
code gremlin. cursed.

i haven't figured out how to post on here yet and i'm too busy being burnt out, sleepy, and full of bad ideas to write. one day i will post something and god will come for me faster than an embarrassed parent at a softball game.

Profile picture by Catastrothy.


This is intended to be some kind of intro for my profile that I can pin. I'm nily, nil, nilium, or Noel depending on where someone knows me from. For the most part, I'm your typical code gremlin who started writing games for fun and somehow ended up working on servers. I went to school for writing, mostly poetry, and then I needed money. So, I write code for other people and that's kind of stuck and I'm very sorry: you all get to live with my mistakes now.

Code-wise, when I have the spoons and it's not for work, I usually get buried in: building my own continuous integration / build system, writing a compiler and a virtual machine for said compiler (because it's very relaxing to write a VM), and sometimes trying to figure out how game development works again. I'd kind of like to take the Quake 1 or 2 engine and play a bit with those too. Or maybe I'll try to learn how to write a database. I really like building things I definitely don't know how to build -- learning is still mostly fun, after all. I'm also vulnerable to new-and-shiny things, even if it's just new-and-shiny to me.

As far as writing goes, I tried to keep up but at some point at my last job, I became too burnt out to do anything other than work and sleep, so that fell by the wayside. I'm still recovering, I do write occasional things for sharing and then don't post them. Maybe I'll post more things I don't post in the future. I'm not sure if that means screeds or poetry or essays but time will tell. I'll have to update this paragraph if I ever do that.

I don't know how much I'll post, but I love everyone else's posts, so being here works out just fine.