Journal Articles by Andrea Bernardi
Strategic leadership Journal, 2024
Questo articolo presenta lo stato attuale del dibattitto normativo, dottrinale e giurisprudenzial... more Questo articolo presenta lo stato attuale del dibattitto normativo, dottrinale e giurisprudenziale in materia di rappresentanza sindacale dei militari. Alla prospettiva giuridica viene affiancata quella degli studi di management e organizzazione introducendo gli strumenti di voce e partecipazione comuni nel settore privato e, anche se in maniera meno avanzata, in ambito civile nel resto della funzione pubblica. Ci propone di approfondire questo tema emergente e di valutare l’opportunità di investire su moderne pratiche di voce e partecipazione in maniera complementare alla rappresentanza in senso stretto. Inoltre, alla luce dei cambiamenti organizzativi intercorsi nelle Forze Armate, si suggerisce di guardare alla partecipazione militare come potenzialmente coerente con il nuovo stile di leadership emergente.
MIT Sloan Management Review Italia, 2024
Le attività di scenario planning e di pianificazione strategica rischiano di essere inefficaci se... more Le attività di scenario planning e di pianificazione strategica rischiano di essere inefficaci se troppo circoscritte dalle ipotesi di chi le sviluppa (Lang & Ramírez, 2024). Una certa visione del futuro (condivisa dalla cultura aziendale o imposta dall’alto) può pregiudicare la riflessione sugli scenari. A differenza delle imprese, la pianificazione strategica non è mai passata di moda nelle forze armate, non c’è un prima e dopo gli anni 70 a delimitare la capacità di indagare e programmare per il futuro. Gli ufficiali vengono formati alla Pianificazione Operativa e per cultura e necessità si occupano di strategia e di futuro, ad esempio perché i loro sistemi d’arma richiedono 5, 10, 15 anni a concretizzarsi dal momento dell’identificazione del requisito operativo al momento della consegna e messa in linea. Nel mondo della Difesa, ad affiancare la pianificazione c’è lo strumento del wargame, ignorato dalle imprese nonostante sia potente, economico e perfettamente funzionale anche nel mondo civile.
Moneta e Credito, 2024
After the failure of the European Defence Community (EDC) in 1954, the path towards a fully-fledg... more After the failure of the European Defence Community (EDC) in 1954, the path towards a fully-fledged common European security and defence policy has been long, tedious and fragmented. Notwithstanding this piecemeal pattern of evolution, the last decade has accounted for renewed efforts towards security and defence, mostly driven by external shocks and crises, the last of which is the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The urgency to swiftly and effectively respond to conflicts, the need to be prepared to deal with new (and hybrid) threats, and the objective of reaching “strategic autonomy”, have brought the discussion around a common defence once again at the forefront of EU political debates. Even if major gaps still remain and need to be addressed, much has been achieved – or, at least, is set to be achieved – in relations to a Common security and defence policy (CSDP) institutional and operational effectiveness, coordination of military procurement and strengthening of the defence industry. In fact, regardless of the different strategic visions, industrial integration is already a reality and is becoming, more than ever, a priority.
Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 2023
Purpose-This paper analyses public sector accounting and organisation reforms, focusing on the de... more Purpose-This paper analyses public sector accounting and organisation reforms, focusing on the departments in charge of defence, military procurement and war between 1850 and 2000 in Britain. Over this period, three parliamentary acts, resulting from a power struggle between the Treasury and Parliament, produced the shift between two institutional logics: probity (spending properly) and performance (spending well). The purpose of this paper is to describe how the acts produced a shift between two institutional logics. Design/methodology/approach-The authors adopt Quattrone's (2015) procedural notion of institutional logics and the consequent concept of "unfolding rationality". Using documents from the National Archives, the authors analyse three reforms: The Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 1866 (towards probity), The Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 1921 (towards performance) and the National Audit Office Act of 1983 (towards performance and probity). Findings-For a long time, the actors narrated in this story argued and acted as if probity and performance were incompatible. The two are now treated as compatible and equally important. Before that, the "incompatibility" was a rhetorical, or "procedural", device. The authors argue that a procedural rather than substantive notion of institutional logics is more suitable to explain the trajectory that was the result of constant negotiation among actors. Practical implications-The study might contribute to the understanding of the increase in national defence-spending at continental level and the call for a common European Union (EU) military procurement strategy that followed the invasion of Ukraine. The war could produce changes in what is a traditional tension between two logics: sovereignty or efficiency. Originality/value-The originality of this paper stands in highlighting the link between the institutional logic of public-administration accounting and military history. This link emerges also thanks to a very long time-horizon. Additionally, from a theoretical viewpoint, the authors have put Quattrone's approach to the test in a context very different from the original one (the Jesuit order).
Sustainability, 2022
This paper aims to highlight the role of solidarity funds in the development and support of natio... more This paper aims to highlight the role of solidarity funds in the development and support of national co-operative movements. Those are financial institutions specialized in supporting the start-up and growth of co-operatives. By adopting a case study approach, our analysis shows that solidarity funds emerged globally with similar objectives. Our international comparison focuses on Italy but includes France, the United Kingdom and Québec as a specific Canadian province with a French institutional environment. Despite their crucial importance, there is limited available research on this subject. To this end, our paper has policy implications; we need to consider establishing such institutions in countries where co-operatives are lagging behind as traditional financial institutions are often unable to finance co-operatives because of their property rights regime.
Economia e Politica, 2021
In this paper we present an empirical study on the perception of the cooperative firm among enter... more In this paper we present an empirical study on the perception of the cooperative firm among entertainment and performing arts workers. In particular, the study is based on workers belonging to associations established during the first pandemic emergency from Covid-19 in 2020. Our study reveals a perception of deterioration of the cooperative model. At the same time, the participants in our research demonstrate a confidence in the ideal cooperative firm and look with interest at new cooperatives in other working sectors. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with cooperative and non-cooperative associated workers.
Capital & Class, 2020
Inequality has been increasing for decades in both rich and developing countries and the academic... more Inequality has been increasing for decades in both rich and developing countries and the academic literature addressing it struggles to provide explanations, let alone solutions. This article is concerned with a relatively underexplored area, the relationship between macro-level inequality and organizational inequality. The core focus of the article is the recognition that the two phenomena are closely bound up one with the other. This is made possible by adopting Rousseau’s notion of inequality as hierarchy and willingness to accept subordination to authority and disparity of treatment. In doing so, we highlight similarities and dissimilarities between Rousseau and Marx. Inequality remains an issue of hierarchy at both the macro and organizational levels. As it was for Rousseau, so it is today but it is much more layered than in Rousseau’s day: inequality in society is the accepted degree of hierarchy among its members, inequality in the economy and at work is the extent to which, accepted or not, there is an imbalance of power, financial resources, remuneration of work and access to opportunities and services. The increase in inequality is due to a radical change in the socio-economic model of advanced economies. This change involves a shift towards financialization, a pressure on labour through flexibility, the decline of trade unions’ power and the retrenchment of public social spending.
Questo libro si rivolge sia agli esperti di cooperazione, sia ai neofiti. Agli uni propone spunti... more Questo libro si rivolge sia agli esperti di cooperazione, sia ai neofiti. Agli uni propone spunti di riflessione affiancando parole chiave inusuali ai tradizionali temi del settore, agli altri offre uno strumento snello per avvicinarsi al variegato e vasto mondo delle imprese cooperative. Gli uni e gli altri, leggendo questa raccolta di brevi saggi organizzati dalla A alla Z, potranno riflettere sulle sfide che attendono questa istituzione e sulle parole chiave dell'impresa cooperativa del futuro. Le cooperative hanno una storia molto lunga alle spalle, eppure sono sempre presenti in quasi tutti i settori economici, in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo, avanzati e in via di sviluppo. Pur seguendo dei principi di funzionamento tanto semplici quanto rivoluzionari, competono con concorrenti statali o capitalisti nelle nostre economie di mercato. Seguendo i loro valori ispiratori, ma restando competitive, forniscono credito, lavoro, beni e servizi a centinaia di milioni di soci in ogni angolo del pianeta. Con i suoi 23 capitoli, il volume è anche un sussidio per aspiranti imprenditori che stanno cercando un modo alternativo per produrre beni e servizi per la propria comunità, che sognano un mercato diverso, un'impresa diversa, un modo diverso di lavorare insieme: una rivoluzione di idee, di governance e di regole che dovrebbe essere abbracciata da tutti coloro che aspirano a costruire un nuovo paradigma di sviluppo. Andrea Bernardi è senior lecturer in Employment and Organization Studies alla Oxford Brookes University in Gran Bretagna. Salvatore Monni è professore associato di Economia dello Sviluppo all'Università Roma Tre. Storia e Studi Cooperativi Ultimi volumi pubblicati M. Lippi Bruni, S. Rago e C. Ugolini, Il ruolo delle mutue sanitarie integrative. Le società di mutuo soccorso nella costruzione del nuovo welfare di comunità P. Battilani e H.G. Schröter (a cura di), Un'impresa speciale. Il movimento cooperativo dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi P. Venturi e F. Zandonai (a cura di), Ibridi organizzativi. L'innovazione sociale generata dal Gruppo co operativo Cgm S. Maggi e C. De Pietro (a cura di), Le prospettive del mutuo soccorso nel sistema sanitario italiano M. Ruffino e P. Venturi (a cura di), La formazione continua nella co opera zione. Le politiche e l'attività di Fon.Coop: valori, risultati, prospettive V. Zamagni, Come si è affermata la grande impresa cooperativa in Italia. Il ruolo strategico di Enea Mazzoli E. Pavolini (a cura di), Welfare aziendale e conciliazione. Proposte e esperienze dal mondo cooperativo S. Maggi, Mutuo soccorso Cesare Pozzo. 140 anni di solidarietà (1877-2017) A. Ianes e A. Leonardi (a cura di), Modelli cooperativi a confronto. Le esperienze del settentrione italiano Giuliana Bertagnoni, Una cooperativa di latte fra Puglia e Basilicata. Storie di produttori Granarolo A. Bernardi e S. Monni (a cura di), Parole chiave per l'impresa cooperativa del futuro a cura di
The Capability Approach, first developed by Amartya Sen, cab be used as a mean to analyse occupat... more The Capability Approach, first developed by Amartya Sen, cab be used as a mean to analyse occupational health and safety related behaviours. Accidents at work more frequently occur among atypical workers and migrants, making this an interesting context in which to apply Sen's theoretical framework; namely showing how freedoms, rights, organisational climate and capabilities are important factors in risk prevention. It is logical to expect that workers' participation and rights should provide a safer environment, but the application of the Capability Approach offers a tool to measure organisational inequalities and their consequences. Furthermore, its application could help to improve occupational health and safety chiefly among atypical workers. In this paper, I consider Safety Capability to encompass the workers attitude to their own protection, their understanding of safety procedures and the risks they face, and their freedom to ask their organisation to comply with the law and implement safe work processes.
Organization, 2014
Although the use of history has become increasingly discussed and more widely applied within orga... more Although the use of history has become increasingly discussed and more widely applied within organization studies (OS), its relevance for OS still remains far from centrally accepted. This paper historicises the relationship between sociology and history as a means of better understanding the tensions, perceived and real, that exist between history and organization studies. In particular we analyse three differences of epistemological standpoint (method, objectivity and usefulness) that are commonly seen as the foundation stones to incompatibility.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 2014
This work presents a history of the co-operative firm in China from its origins in the early twen... more This work presents a history of the co-operative firm in China from its origins in the early twenth century. The aim is to describe how in its evolution, the Chinese Co-operative Movement has diverged from the western notion of a co-operative. To understand the similarities and the divergence, we will consider a number of economic and cultural factors, including the etymology of the Chinese and English words for 'co-operative', the Confucian culture and the influence of the political contingencies. We argue that contemporary Chinese economic transition would benefit from the presence of a strong, western style, co-operative sector but that the contribution of the co-operative sector towards sustainability cannot take place unless a civil society develops as well.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 2014
This work compares the health cooperatives fêted in Maoist China in the 1960s to the New Rural Me... more This work compares the health cooperatives fêted in Maoist China in the 1960s to the New Rural Medical Co-operative Scheme (NRCMS) that has been operating in China since 2002. Organizational and ideological similarities between the old and new co-operative medical schemes are described. By mapping continuities and discontinuities in the way the co-operative organizational model has been deployed under different contexts, we argue for the usefulness of blending historical method and organizational analysis as a means of understanding some of the challenges of contemporary Chinese social policies. Using this technique of historical comparison, this work concludes that the NRCMS, despite being different in orientation, is still affected by political influences, and organizational traits, evident within its former incarnation. This acknowledgement, we argue, has important implications for policy and practice today.
International Journal of Co-operative Management, 2011
One of the ambiguities of the success of co-operatives is that they, despite the special legal st... more One of the ambiguities of the success of co-operatives is that they, despite the special legal status that several nations have attributed to them, find themselves under increased pressure to demonstrate that their institutional model delivers better services or jobs, or addresses market failures or improves market efficiency. It is with this tension in mind that this paper reflects upon recent changes in working conditions, inter alia indicating how such changes have specifically impacted the experienced reality of cooperatives as good working places. This approach is intended to supplement other research on cooperatives by emphasising the role of organisational climate as a research tool to investigate their working environments compared to traditional firms. Data for this research was gathered by canvassing, through organisational climate questionnaires, the opinions of workers within the selected co-operatives and conventional firms of five countries, using the Finnish case as the key pilot study. The banking and transportation industries formed the focus.
International Journal of Co-operative Management, 2007
Questo articolo descrive il rilevante ruolo del settore cooperativo nel mercato del lavoro italia... more Questo articolo descrive il rilevante ruolo del settore cooperativo nel mercato del lavoro italiano. Si presentano dei dati empirici originali sulla dimensione del settore cooperativo, la sua struttura e l'andamento della produttività nelle imprese cooperative. La diversità esistente tra i trend di occupazione e di produttività nelle imprese cooperative e i dati del sistema economico italiano, nel suo complesso, rappresenta un'occasione per sostenere l'utilità di un approccio istituzionale allo studio del mercato del lavoro e dell'organizzazione economica. In questa luce viene condotta una breve rassegna del pensiero economico riferito all'organizzazione del lavoro, e vengono presentate alcune interpretazioni della diversità delle organizzazioni cooperative. In particolare al fine di dare una spiegazione della migliore performance delle imprese cooperative, useremo modelli economici del mercato del lavoro non main stream, che facciano riferimento alla diversità istituzionale e legale delle cooperative, ai fattori motivazionali e alla dotazione di capitale sociale del settore cooperativo.
Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, 2011
En este artículo se describe el papel destacado del sector cooperativo en el mercado laboral ital... more En este artículo se describe el papel destacado del sector cooperativo en el mercado laboral italiano. Se presentan datos empíricos originales sobre la dimensión del sector cooperativo, su estructura y la evolución de la productividad en las empresas cooperativas. Las ...
ESAC Economia Solidária e Ação Cooperativa, 2006
Es la acción cooperativa una entidad moderna o anticuada? Por que los responsables por las politi... more Es la acción cooperativa una entidad moderna o anticuada? Por que los responsables por las politicas continuan accionando estrategias de desarrollo? En que aspectos las cooperativas son diferentes en terminos de teoria economica y teoria organizacional? Y si hay diferencias en la organización, en la practica de la administración de recursos humanos, en derechos de propiedad y en la forma de acción colectiva, cuales son las prioridades que debrian ser consideradas de forma a permitir a las cooperativas de operar y de crescer adecuadamente? Considerando un reciente debate italiano sobre una controvertida compra realizada por cooperativas italianas en el sector bancario como su ponto de partida, este trabajo se dedica a presentar algunas respuestas validas para el movimiento cooperativo internacional como un todo.
Books and Edited Books by Andrea Bernardi
Il Mulino, 2019
Questo libro si rivolge sia agli esperti di cooperazione, sia ai neofiti. Agli uni propone spunti... more Questo libro si rivolge sia agli esperti di cooperazione, sia ai neofiti. Agli uni propone spunti di riflessione affiancando parole chiave inu-suali ai tradizionali temi del settore, agli altri offre uno strumento snello per avvicinarsi al variegato e vasto mondo delle imprese cooperative. Gli uni e gli altri, leggendo questa raccolta di brevi saggi orga-nizzati dalla A alla Z, potranno riflettere sulle sfide che attendono que-sta istituzione e sulle parole chiave dell'impresa cooperativa del futu-ro. Le cooperative hanno una storia molto lunga alle spalle, eppure sono sempre presenti in quasi tutti i settori economici, in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo, avanzati e in via di sviluppo. Pur seguendo dei prin-cipi di funzionamento tanto semplici quanto rivoluzionari, competono con concorrenti statali o capitalisti nelle nostre economie di mercato. Seguendo i loro valori ispiratori, ma restando competitive, forniscono credito, lavoro, beni e servizi a centinaia di milioni di soci in ogni angolo del pianeta. Con i suoi 23 capitoli, il volume è anche un sussi-dio per aspiranti imprenditori che stanno cercando un modo alternati-vo per produrre beni e servizi per la propria comunità, che sognano un mercato diverso, un'impresa diversa, un modo diverso di lavorare insieme: una rivoluzione di idee, di governance e di regole che dovreb-be essere abbracciata da tutti coloro che aspirano a costruire un nuovo paradigma di sviluppo. Andrea Bernardi è senior lecturer in Employment and Organization Studies alla Oxford Brookes University in Gran Bretagna. Salvatore Monni è professore associato di Economia dello Sviluppo all'Università Roma Tre. Storia e Studi Cooperativi Ultimi volumi pubblicati M. Lippi Bruni, S. Rago e C. Ugolini, Il ruolo delle mutue sanitarie integrati-ve. Le società di mutuo soccorso nella costruzione del nuovo welfare di comunità P. Battilani e H.G. Schröter (a cura di), Un'impresa speciale. Il movimento co-operativo dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi P. Venturi e F. Zandonai (a cura di), Ibri-di organizzativi. L'innovazione sociale generata dal Gruppo co operativo Cgm S. Maggi e C. De Pietro (a cura di), Le prospettive del mutuo soccorso nel sistema sanitario italiano M. Ruffino e P. Venturi (a cura di), La formazione continua nella co opera zio-ne. Le politiche e l'attività di Fon.Coop: valori, risultati, prospettive V. Zamagni, Come si è affermata la gran-de impresa cooperativa in Italia. Il ruolo strategico di Enea Mazzoli E. Pavolini (a cura di), Welfare azienda-le e conciliazione. Proposte e esperienze dal mondo cooperativo S. Maggi, Mutuo soccorso Cesare Pozzo. 140 anni di solidarietà (1877-2017) A. Ianes e A. Leonardi (a cura di), Modelli cooperativi a confronto. Le esperienze del settentrione italiano Giuliana Bertagnoni, Una cooperativa di latte fra Puglia e Basilicata. Storie di produttori Granarolo A. Bernardi e S. Monni (a cura di), Parole chiave per l'impresa cooperativa del futuro a cura di Il Centro Italiano di Documentazione sulla Cooperazione e l'Economia Sociale opera a Bologna dal 1988 ed è caratteriz-zato come luogo istituzionale di raccolta, tutela e ordinamento dei materiali docu-mentari sul movimento cooperativo e sull'economia sociale. A cinquant'anni dalla ricostruzione del movimento coo-perativo il Centro ha dato vita alla colla-na «Storia e studi cooperativi» per favori-re una lettura complessiva della storia e della presenza cooperativa nei vari setto-ri dell'economia e della società.
Whether you think you know all there is to know or you know next to nothing about the co-operativ... more Whether you think you know all there is to know or you know next to nothing about the co-operative sector, this book is for you. An A to Z of the co-operative movement, this collection of short essays will introduce you to the diverse, broad, and multifaceted world of co-operatives. Co-operatives have a very long history, yet are still out there competing with their capitalist rivals in almost every market and every industry. They are rooted in revolutionary ideas, yet are more feasible and effective than many attempted revolutions, and they provide work, goods, and services to hundreds of millions of members in virtually every corner of the globe.
If you know little but want to know more, read some or all of the 23 stories of co-operative theory, history, and practice, written by world-leading experts. If you are already a co-operative member, an academic, or a practitioner with experience in the field, this straight-talking and jargon-free book will present new and exciting perspectives on a field you (think you) already know.
If you are looking for a different way to produce goods and deliver services to your community and if you aspire to a a different market, a different firm, or form of work, this book is for you. A succinct but provocative guide to the on-going, pragmatic revolution that is the co-operative sector, a revolution in ownership that we should all embrace after the failure of the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Journal Articles by Andrea Bernardi
Books and Edited Books by Andrea Bernardi
If you know little but want to know more, read some or all of the 23 stories of co-operative theory, history, and practice, written by world-leading experts. If you are already a co-operative member, an academic, or a practitioner with experience in the field, this straight-talking and jargon-free book will present new and exciting perspectives on a field you (think you) already know.
If you are looking for a different way to produce goods and deliver services to your community and if you aspire to a a different market, a different firm, or form of work, this book is for you. A succinct but provocative guide to the on-going, pragmatic revolution that is the co-operative sector, a revolution in ownership that we should all embrace after the failure of the Occupy Wall Street protests.
If you know little but want to know more, read some or all of the 23 stories of co-operative theory, history, and practice, written by world-leading experts. If you are already a co-operative member, an academic, or a practitioner with experience in the field, this straight-talking and jargon-free book will present new and exciting perspectives on a field you (think you) already know.
If you are looking for a different way to produce goods and deliver services to your community and if you aspire to a a different market, a different firm, or form of work, this book is for you. A succinct but provocative guide to the on-going, pragmatic revolution that is the co-operative sector, a revolution in ownership that we should all embrace after the failure of the Occupy Wall Street protests.
We hope to include colleagues from the humanities (history, literature, film studies, etc) but also from economics (health economics, political economy, etc), sociology, management and organisation studies. We are interested in national and local healthcare policies and their effectiveness. We would like to focus also on the past and the present role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in both rural and urban China, and its diffusion abroad.
We would like to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese healthcare policies (including mental and psychological health) and the surprising coexistence of modernisation, technology, and tradition. The potential impact of artificial intelligence and internet medicine is particularly interesting. In this respect, we would like to invite short papers and presentations from practitioners involved with the Chinese healthcare sector. We are also interested in a comparative perspective between the Chinese model and some European models, and whether other developing countries could learn from the Chinese policies.
Equally important, we consider the ways in which the Chinese approach to healthcare can be a model for other nations too. We would like to explore how political discourse influences healthcare and to compare how this was under Mao, during the period of opening up, and in the China of today. While economics and management can tell us about the efficiency of the healthcare system and its future challenges, the humanities could help to understand the implications for healthcare of recent political and cultural trends in China.
The workshop is organised with the support and participation of: Research Centre for Business, Society and Global Challenges, Oxford Brookes University Business School; Peking University HSBC Business School UK Campus (PHBS UK); University of Oxford; Shanghai University; Oxford Brookes Centre for Medical Humanities; Journal of Social History of Medicine and Health; Oxford Chinese Medicine Research Group.
Venue: Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus JHB 208 Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre
Date: Friday 14th June 2019, 08:30 to 18:30
We hope to include colleagues from the humanities (history, literature, film studies, etc) but also from economics (health economics, political economy, etc), sociology, management and organisation studies. We are interested in national and local healthcare policies and their effectiveness. We would like to focus also on the past and the present role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in both rural and urban China, and its diffusion abroad.
Morality of markets and the importance of inequality to organizations
Challenging the inevitability of organizations needing to pay market salaries in order to create efficiency
Conceptualizing payment systems that organizations can use as legitimate alternatives to markets
The agency of organizational payment behaviours and the impact of stakeholder pressure
This research area welcomes scholars interested in the co-operative sector, an important component of the
economy in Europe, in the Americas and in the Asia Pacific, and of developing significance in Africa. The cooperative
firm is a very old institution, as is the interest that economics, sociology, history and management have
shown in its study. Nevertheless, the attention given to the co-operative economy, in both research and teaching, is
limited, if compared to its actual dimension and potential, especially in times of crisis. This research area is
interested in all forms of co-operative businesses: workers’ cooperatives; consumer cooperatives; credit unions and
banks; users’ co-operatives; mutuals and insurances. We are also interested in community-level forms of collective
ownership of services and public goods. Co-operatives operate in the most diverse industries, markets and
societies. An interdisciplinary research approach is most welcome given the multi-faceted nature of the cooperative
movement, whose symbolic birth is held to be in Manchester in 1844, though much older and more
primitive forms of co-operatives have existed in Europe (back to the Roman period), Asia (during early Chinese
dynasties) and in the Americas (in Pre-Columbian societies). Some of the recent interest in co-operation has been
prompted by the financial crisis and the debate on the failures of capitalism. But even in growth periods, the cooperative
model has been praised as an option for very contemporary needs such as workers’ participation and
involvement, ownership of standards and systems in the digital economy and in creative industries, alternative
currencies and peer to peer banking, and self management of community level services and facilities.
This research area is interested in all forms of co-operative businesses: workers' cooperatives; consumer cooperatives; credit unions and banks; users' co-operatives; mutuals and insurances. We are also interested in community-level forms of collective ownership of services and public goods. Co-operatives operate in the most diverse industries, markets and societies. An interdisciplinary research approach is most welcome given the multi-faceted nature of the co-operative movement, whose symbolic birth is held to be in Manchester in 1844, though much older and more primitive forms of co-operatives have existed in Europe (back to the Roman period), Asia (during early Chinese dynasties) and in the Americas (in Pre-Columbian societies).
Some of the recent interest in co-operation has been prompted by the financial crisis and the debate on the failures of capitalism. But even in growth periods, the co-operative model has been praised as an option for very contemporary needs such as workers' participation and involvement, ownership of standards and systems in the digital economy and in creative industries, alternative currencies and peer to peer banking, and self-management of community level services and facilities.
Please submit your abstract (300-750 words) through the online submission system and select Research Area [Z] "Co-Operative Economy and Collective Ownership".
The deadline for abstract submission is 1st May 2015.
istituzione e sulle parole chiave dell’impresa cooperativa del futuro. Le cooperative hanno una storia molto lunga alle spalle, eppure sono sempre presenti in quasi tutti i settori economici, in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo, avanzati e in via di sviluppo. Pur seguendo dei principi di funzionamento tanto semplici quanto rivoluzionari, competono con concorrenti statali o capitalisti nelle nostre economie di mercato. Seguendo i loro valori ispiratori, ma restando competitive, forniscono credito, lavoro, beni e servizi a centinaia di milioni di soci in ogni angolo del pianeta. Con i suoi 23 capitoli, il volume è anche un sussidio per aspiranti imprenditori che stanno cercando un modo alternativo per produrre beni e servizi per la propria comunità, che sognano un mercato diverso, un’impresa diversa, un modo diverso di lavorare insieme: una rivoluzione di idee, di governance e di regole che dovrebbe
essere abbracciata da tutti coloro che aspirano a costruire un nuovo paradigma di sviluppo.
Questo libro è strutturato come un dizionario e come tale presenta 23 brevi contributi, ciascuno con un diverso argomento, scritto da autori con un background differente e una diversa prospettiva disciplinare. Tutti i capitoli ambiscono a descrivere quanto sia antico, ricco e diverso il settore cooperativo a livello mondiale. Tutti i capitoli descrivono esplicitamente o meno il peso del settore cooperativo sulla crescita e lo sviluppo. Presi insieme, i capitoli offrono una spiegazione multidisciplinare del contributo offerto alle nostre vite dal settore cooperativo, illustrano come così è stato da molto tempo e come potrebbe essere ancora a lungo attraverso il reinventarsi del ruolo delle cooperative nella nostra società. Tutti i capitoli descrivono le cooperative con riferimento alle imprese tradizionali ma fanno ciò in maniera critica, piuttosto che retorica o polemica.