhibitions
Francesco Gioli IT 1846 1922 2 exhibitions
Arturo Noci IT 1874 1953 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Zanetti-Miti IT 1859 1929 2 exhibitions
Emma Ciardi IT 1879 1933 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Hermanns DE 1862 1942 2 exhibitions
Horace Mann Livens GB 1862 1936 2 exhibitions
Onorato Carlandi IT 1848 1939 2 exhibitions
James Ensor BE 1860 1949 2 exhibitions
Beppe Ciardi IT 1875 1932 2 exhibitions
Ferruccio Scattola IT 1873 1950 2 exhibitions
Armand Rassenfosse BE 1862 1934 2 exhibitions
Ulisse Caputo IT 1872 1948 2 exhibitions
Marius van der Maarel NL 1857 1921 2 exhibitions
Harrington Mann GB 1864 1937 2 exhibitions
Kazimir Malevich RU 1878 1935 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Casciaro IT 1863 1945 2 exhibitions
Pietro Fragiacomo IT 1856 1922 2 exhibitions
Nikolai I. Khrustachev RU 1883 1960 2 exhibitions
Dmitry Mitrokhin RU 1883 1973 2 exhibitions
Georgy Narbut UA 1886 1920 2 exhibitions
Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer NL 1867 1932 2 exhibitions
Camillo Innocenti IT 1871 1961 2 exhibitions
Yelizaveta Kruglikova RU 1865 1941 2 exhibitions
Pyotr Konchalovsky RU 1876 1956 2 exhibitions
Petr Savvič Utkin RU 1877 1934 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Dettmann DE 1865 1944 2 exhibitions
Alfred Delaunois BE 1876 1941 2 exhibitions
Kazimierz Sichulski PL 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Eugène Laermans BE 1864 1940 2 exhibitions
Susanne Robertson NL 1855 1922 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Willem Mesdag NL 1831 1915 2 exhibitions
Alfred East GB 1849 1913 2 exhibitions
Henri Le Sidaner FR 1862 1939 2 exhibitions
Antonio Mancini IT 1852 1930 2 exhibitions
Bertram Priestman GB 1868 1951 2 exhibitions
Willy Sluiter NL 1873 1949 2 exhibitions
Georges-Olivier Desvallières FR 1861 1950 2 exhibitions
John Lavery IE 1856 1941 2 exhibitions
Albert Besnard FR 1849 1934 2 exhibitions
Jean-François Raffaëlli FR 1850 1924 2 exhibitions
Théo van Rysselberghe BE 1862 1926 2 exhibitions
Vassily Kandinsky RU 1866 1944 2 exhibitions
Maurice Denis FR 1870 1943 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Mikhail Vrubel'." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Mar 27, 2021.