Alcohol on the ballot

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Alcohol on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding the sales, use, creation and prohibition of alcohol.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Liquor Manufacture, Amendment 1 (1909)
  2. Alabama Federal Repeal of Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1933)


  1. Arizona Proposition 100, Prohibiting Resale of Alcohol on Indian Reservations Amendment (1954)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (1916)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Prohibition Election Amendment (1914)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Prohibition Amendment (1914)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, County Prohibition Exemption Amendment (1916)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Local Option for Alcohol Initiative (September 1950)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Repeal of Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (1932)


  1. Arkansas Alcohol Tax Increase, Referred Act 285 (1954)
  2. Arkansas Statewide Prohibition, Act 2 (September 1912)
  3. Arkansas Liquor Laws, Initiated Act No. 1 (1938)
  4. Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Initiative, Issue 4 (2014)
  5. Arkansas Statewide Prohibition, Initiated Act No. 2 (1950)
  6. Arkansas Local Option Elections, Initiated Act No. 2 (1948)
  7. Arkansas Local Liquor Option, Initiated Act No. 1 (1942)


  1. California Proposition 1, Drinking Saloons Prohibition Initiative (1918)
  2. California Proposition 2, Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquor Initiative (1914)
  3. California Proposition 2, Alcoholic Liquor Prohibition Initiative (1916)
  4. California Proposition 22, Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1918)
  5. California Proposition 39, Prohibition Amendment Timeline Initiative (1914)
  6. California Proposition 47, Prohibition Elections Initiative (1914)
  7. California Proposition 126, Alcohol Tax Increase Amendment (1990)
  8. California Proposition 134, Alcohol Surtax Fund and Tax Increase Initiative (1990)
  9. California Proposition 2, Intoxicating Liquor Prohibition Amendment (1920)
  10. California Proposition 2, Prohibition Laws Referendum (1922)
  11. California Proposition 9, Repeal of the Wright Act Initiative (1926)
  12. California Proposition 2, Liquor Regulations Initiative (1932)
  13. California Proposition 2, Alcohol Regulations Initiative (1934)
  14. California Proposition 3, Alcoholic Beverage Commission Initiative (1936)
  15. California Proposition 9, Alcohol Regulations Initiative (1936)
  16. California Proposition 2, Alcohol Regulations and Licensing Initiative (1948)
  17. California Proposition 12, Alcohol Restrictions Initiative (1948)
  18. California Proposition 3, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Amendment (1954)
  19. California Proposition 5, Alcohol Sale Amendment (1956)
  20. California Proposition 46, Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Cap and Drug Testing of Doctors Initiative (2014)
  21. California Proposition 1, Repeal of the Wright Act Initiative (1932)
  22. California Proposition 10, Repeal of Inoperable Prohibition Amendment Amendment (1949)
  23. California Proposition 18, Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board Amendment (1962)


  1. Colorado "Bone Dry" Prohibition, Measure 3 (1918)
  2. Colorado Statewide Prohibition Repeal Subject to National Repeal, Measure 7 (1932)
  3. Colorado Beer Exempt from Prohibition, Measure 3 (1916)
  4. Colorado Search and Seizure of Alcohol, Measure 2 (1912)
  5. Colorado Amendment No. 7, Sale of Wine in Grocery Stores Initiative (1982)
  6. Colorado Local Option for Alcohol, Measure 3 (1948)
  7. Colorado Referendum N, Removal of Obsolete Alcohol Provisions Amendment (2008)
  8. Colorado Statewide Prohibition, Measure 1 (1912)
  9. Colorado Statewide Prohibition, Measure 2 (1914)
  10. Colorado General Assembly to Provide for Interstate Use of Liquor, Measure 5 (1926)


  1. Connecticut Repeal of 18th Amendment, Question 3 (1932)


  1. Florida Amendment 3, County Prohibition of Alcohol Amendment (1934)
  2. Florida Local Prohibition Option Amendment (1886)
  3. Florida Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (1918)
  4. Florida Prohibition of Alcohol Amendment (1910)


  1. Georgia Alcoholic Beverage Control, Referendum 1 (May 1935)
  2. Georgia Beer Licensing, Referendum 2 (May 1935)
  3. Georgia Wine Production, Referendum 3 (May 1935)
  4. Georgia DUI Penalties, Amendment 3 (1998)
  5. Georgia Regulation of Alcohol Sales, Amendment 6 (1994)


  1. Idaho Forbid Manufacture and Sale of Liquor, SJR 1 (1916)
  2. Idaho Liquor Traffic Regulation, SJR 5 (1934)
  3. Idaho County Option Liquor Control Act, Initiative 1 (1940)
  4. Idaho Sobriety Act, Initiative 2 (1940)
  5. Idaho Local Option Prohibition Act, Initiative 2 (1946)
  6. Idaho Sobriety Act, Initiative 3 (1946)


  1. Illinois Light Wine and Beer Question (1922)
  2. Illinois Modification of Federal Act Enforcing 18th Amendment Question (1926)
  3. Illinois Repeal 18th Amendment Question (1930)
  4. Illinois Modification of the Volstead Act Question (1930)
  5. Illinois Prohibition Act Repeal Question (1930)


  1. Iowa Liquor Prohibition, Referendum 1 (April 1855)
  2. Iowa Prohibition of Alcohol, Amendment 1 (1917)
  3. Iowa Liquor Prohibition, Amendment 1 (June 1882)
  4. Iowa Repeal of Prohibition, Question 1 (June 1933)


  1. Kansas Taxation of Alcohol, Amendment 2 (1986)
  2. Kansas Alcohol, Amendment 1 (1970)


  1. Maine Standard Percentage of Alcohol in Intoxicating Liquors, P.L. 1909 c. 241 (1910)
  2. Maine Transportation of Intoxicating Liquor, Referendum Question (1934)
  3. Maine Sunday Liquor Sales, Referendum Question (1966)
  4. Maine Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, Question No. 1 (1911)
  5. Maine Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, Amendment No. 1 (1934)


  1. Maryland Garrett House Bill 276 (2008)
  2. Maryland Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1916)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Definition of Intoxicating Liquors Initiative (1920)
  2. Massachusetts Question 2, Repeal of the Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1930)
  3. Massachusetts Question 1, Licenses for Food Stores Selling Wine Initiative (2006)
  4. Massachusetts Question 1, Removal of Sales Tax on Alcohol Initiative (2010)
  5. Massachusetts Question 4, Enforcement of Federal Prohibition Referendum (1922)
  6. Massachusetts Question 3, Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum (1924)
  7. Massachusetts Question 3, Changes to Alcohol Retail Licensing Initiative (2022)


  1. Michigan Proposal D, Prohibition of Alcohol Possession by Those Under 21 Initiative (1978)
  2. Michigan Permission for Alcohol Initiative (April 1919)
  3. Michigan Prohibition of Liquor Traffic, Proposal 2 (1868)
  4. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Liquor Regulations Initiative (1932)


  1. Minnesota Prohibit Alcohol, Amendment 1 (1918)


  1. Missouri Repeal of Prohibition, Issue 4 (1926)
  2. Missouri Prohibition of Intoxicating Beverages, Issue 3 (1916)
  3. Missouri Local County Option on Prohibition Referred Bill, Issue 10 (1914)
  4. Missouri Prohibition of Intoxicating Beverages Amendment, Issue 10 (1910)
  5. Missouri Prohibiting Intoxicating Liquors, Issue 6 (1918)
  6. Missouri Referendum on Enforcing Prohibition, Issue 13 (1920)
  7. Missouri Abolish State Beverage Inspector Office Proposition, Issue 7 (1922)
  8. Missouri Repeal Prohibition Laws, Issue 4 (1926)


  1. Montana Liquor Tax, IR-59 (1958)
  2. Montana Retail Sales of Alcohol, IR-40 (1938)
  3. Montana Prohibition, R-10 (1916)
  4. Montana Repeal Liquor Laws, I-30 (1926)
  5. Montana Adopt the Federal Prohibition Laws, I-32 (1928)
  6. Montana Establish Drinking Age, C-4 (1978)
  7. Montana Raise the Drinking Age, LR-74 (1978)
  8. Montana Sale of Table Wine, I-81 (1978)
  9. Montana Beer and Wine License Quota System, I-94 (1982)
  10. Montana Establish Legal Drinking Age, C-15 (1986)


  1. Nebraska Club Liquor License Operation, Amendment 2 (1992)
  2. Nebraska Liquor Traffic Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1890)
  3. Nebraska Liquor Traffic Licensing, Amendment 2 (1890)
  4. Nebraska Liquor Traffic Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1916)
  5. Nebraska Prohibition Repeal, Amendment 1 (1934)
  6. Nebraska Prohibition of Liquor Traffic, Initiative 1 (1944)


  1. Nevada Statewide Prohibition (1918)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Alcohol Prohibition, Question 5 (1889)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Sale of Mixed Beverages Amendment (1973)
  2. North Carolina Convention to Repeal 18th Amendment of U.S. Constitution Question (1933)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1928)
  2. North Dakota Liquor Sale Restriction Initiative (1944)
  3. North Dakota Repeal Alcohol Sale Restrictions, Initiative 3 (1948)
  4. North Dakota Alcohol Sale Locations and Age Limit, Initiative 6 (1964)
  5. North Dakota Alcohol in Restaurants Issue (1942)
  6. North Dakota Beer Initiative (1933)
  7. North Dakota Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Initiative (1934)
  8. North Dakota Liquor Control Initiative (1936)
  9. North Dakota Alcohol Sales Hours, Initiative 3 (1952)
  10. North Dakota Alcohol Sales Hours, Initiative 2 (1954)
  11. North Dakota Local Option Anti-Monopoly Liquor Control Initiative (1934)
  12. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Sales Initiative (1939)
  13. North Dakota Local, County and Municipal Liquor, Initiative 2 (1950)
  14. North Dakota Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1932)
  15. North Dakota Repeal Statutory Prohibition Initiative (1934)
  16. North Dakota Repeal of Liquor Control Act Initiative (1938)
  17. North Dakota Bootlegging Definition Referendum (1916)
  18. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Control Referendum (1936)
  19. North Dakota Dancing and Liquor Sales Prohibition Referendum (1938)
  20. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Stores Referendum (1944)
  21. North Dakota Liquor Sale Restriction Referendum (1946)
  22. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Stores Referendum (1948)
  23. North Dakota Authorizing Municipal Liquor Stores Referendum, Amendment 1 (1952)


  1. Ohio Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1914)
  2. Ohio Home Rule on Alcohol Initiative (1914)
  3. Ohio Prohibition of Alcohol Initiative (1915)
  4. Ohio Prohibition of Alcohol Initiative (1917)
  5. Ohio Definition of "Intoxicating Liquor" Initiative (1919)
  6. Ohio Repeal of State Prohibition Initiative (1919)
  7. Ohio Minimum Age for Alcohol Consumption Initiative (1983)
  8. Ohio Allowances for Alcohol Consumption and Limits on Prohibition Enforcement Initiative (1922)
  9. Ohio Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum (1920)
  10. Ohio Ratification of Federal Prohibition Referendum (1919)
  11. Ohio License to Transport to Alcohol Referendum (1915)
  12. Ohio State Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum (1919)
  13. Ohio Licensing of Liquor Traffic Amendment (September 1912)
  14. Ohio Transportation of Alcohol to Areas Where the Sale of Alcohol is Prohibited Initiative (1913)
  15. Ohio Compensation for Justices of the Peace and Mayors Referendum (1927)
  16. Ohio Liquor Licensing, Amendment 4 (August 1874)
  17. Ohio Regulation of Liquor Traffic, Amendment 2 (October 1883)
  18. Ohio Prohibition of Liquor Traffic, Amendment 3 (October 1883)
  19. Ohio Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1918)
  20. Ohio Ratification of the 21st Amendment Question (1933)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 22, Municipality Liquor Sales Initiative (1910)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 226, Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1936)
  3. Oklahoma State Question 289, Alcoholic Beverages Regulations Initiative (1940)
  4. Oklahoma State Question 343, Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1949)
  5. Oklahoma State Question 376, Alcoholic Beverages County Option Initiative (1957)
  6. Oklahoma State Question 515, Licensed Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Amendment (1976)
  7. Oklahoma State Question 563, Regulation and Sale of Alcohol Initiative (September 1984)
  8. Oklahoma State Question 743, Wine Retail Sale Amendment (2008)
  9. Oklahoma State Question 480, Liquor by the Drink Initiative (1972)
  10. Oklahoma State Question 386, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Amendment (April 1959)
  11. Oklahoma State Question 387, Alcoholic Beverages County Option Amendment (April 1959)
  12. Oklahoma State Question 688, Retail Sale of Wine Amendment (2000)
  13. Oklahoma State Question 733, Alcohol Sales on Election Days Amendment (2006)
  14. Oklahoma Prohibition, Question 2 (September 1907)
  15. Oklahoma State Question 1, State Alcohol Regulation Agency Amendment (1908)
  16. Oklahoma State Question 73, Cause for Removal from Office Initiative (August 1914)
  17. Oklahoma State Question 183, Non-Intoxicating and Intoxicating Beverages Measure (July 1933)
  18. Oklahoma State Question 406, Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Amendment (1962)
  19. Oklahoma State Question 530, Allow for Brewer-Distributor Agreement Amendment (1978)
  20. Oklahoma State Question 591, Sale of Wine Amendment (1986)
  21. Oklahoma State Question 638, State Engagement in the Alcoholic Beverage Business Amendment (September 1990)
  22. Oklahoma State Question 637, Alcohol Sales During Elections Amendment (1990)
  23. Oklahoma State Question 663, Remove Restrictions on Wineries Amendment (1994)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, Licenses for Alcohol Sales Referendum (1940)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Local Option Alcohol Elections Initiative (June 1904)
  3. Oregon Measure Nos. 304-305, Local Option Liquor Privileges Initiative (June 1906)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 320-321, Local Liquor Regulation by Voters Initiative (June 1908)
  5. Oregon Measure Nos. 328-329, Exclusive Liquor Power for Local Municipalities Initiative (1910)
  6. Oregon Measure Nos. 342-343, Prohibition of Liquor Traffic Initiative (1910)
  7. Oregon Measure Nos. 344-345, Prohibition of Liquor Initiative (1910)
  8. Oregon Measure Nos. 332-333, Liquor Prohibition Initiative (1914)
  9. Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Legalization of Four Percent Malt Liquors Initiative (1916)
  10. Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Ban on Intoxicating Liquor Imports Initiative (1916)
  11. Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Repeal of Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1932)
  12. Oregon Measure Nos. 314 and 315, Repeal of State Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (July 1933)
  13. Oregon Measure Nos. 322-323, Prohibition of Private Alcohol Sales Initiative (1938)
  14. Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Privatization of Alcohol Sales Initiative (1940)
  15. Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, State Sales of 14% Alcohol Liquor Referendum (1944)
  16. Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Issuance of Alcohol Dispensing Licenses Initiative (1948)
  17. Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Prohibit "Promotively Advertised" Alcoholic Beverages Initiative (1950)
  18. Oregon Measure Nos. 328-329, Licensing for Alcohol Sold by Glass Initiative (1952)
  19. Oregon Measure 5, Tax on Malt Beverages and Cigarettes for Athletic Fund Initiative (19880

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Container Question 1 (2004)
  2. South Carolina Sale of Alcohol, Amendment 3 (1974)
  3. South Carolina Amendment on Alcoholic Liquors and Beverages, Amendment 5 (1972)
  4. South Carolina Treatment and Rehabilitation of Alcohol and Drug Addicts, Amendment 2 (1968)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Sale of Liquor with Food (1948)
  2. South Dakota Sale of Liquor with Food (1950)
  3. South Dakota Local Liquor Option (1914)
  4. South Dakota Prohibition Repeal (1896)
  5. South Dakota State Control of Liquor (1898)
  6. South Dakota Repeal of State Control Liquor (1900)
  7. South Dakota Local Liquor Option Initiative (1908)
  8. South Dakota Alcohol Prohibition, Amendment 7 (1916)
  9. South Dakota Liquor Permits Issuance (1916)
  10. South Dakota Amending Prohibition (1920)
  11. South Dakota Repeal Prohibition (1934)
  12. South Dakota Liquor Labeling (1948)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, State Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (August 1887)
  2. Texas Proposition 2, Local Option Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (August 1891)
  3. Texas Proposition 1, Statewide Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (July 1911)
  4. Texas Proposition 1, Statewide Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (May 1919)
  5. Texas Proposition 4, Sale of Alcohol Amendment (August 1933)
  6. Texas Proposition 1, Statewide Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (August 1935)
  7. Texas Proposition 1, State Alcohol Dispensary Amendment (1936)
  8. Texas Proposition 2, Prohibition of Open Saloons Repeal Amendment (1970)
  9. Texas Proposition 11, Winery Operation Regulation Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Utah Regulation of Alcohol, Initiative A (1968)


  1. Vermont Prohibition on the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Act (1916)
  2. Vermont Local Option Alcohol Sales Act (1903)
  3. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers, Fourth Act (1850)
  4. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers, Third Act (1849)
  5. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers, Second Act (1848)
  6. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers Act (1847)
  7. Vermont Prevention of Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors for the Purpose of Drinking (1853)
  8. Vermont Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers Act 24 (1847)
  9. Vermont's Second Referendum under 1846 Act Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers (1848)
  10. Vermont's Third Referendum under 1846 Act Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers (1849)
  11. Vermont's Fourth Referendum under 1846 Act Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers (1850)
  12. Vermont's Referendum on Preventing Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors for the Purpose of Drinking (1853)
  13. Vermont's Referendum on Regulating the Traffic in Intoxicating Liquor (1903)
  14. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Prohibiting the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (1916)


  1. Washington Referendum 10, Alcohol Prohibition Measure (1918)
  2. Washington Referendum 36, Minimum Drinking Age Measure (1973)
  3. Washington Initiative 18, Remove Restrictions on Alcohol Purchases and Hotel Alcohol Sales Measure (1916)
  4. Washington Initiative 13, Private Alcohol Sales Ban Measure (1948)
  5. Washington Initiative 261, Privatization of Liquor Sales Measure (1972)
  6. Washington Initiative 242, Implied Consent for Driver Intoxication Tests Measure (1968)
  7. Washington Initiative 205, Spirituous Liquor Licenses for Taverns Measure (1960)
  8. Washington Initiative 194, Alcohol Television Advertising Prohibition Measure (1954)
  9. Washington Initiative 171, Alcohol Regulations by the Drink Measure (1948)
  10. Washington Initiative 61, Liquor Regulations and Felonies Measure (1932)
  11. Washington Initiative 24, Breweries Regulation Measure (1916)
  12. Washington Initiative 3, Alcohol Prohibition Measure (1914)
  13. Washington Privatize Liquor Distribution, Initiative 1100 (2010)
  14. Washington Revise State Liquor Laws, Initiative 1105 (2010)
  15. Washington Liquor State Licensing, Initiative 1183 (2011)

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia Alcoholic Liquor Control Amendment, Amendment 1 (1962)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Massachusetts Question 3, Changes to Alcohol Retail Licensing Initiative (2022)


  1. California Proposition 46, Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Cap and Drug Testing of Doctors Initiative (2014)
  2. Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Initiative, Issue 4 (2014)


  1. Washington Liquor State Licensing, Initiative 1183 (2011)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Removal of Sales Tax on Alcohol Initiative (2010)
  2. Washington Revise State Liquor Laws, Initiative 1105 (2010)
  3. Washington Privatize Liquor Distribution, Initiative 1100 (2010)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 743, Wine Retail Sale Amendment (2008)
  2. Colorado Referendum N, Removal of Obsolete Alcohol Provisions Amendment (2008)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Licenses for Food Stores Selling Wine Initiative (2006)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 733, Alcohol Sales on Election Days Amendment (2006)


  1. South Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Container Question 1 (2004)


  1. Texas Proposition 11, Winery Operation Regulation Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 688, Retail Sale of Wine Amendment (2000)


  1. Georgia DUI Penalties, Amendment 3 (1998)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 663, Remove Restrictions on Wineries Amendment (1994)
  2. Georgia Regulation of Alcohol Sales, Amendment 6 (1994)


  1. Nebraska Club Liquor License Operation, Amendment 2 (1992)


  1. California Proposition 126, Alcohol Tax Increase Amendment (1990)
  2. California Proposition 134, Alcohol Surtax Fund and Tax Increase Initiative (1990)
  3. Oklahoma State Question 638, State Engagement in the Alcoholic Beverage Business Amendment (September 1990)
  4. Oklahoma State Question 637, Alcohol Sales During Elections Amendment (1990)


  1. Oregon Measure 5, Tax on Malt Beverages and Cigarettes for Athletic Fund Initiative (19880


  1. Montana Establish Legal Drinking Age, C-15 (1986)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 591, Sale of Wine Amendment (1986)
  3. Kansas Taxation of Alcohol, Amendment 2 (1986)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 563, Regulation and Sale of Alcohol Initiative (September 1984)


  1. Ohio Minimum Age for Alcohol Consumption Initiative (1983)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 7, Sale of Wine in Grocery Stores Initiative (1982)
  2. Montana Beer and Wine License Quota System, I-94 (1982)


  1. Michigan Proposal D, Prohibition of Alcohol Possession by Those Under 21 Initiative (1978)
  2. Montana Establish Drinking Age, C-4 (1978)
  3. Montana Raise the Drinking Age, LR-74 (1978)
  4. Montana Sale of Table Wine, I-81 (1978)
  5. Oklahoma State Question 530, Allow for Brewer-Distributor Agreement Amendment (1978)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 515, Licensed Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Amendment (1976)


  1. South Carolina Sale of Alcohol, Amendment 3 (1974)


  1. North Carolina Sale of Mixed Beverages Amendment (1973)
  2. Washington Referendum 36, Minimum Drinking Age Measure (1973)


  1. Washington Initiative 261, Privatization of Liquor Sales Measure (1972)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 480, Liquor by the Drink Initiative (1972)
  3. South Carolina Amendment on Alcoholic Liquors and Beverages, Amendment 5 (1972)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Prohibition of Open Saloons Repeal Amendment (1970)
  2. Kansas Alcohol, Amendment 1 (1970)


  1. Utah Regulation of Alcohol, Initiative A (1968)
  2. Washington Initiative 242, Implied Consent for Driver Intoxication Tests Measure (1968)
  3. South Carolina Treatment and Rehabilitation of Alcohol and Drug Addicts, Amendment 2 (1968)


  1. Maine Sunday Liquor Sales, Referendum Question (1966)


  1. North Dakota Alcohol Sale Locations and Age Limit, Initiative 6 (1964)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 406, Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Amendment (1962)
  2. West Virginia Alcoholic Liquor Control Amendment, Amendment 1 (1962)
  3. California Proposition 18, Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board Amendment (1962)


  1. Washington Initiative 205, Spirituous Liquor Licenses for Taverns Measure (1960)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 386, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Amendment (April 1959)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 387, Alcoholic Beverages County Option Amendment (April 1959)


  1. Montana Liquor Tax, IR-59 (1958)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 376, Alcoholic Beverages County Option Initiative (1957)


  1. California Proposition 5, Alcohol Sale Amendment (1956)


  1. Washington Initiative 194, Alcohol Television Advertising Prohibition Measure (1954)
  2. Arizona Proposition 100, Prohibiting Resale of Alcohol on Indian Reservations Amendment (1954)
  3. Arkansas Alcohol Tax Increase, Referred Act 285 (1954)
  4. California Proposition 3, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Amendment (1954)
  5. North Dakota Alcohol Sales Hours, Initiative 2 (1954)


  1. North Dakota Alcohol Sales Hours, Initiative 3 (1952)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 328-329, Licensing for Alcohol Sold by Glass Initiative (1952)
  3. North Dakota Authorizing Municipal Liquor Stores Referendum, Amendment 1 (1952)


  1. South Dakota Sale of Liquor with Food (1950)
  2. North Dakota Local, County and Municipal Liquor, Initiative 2 (1950)
  3. Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Prohibit "Promotively Advertised" Alcoholic Beverages Initiative (1950)
  4. Arkansas Statewide Prohibition, Initiated Act No. 2 (1950)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Local Option for Alcohol Initiative (September 1950)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 343, Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1949)
  2. California Proposition 10, Repeal of Inoperable Prohibition Amendment Amendment (1949)


  1. Washington Initiative 13, Private Alcohol Sales Ban Measure (1948)
  2. Washington Initiative 171, Alcohol Regulations by the Drink Measure (1948)
  3. South Dakota Sale of Liquor with Food (1948)
  4. North Dakota Repeal Alcohol Sale Restrictions, Initiative 3 (1948)
  5. Colorado Local Option for Alcohol, Measure 3 (1948)
  6. California Proposition 2, Alcohol Regulations and Licensing Initiative (1948)
  7. California Proposition 12, Alcohol Restrictions Initiative (1948)
  8. Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Issuance of Alcohol Dispensing Licenses Initiative (1948)
  9. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Stores Referendum (1948)
  10. South Dakota Liquor Labeling (1948)
  11. Arkansas Local Option Elections, Initiated Act No. 2 (1948)


  1. North Dakota Liquor Sale Restriction Referendum (1946)
  2. Idaho Local Option Prohibition Act, Initiative 2 (1946)
  3. Idaho Sobriety Act, Initiative 3 (1946)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, State Sales of 14% Alcohol Liquor Referendum (1944)
  2. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Stores Referendum (1944)
  3. North Dakota Liquor Sale Restriction Initiative (1944)
  4. Nebraska Prohibition of Liquor Traffic, Initiative 1 (1944)


  1. North Dakota Alcohol in Restaurants Issue (1942)
  2. Arkansas Local Liquor Option, Initiated Act No. 1 (1942)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 289, Alcoholic Beverages Regulations Initiative (1940)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, Licenses for Alcohol Sales Referendum (1940)
  3. Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Privatization of Alcohol Sales Initiative (1940)
  4. Idaho County Option Liquor Control Act, Initiative 1 (1940)
  5. Idaho Sobriety Act, Initiative 2 (1940)


  1. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Sales Initiative (1939)


  1. Montana Retail Sales of Alcohol, IR-40 (1938)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 322-323, Prohibition of Private Alcohol Sales Initiative (1938)
  3. North Dakota Repeal of Liquor Control Act Initiative (1938)
  4. North Dakota Dancing and Liquor Sales Prohibition Referendum (1938)
  5. Arkansas Liquor Laws, Initiated Act No. 1 (1938)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 226, Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1936)
  2. North Dakota Liquor Control Initiative (1936)
  3. California Proposition 3, Alcoholic Beverage Commission Initiative (1936)
  4. California Proposition 9, Alcohol Regulations Initiative (1936)
  5. North Dakota Municipal Liquor Control Referendum (1936)
  6. Texas Proposition 1, State Alcohol Dispensary Amendment (1936)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Statewide Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (August 1935)
  2. Georgia Alcoholic Beverage Control, Referendum 1 (May 1935)
  3. Georgia Beer Licensing, Referendum 2 (May 1935)
  4. Georgia Wine Production, Referendum 3 (May 1935)


  1. Maine Transportation of Intoxicating Liquor, Referendum Question (1934)
  2. California Proposition 2, Alcohol Regulations Initiative (1934)
  3. Florida Amendment 3, County Prohibition of Alcohol Amendment (1934)
  4. North Dakota Repeal Statutory Prohibition Initiative (1934)
  5. North Dakota Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Initiative (1934)
  6. North Dakota Local Option Anti-Monopoly Liquor Control Initiative (1934)
  7. Idaho Liquor Traffic Regulation, SJR 5 (1934)
  8. Maine Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, Amendment No. 1 (1934)
  9. South Dakota Repeal Prohibition (1934)
  10. Nebraska Prohibition Repeal, Amendment 1 (1934)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 314 and 315, Repeal of State Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (July 1933)
  2. North Dakota Beer Initiative (1933)
  3. Oklahoma State Question 183, Non-Intoxicating and Intoxicating Beverages Measure (July 1933)
  4. Texas Proposition 4, Sale of Alcohol Amendment (August 1933)
  5. Alabama Federal Repeal of Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1933)
  6. Iowa Repeal of Prohibition, Question 1 (June 1933)
  7. Ohio Ratification of the 21st Amendment Question (1933)
  8. North Carolina Convention to Repeal 18th Amendment of U.S. Constitution Question (1933)


  1. Washington Initiative 61, Liquor Regulations and Felonies Measure (1932)
  2. Colorado Statewide Prohibition Repeal Subject to National Repeal, Measure 7 (1932)
  3. California Proposition 2, Liquor Regulations Initiative (1932)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Repeal of Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1932)
  5. North Dakota Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1932)
  6. Connecticut Repeal of 18th Amendment, Question 3 (1932)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Repeal of Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (1932)
  8. California Proposition 1, Repeal of the Wright Act Initiative (1932)
  9. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Liquor Regulations Initiative (1932)


  1. Massachusetts Question 2, Repeal of the Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1930)
  2. Illinois Repeal 18th Amendment Question (1930)
  3. Illinois Modification of the Volstead Act Question (1930)
  4. Illinois Prohibition Act Repeal Question (1930)


  1. North Dakota Prohibition Repeal Initiative (1928)
  2. Montana Adopt the Federal Prohibition Laws, I-32 (1928)


  1. Ohio Compensation for Justices of the Peace and Mayors Referendum (1927)


  1. Missouri Repeal of Prohibition, Issue 4 (1926)
  2. California Proposition 9, Repeal of the Wright Act Initiative (1926)
  3. Colorado General Assembly to Provide for Interstate Use of Liquor, Measure 5 (1926)
  4. Missouri Repeal Prohibition Laws, Issue 4 (1926)
  5. Montana Repeal Liquor Laws, I-30 (1926)
  6. Illinois Modification of Federal Act Enforcing 18th Amendment Question (1926)


  1. Massachusetts Question 3, Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum (1924)


  1. California Proposition 2, Prohibition Laws Referendum (1922)
  2. Massachusetts Question 4, Enforcement of Federal Prohibition Referendum (1922)
  3. Ohio Allowances for Alcohol Consumption and Limits on Prohibition Enforcement Initiative (1922)
  4. Missouri Abolish State Beverage Inspector Office Proposition, Issue 7 (1922)
  5. Illinois Light Wine and Beer Question (1922)


  1. California Proposition 2, Intoxicating Liquor Prohibition Amendment (1920)
  2. Ohio Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum (1920)
  3. Massachusetts Question 1, Definition of Intoxicating Liquors Initiative (1920)
  4. Missouri Referendum on Enforcing Prohibition, Issue 13 (1920)
  5. South Dakota Amending Prohibition (1920)


  1. Ohio Ratification of Federal Prohibition Referendum (1919)
  2. Ohio State Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum (1919)
  3. Ohio Definition of "Intoxicating Liquor" Initiative (1919)
  4. Ohio Repeal of State Prohibition Initiative (1919)
  5. Texas Proposition 1, Statewide Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (May 1919)
  6. Michigan Permission for Alcohol Initiative (April 1919)


  1. Washington Referendum 10, Alcohol Prohibition Measure (1918)
  2. California Proposition 1, Drinking Saloons Prohibition Initiative (1918)
  3. California Proposition 22, Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1918)
  4. Nevada Statewide Prohibition (1918)
  5. Colorado "Bone Dry" Prohibition, Measure 3 (1918)
  6. Florida Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (1918)
  7. Missouri Prohibiting Intoxicating Liquors, Issue 6 (1918)
  8. Minnesota Prohibit Alcohol, Amendment 1 (1918)
  9. Ohio Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1918)


  1. Ohio Prohibition of Alcohol Initiative (1917)
  2. Iowa Prohibition of Alcohol, Amendment 1 (1917)


  1. Washington Initiative 18, Remove Restrictions on Alcohol Purchases and Hotel Alcohol Sales Measure (1916)
  2. Washington Initiative 24, Breweries Regulation Measure (1916)
  3. Vermont Prohibition on the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Act (1916)
  4. California Proposition 2, Alcoholic Liquor Prohibition Initiative (1916)
  5. Colorado Beer Exempt from Prohibition, Measure 3 (1916)
  6. Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Legalization of Four Percent Malt Liquors Initiative (1916)
  7. Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Ban on Intoxicating Liquor Imports Initiative (1916)
  8. North Dakota Bootlegging Definition Referendum (1916)
  9. Missouri Prohibition of Intoxicating Beverages, Issue 3 (1916)
  10. Idaho Forbid Manufacture and Sale of Liquor, SJR 1 (1916)
  11. Maryland Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1916)
  12. South Dakota Alcohol Prohibition, Amendment 7 (1916)
  13. South Dakota Liquor Permits Issuance (1916)
  14. Montana Prohibition, R-10 (1916)
  15. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Prohibiting the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor (1916)
  16. Nebraska Liquor Traffic Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1916)
  17. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (1916)
  18. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, County Prohibition Exemption Amendment (1916)


  1. Ohio License to Transport to Alcohol Referendum (1915)
  2. Ohio Prohibition of Alcohol Initiative (1915)


  1. Washington Initiative 3, Alcohol Prohibition Measure (1914)
  2. California Proposition 2, Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquor Initiative (1914)
  3. California Proposition 39, Prohibition Amendment Timeline Initiative (1914)
  4. California Proposition 47, Prohibition Elections Initiative (1914)
  5. South Dakota Local Liquor Option (1914)
  6. Ohio Alcohol Prohibition Initiative (1914)
  7. Ohio Home Rule on Alcohol Initiative (1914)
  8. Oregon Measure Nos. 332-333, Liquor Prohibition Initiative (1914)
  9. Colorado Statewide Prohibition, Measure 2 (1914)
  10. Missouri Local County Option on Prohibition Referred Bill, Issue 10 (1914)
  11. Oklahoma State Question 73, Cause for Removal from Office Initiative (August 1914)
  12. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Prohibition Election Amendment (1914)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Prohibition Amendment (1914)


  1. Ohio Transportation of Alcohol to Areas Where the Sale of Alcohol is Prohibited Initiative (1913)


  1. Ohio Licensing of Liquor Traffic Amendment (September 1912)
  2. Colorado Statewide Prohibition, Measure 1 (1912)
  3. Colorado Search and Seizure of Alcohol, Measure 2 (1912)
  4. Arkansas Statewide Prohibition, Act 2 (September 1912)


  1. Maine Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, Question No. 1 (1911)
  2. Texas Proposition 1, Statewide Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (July 1911)


  1. Maine Standard Percentage of Alcohol in Intoxicating Liquors, P.L. 1909 c. 241 (1910)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 22, Municipality Liquor Sales Initiative (1910)
  3. Florida Prohibition of Alcohol Amendment (1910)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 328-329, Exclusive Liquor Power for Local Municipalities Initiative (1910)
  5. Oregon Measure Nos. 342-343, Prohibition of Liquor Traffic Initiative (1910)
  6. Oregon Measure Nos. 344-345, Prohibition of Liquor Initiative (1910)
  7. Missouri Prohibition of Intoxicating Beverages Amendment, Issue 10 (1910)


  1. Alabama Liquor Manufacture, Amendment 1 (1909)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 320-321, Local Liquor Regulation by Voters Initiative (June 1908)
  2. South Dakota Local Liquor Option Initiative (1908)
  3. Oklahoma State Question 1, State Alcohol Regulation Agency Amendment (1908)


  1. Oklahoma Prohibition, Question 2 (September 1907)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 304-305, Local Option Liquor Privileges Initiative (June 1906)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Local Option Alcohol Elections Initiative (June 1904)


  1. Vermont Local Option Alcohol Sales Act (1903)
  2. Vermont's Referendum on Regulating the Traffic in Intoxicating Liquor (1903)


  1. South Dakota Repeal of State Control Liquor (1900)

Before 1900

  1. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers Act (1847)
  2. Vermont Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers Act 24 (1847)
  3. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers, Second Act (1848)
  4. Vermont's Second Referendum under 1846 Act Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers (1848)
  5. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers, Third Act (1849)
  6. Vermont's Third Referendum under 1846 Act Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers (1849)
  7. Vermont Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers, Fourth Act (1850)
  8. Vermont's Fourth Referendum under 1846 Act Relating to Licensing Innkeepers and Retailers (1850)
  9. Vermont Prevention of Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors for the Purpose of Drinking (1853)
  10. Vermont's Referendum on Preventing Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors for the Purpose of Drinking (1853)
  11. Iowa Liquor Prohibition, Referendum 1 (April 1855)
  12. Michigan Prohibition of Liquor Traffic, Proposal 2 (1868)
  13. Ohio Liquor Licensing, Amendment 4 (August 1874)
  14. Iowa Liquor Prohibition, Amendment 1 (June 1882)
  15. Ohio Regulation of Liquor Traffic, Amendment 2 (October 1883)
  16. Ohio Prohibition of Liquor Traffic, Amendment 3 (October 1883)
  17. Florida Local Prohibition Option Amendment (1886)
  18. Texas Proposition 2, State Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (August 1887)
  19. New Hampshire Alcohol Prohibition, Question 5 (1889)
  20. Nebraska Liquor Traffic Prohibition, Amendment 1 (1890)
  21. Nebraska Liquor Traffic Licensing, Amendment 2 (1890)
  22. Texas Proposition 2, Local Option Alcohol Prohibition Amendment (August 1891)
  23. South Dakota Prohibition Repeal (1896)
  24. South Dakota State Control of Liquor (1898)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. California Drug and Alcohol Testing for State Legislators Act (2010)
  2. Arkansas Alcohol Tax Increase, 2010
  3. South Dakota Increase Alcohol Tax Initiative (2008)
  4. South Dakota Drinking Age Initiative (2008)
  5. Second Missouri Initiative to Lower Drinking Age (2008)
  6. Montana Alcohol and Drug Treatment Proposal (2010)
  7. California Tax on Alcohol Initiative (2010)
  8. Colorado Beer and Wine Sales Initiative (2010)
  9. Washington Excise Tax on Beer Initiative (2010)
  10. Washington Minimum Drinking Age Initiative (2010)
  11. First Missouri Initiative to Lower Drinking Age (2008)
  12. North Dakota Alcohol Tax (2006)
  13. North Dakota Alcohol Tax Increase Initiative (2012)
  14. Washington State Liquor Sales, Initiative 1157 (2011)
  15. Washington Liquor Privatization, Initiative 1114 (2011)
  16. Idaho Liquor Privatization Initiative (2012)
  17. Massachusetts Limited Beer and Wine Licenses Initiative (2012)
  18. Massachusetts Food Store Wine Selling Initiative (2012)
  19. Oklahoma Wine Purchase Amendment (2012)
  20. Oregon Privatization of Liquor Sales Initiative (2014)
  21. Oklahoma Wine and Beer Amendment, State Question 783 (2016)
  22. Oklahoma Wine and Beer Amendment, State Question 785 (2016)
  23. Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Amendment (2016)
  24. Colorado Minimum Age to Sell Alcohol Initiative (2016)
  25. Oklahoma Regulations Governing the Sale of Wine and Beer, State Question 791 (2018)
  26. Colorado Lower Alcohol Drinking Age Initiative (2018)
  27. South Dakota Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Initiative (2020)
  28. Massachusetts Beer and Wine in Food Stores Initiative (2020)
  29. Oklahoma Initiative 16
  30. Oregon Privatization of Alcohol Sales Initiative (2022)
  31. Colorado Grocery and Convenience Store Wine Sales and Delivery Initiative (2022)
  32. Colorado License to Allow Food Stores to Sell Beer and Wine Initiative (2016)
  33. Arizona Lower Alcohol Drinking Age to Eighteen Initiative (2020)
  34. California Lower Drinking Age to 18 Initiative (2016)
  35. Utah Alcoholic Beverage Regulations and Taxes Initiative (2024)
Voting on Alcohol
Ballot Measures
By state
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Not on ballot
Local measures

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