
the website you're on right now

brought to you by @vogon @jkap @aidan @kaara


@staff is on the clock from 9am EST to 5pm PST every weekday.

Be sure to check out the status of known bugs, feature requests, and other site improvements in the notion link above.

find our FAQ and support documents at

To contact us directly, email [email protected]

thank you for using cohost!

corporate website

last week, @aidan and @jkap gave a talk about CSS Crimes during the Art+Code block at XOXO 2024. we promised we'd put our slides up and, after some brief cleanup, here they are!

featuring crimes from @nex3, @dedusmulntxt, @Cro, @DecayWTF, @wowperfect, @cefqrn, @blackle, @porglezomp, @ubuntor, @oatmealine, @rosieposie, @candiedreptile, @isyourguy, @amypercent, @rebane2001, @mog, @ldx, @fish, @homotexas, @blep, @everest, and @a2aaron!

thanks to everyone who came out to the talk, it was great to meet so many of you.

happy monday! it’s time for your July 2024 financial update.

before we start, we had two releases on Friday that we’d like you to be aware of:

  • we’ve released updates to our community guidelines related to our “missing stair” policy, as well as changes to our rules around AI-generated content. please be aware of them.
  • we’ve launched tag synonyms and are working hard on handling everyone’s requests. we’re having to develop some of our policy around what does and doesn’t get merged on the fly (there’s a lot of edge cases!) so it’s taking us some time to get through the queue, but we’re doing our best to keep up.

now then, on to the numbers:

we are aware of issues with users being logged out more frequently than expected. we have determined the cause and are investigating potential fixes.

sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you as always for using cohost :eggbug: