This work improves our knowledge about the relationship between diet and environment among Northe... more This work improves our knowledge about the relationship between diet and environment among Northern Patagonian caviomorph rodents. In order to characterize long-term individual diets, we present δ13C and δ15N data from osteological remains of the caviomorph rodents Dolichotis patagonum, Myocastor coypus, Lagostomus maximus, Lagidium viscacia, Microcavia australis, Galea leucoblephara and Ctenomys sp., recovered from archaeological and recent contexts. These data are analyzed by temporal and geographic context and compared with the previous dietary studies based on macrorremains and microhistological analysis. Significative differences were found between rodents from Monte and Patagonian phytogeographic provinces, as well as between archaeological and modern members of the genus Ctenomys, indicating diet changes between Late Holocene and recent times individuals, that could confirm the climatic variations and/or the recent overgrazing effect. The results indicate trends in rodent diets of 20th and 21st centuries were different to those of the Late Holocene, suggesting a decrease in precipitation and/or an increase of the summer pattern of the same, and/or an increase of mean annual temperature. In addition, this work confirms the generalist strategy of several taxa, although mainly in Ctenomys, which its diet co-varies with these environments.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis tecnológico de artefactos de o... more En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis tecnológico de artefactos de obsidiana procedentes del campo volcánico de La Payunia (sur de Mendoza, Argentina). Estudios previos en el centro oeste argentino y Chile central abordaron desde una escala macro regional, el rol las fuentes de obsidiana dentro de las redes de interacción y movilidad humana en diferentes escalas temporales. En La Payunia se identificaron dos fuentes de obsidiana, ubicadas en áreas con características ambientales e historia ocupacional diferentes: fuente El Peceño en área el Nevado y fuente Payún Matrú en área El Payén. Se explora desde escalas meso y micro espaciales, y sobre la base de estudios tecnológicos de artefactos caracterizados por medio de fluorescencia de rayos-X (XRF), las estrategias de abastecimiento y posibles rangos de acción humana en el extremo sur de Mendoza, durante la segunda mitad del Holoceno tardío. Los resultados sugieren marcadas diferencias en el modo uso estas fuentes, así como en la amplitud y direccionalidad de los territorios explotados.
Fecha de recepción: 31 de octubre de 2011 Fecha de aceptación: 05 de mayo de 2012 RESUMEN En este... more Fecha de recepción: 31 de octubre de 2011 Fecha de aceptación: 05 de mayo de 2012 RESUMEN En este artículo se describen y discuten los resultados de los trabajos de campo y de laboratorio realizados en el sitio Bajada de las Tropas 1 (BT1), localizado en la cuenca media del río Malargüe (Mendoza). Se identificaron restos correspondientes a cinco individuos con cronologías posteriores a los últimos 600 años 14 C. Se presenta la caracterización bioarqueológica considerando aspectos como indicadores de estilo de vida, paleopatologías y dieta (valores de isótopos estables para colágeno -δ 13 C y δ 15 N-y apatita -δ 13 C y δ 18 O-) ósea. Los resultados indican elevados niveles de estrés metabólico y funcional, así como también una dieta de especímenes terrestres correspondientes a ecosistemas de recursos C 3 . Los valores de δ 15 N señalan la presencia de al menos tres individuos lactantes. Los datos de δ 18 O también muestran diferencias entre los lactantes y los no lactantes, aunque los valores no señalan discrepancias importantes respecto a los esperados para el área. Finalmente, a nivel regional se identifica una alta variabilidad en las costumbres funerarias y en las dietas para momentos inmediatamente previos y posteriores al primer contacto hispano-indígena.
Se presentan los resumenes de trabajos enviados a las VI jornadas arqueologicas cuyanas que se de... more Se presentan los resumenes de trabajos enviados a las VI jornadas arqueologicas cuyanas que se desarrollarán en el Centro Tecnológico de Desarrollo Regional de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Reyunos, San Rafael, Mendoza. Durante los días 29 de septiembre al 1° de Octubre de 2015
This paper presents the archaeological record of La Olla site, located in the Atuel river valley ... more This paper presents the archaeological record of La Olla site, located in the Atuel river valley (Mendoza, Argentina). Materials found and analyzed include lithics, ceramics, archaeobotanical, zooarchaeological and human remains. The paper attempts to adjust the state of knowledge of the pre-Hispanic agricultural dispersal using new information. Two discontinuous temporal pulses were recorded in La Olla, the former around 1900 years 14C BP and the later between 700 and 400 years 14C BP. The archaeological analysis confirms stability in human subsistence and human diet based on low rank resources which included carob (mesquite) and small animals such as fish and armadillo. Changes in the technological organization were also recorded, which are interpreted in terms of mobility and action ranges. The archaeological record of La Olla site shows a different perspective about the human occupation to the classic contexts of Atuel II and Atuel I sites.
Se ofrece información acerca de algunos aspectos de las presentaciones en las jornadas y opciones... more Se ofrece información acerca de algunos aspectos de las presentaciones en las jornadas y opciones de alojamiento, costos de inscripcion etc.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los análisis realizados sobre los materiales del s... more En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los análisis realizados sobre los materiales del sitio arqueológico Gruta de El Manzano, localizado sobre el río Grande, en el Departamento de Malargüe, al sur de la provincia de Mendoza. Utilizando la información generada, se discuten aspectos de la funcionalidad del sitio, los cambios a través del tiempo y se destaca su importancia para la discusión de los temas de la arqueología del norte de Patagonia. Los recientes fechados radiocarbónicos ubican al inicio de las ocupaciones en más de 8.000 años AP y confirman la existencia del hiatus regional para el holoceno medio. Los materiales analizados muestran importantes cambios en las tendencias de los mismos, especialmente hacia la segunda mitad del holoceno tardío, donde los diferentes indicadores sugieren diferencias en relación a la movilidad, el uso de la fauna, los recursos vegetales y la incorporación de tecnología cerámica.
zooarchaeological research from central western Argentina has focused until recently on the relev... more zooarchaeological research from central western Argentina has focused until recently on the relevance of large mammals, camelids in particular. there exists relatively abundant
ethnohistorical information that illustrates the importance of fish exploitation in the Guanacache lagoons during historical times. However, –with a few exceptions– the zooarchaeological
record has been poorly explored in relation to this issue, even though a large number of fish remains are found on different areas of the plains. this work deals with the data obtained from
fish remains recovered at Altos de Melien II, sector I (Guanacache) and compares them with those from other archaeological assemblages recovered from nearby contexts. It aims to improve our knowledge about fish consumption in this area of north-eastern Mendoza, with special attention to potential formation processes involved in this kind of assemblages. the ichthyoarchaeological record from AM II is dominated by the creole perch (Percichthys trucha), even though from specimens the patagonian pejerrey (Odontesthes hatcheri) have been also identified. Body part representation and other indicators have been analysed. It is suggested that
the assemblage reflects primarily the waste products of subsistence exploitation.
Estas jornadas se centran principalmente en las investigaciones arqueológicas en la región de Cuy... more Estas jornadas se centran principalmente en las investigaciones arqueológicas en la región de Cuyo, sin embargo, invitamos a todos los interesados que desarrollen investigaciones, tanto en la región cuyana como en áreas vecinas, a participar con sus ponencias enviando sus resúmenes. Se pueden presentar trabajos a simposios en formato oral o comunicaciones generales tanto en formato oral como poster.
Understanding social-ecological system dynamics is a major research priority for sustainable mana... more Understanding social-ecological system dynamics is a major research priority for sustainable management of landscapes, ecosystems and resources. But the lack of multi-decadal records represents an important gap in information that hinders the development of the research agenda. Without improved information on the long-term and complex interactions between causal factors and responses, it will be difficult to answer key questions about trends, rates of
change, tipping points, safe operating spaces and pre-impact conditions. Where available long term monitored records are too short or lacking, palaeoenvironmental sciences may provide continuous multi-decadal records for an array of ecosystem states, processes and services.
Combining these records with conventional sources of historical information from instrumental monitoring records, official statistics and enumerations, remote sensing, archival documents, cartography and archaeology produces an evolutionary framework for reconstructing integrated
regional histories. We demonstrate the integrated approach with published case studies from Australia, China, Europe and North America.
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, Jan 4, 2015
The importance of obsidian from the northern Patagonian source at Las Cargas is reflected in its ... more The importance of obsidian from the northern Patagonian source at Las Cargas is reflected in its early use (8000 years B.P.) and extensive geographic diffusion but is nonetheless surprising in light of the source’s high altitude (located
in the Andes Cordillera), which makes it both difficult to access under ideal conditions and inaccessible for much of the year. Prehistoric use of the Las Cargas source can inform us about mobility, subsistence choices, economics of stone consumption, trade, and territoriality. Here we present the results of
various lines of evidence (surface survey, X-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analyses, artifact morphometry, and obsidian hydration dating) used to characterize obsidian from Las Cargas and its prehistoric use
during the Holocene. Results indicate that Las Cargas obsidian occurs at the source as blocks and nodules, which are chemically homogeneous and of variable quality. Use of the source was nearly continuous through time, and the primary knapping activities performed there were the production of blanks and preparation of cores.
Change or continuity of the human diet after the Spanish settlement in
America is a topic mostly ... more Change or continuity of the human diet after the Spanish settlement in America is a topic mostly addressed in historical written documents with little use of the archaeological record and bioarchaeological or culture material. To counteract this weakness, this paper presents a study of the diet in individuals living in central-western Argentina between the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. The paper, focusing on historical bioarchaeology using stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, δ18O) from bone samples of human skeletal remains found in Mendoza, Argentina. The aim is to reconstruct the human diet and its residential mobility. Our results show little inclusion of maize in these populations’ diets, significantly less than those for the same region during pre-Hispanic times. The data do not indicate a historic continuity in dietary practices between pre-Hispanic and post Hispanic human population.
Using trace elements analysis on obsidian samples we discuss the use of lithic resources and the ... more Using trace elements analysis on obsidian samples we discuss the use of lithic resources and the mobility of the prehispanic population of southern Mendoza (Argentina) and of central Chile during the Late Holocene. As a result of this analysis and of regional systematic surveys we identified four new obsidian sources. A total of 70 artifacts from 20 archaeological sites dating to different moments of the Holocene were assigned to seven distinct sources, with changes in procurement and distribution through time. Results are discussed in the context of some of the regional mobility models proposed by several scholars.
This article discusses the distribution of radiocarbon age signatures obtained from archeological... more This article discusses the distribution of radiocarbon age signatures obtained from archeological sites between 29° and 35° S in Central Chile and Midwest Argentina. The goal of this analysis is to establish bases from which to interpret regional trends in the distribution of the archaeological record that connect these areas, which have been traditionally considered to be geographically decoupled. We propose a standardized methodology for selecting ages that provide a reliable human signature. Variations in date frequencies in a regional scale are discussed with the use of summed probability distributions. Radiocarbon voids at the regional level previously identified in Midwest Argentina are explored. Regional chronological information is compared to the available paleoenvironmental records, thereby emphasizing the possible role of climate pulses in the spatial organization of human populations. Significant arid conditions between 7800 and 5700 cal BP are coincidental with a focused occupation of the Andes Mountains, area which may have offered stable resources; thus more effectively occupied when compared to other environmental bands.
Keywords: radiocarbon dates; climate change; human paleoecology; hunter-gatherers; mid-Holocene; Subtropical Andes.
This study uses stable isotope data to improve our understanding of human exploitation of
Llancan... more This study uses stable isotope data to improve our understanding of human exploitation of Llancanelo lagoon, a saline lake and wetland located between the Monte and Patagonian deserts of Mendoza, Argentina. We collect stable C, N, and O isotope data from human remains from the eastern and northern margins of Llancanelo and compare them with C and N data from an array of local plants and animals, zooarchaeological data from local archaeological sites, and C, N, and O data from human remains elsewhere in southern Mendoza. The isotopes and archaeofaunas from Llancanelo show a low reliance on guanaco and rheids and a moderate reliance on aquatic resources and small, terrestrial game. Although there are no corresponding archaeological remains, the isotope data also suggest a heavy use of mesquite (Prosopis ssp.) and Hardee peppertree (Schinus polygamus). Carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the human remains reveal no significant differences between samples from the Llancanelo area and human remains from the rest of Mendoza. When analized by subarea, however, humans from the west of the lake are more similar to individuals from La Payunia and the eastern plains and humans from the south of Llancanelo more similar to individuals from the Andean piedmont. Based on this information we suggest that Llancanelo acted as a point of population convergence and was exploited in a fashion complementary to other areas in the south of Mendoza.
XVI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, Jan 1, 2005
Several exchange archaeological evidences has been registered in southern Mendoza during last dec... more Several exchange archaeological evidences has been registered in southern Mendoza during last decades. These has been stimulated the discussion about both the real meaning of the non local goods presence in the region and the time when these became more frequent in the archaeological record. However, until now the information available about the kind and place of recovered materials has been not systematized, as a result this has finished in the present dispersion of the discussion. These discussion had been focused on particular sites or materials. The present paper all the archaeological information available from the region is presented and it will be discussed within the different exchanges archaeological and ethnographic models.
XVII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, Jan 1, 2006
This paper reviews the main theoretical problems in the archaeological research from the Cuyo-Chi... more This paper reviews the main theoretical problems in the archaeological research from the Cuyo-Chile central macro region. Some of the topics that can be explored in this spatial scale are presented in order to present the problems and perspective in their research. The early man and the human colonization, the mid Holocene human occupation paradox, the meaning of corn and the exotic material in the late Holocene human strategies are presented as examples.
Arqueología de Ambientes de Altura de Mendoza y San Juan (Argentina). V. Cortegoso y V. Durán (compiladores). Coleción Encuentro. EDIUNC., Sep 1, 2014
The results of archaeological and bioarchaeological research
are presented from an area located ... more The results of archaeological and bioarchaeological research
are presented from an area located in the lower Gualcamayo River Basin (in the northwestern part of the Province of San Juan), which includes sites with surface and sub-surface material, as well as burials from a period between 2300 and 1100 bp. Using these results, ideas for the development or expansion of agropastoral practices in northwest San Juan are discussed. Based on this, arguments are presented in favor of the possibility that there was an expansion of agropastoral groups from the northeastern valleys after 2100 bp. It is also argued that these societies did not incorporate maize as an
important resource in their diets during at least 1000 years.
This work improves our knowledge about the relationship between diet and environment among Northe... more This work improves our knowledge about the relationship between diet and environment among Northern Patagonian caviomorph rodents. In order to characterize long-term individual diets, we present δ13C and δ15N data from osteological remains of the caviomorph rodents Dolichotis patagonum, Myocastor coypus, Lagostomus maximus, Lagidium viscacia, Microcavia australis, Galea leucoblephara and Ctenomys sp., recovered from archaeological and recent contexts. These data are analyzed by temporal and geographic context and compared with the previous dietary studies based on macrorremains and microhistological analysis. Significative differences were found between rodents from Monte and Patagonian phytogeographic provinces, as well as between archaeological and modern members of the genus Ctenomys, indicating diet changes between Late Holocene and recent times individuals, that could confirm the climatic variations and/or the recent overgrazing effect. The results indicate trends in rodent diets of 20th and 21st centuries were different to those of the Late Holocene, suggesting a decrease in precipitation and/or an increase of the summer pattern of the same, and/or an increase of mean annual temperature. In addition, this work confirms the generalist strategy of several taxa, although mainly in Ctenomys, which its diet co-varies with these environments.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis tecnológico de artefactos de o... more En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis tecnológico de artefactos de obsidiana procedentes del campo volcánico de La Payunia (sur de Mendoza, Argentina). Estudios previos en el centro oeste argentino y Chile central abordaron desde una escala macro regional, el rol las fuentes de obsidiana dentro de las redes de interacción y movilidad humana en diferentes escalas temporales. En La Payunia se identificaron dos fuentes de obsidiana, ubicadas en áreas con características ambientales e historia ocupacional diferentes: fuente El Peceño en área el Nevado y fuente Payún Matrú en área El Payén. Se explora desde escalas meso y micro espaciales, y sobre la base de estudios tecnológicos de artefactos caracterizados por medio de fluorescencia de rayos-X (XRF), las estrategias de abastecimiento y posibles rangos de acción humana en el extremo sur de Mendoza, durante la segunda mitad del Holoceno tardío. Los resultados sugieren marcadas diferencias en el modo uso estas fuentes, así como en la amplitud y direccionalidad de los territorios explotados.
Fecha de recepción: 31 de octubre de 2011 Fecha de aceptación: 05 de mayo de 2012 RESUMEN En este... more Fecha de recepción: 31 de octubre de 2011 Fecha de aceptación: 05 de mayo de 2012 RESUMEN En este artículo se describen y discuten los resultados de los trabajos de campo y de laboratorio realizados en el sitio Bajada de las Tropas 1 (BT1), localizado en la cuenca media del río Malargüe (Mendoza). Se identificaron restos correspondientes a cinco individuos con cronologías posteriores a los últimos 600 años 14 C. Se presenta la caracterización bioarqueológica considerando aspectos como indicadores de estilo de vida, paleopatologías y dieta (valores de isótopos estables para colágeno -δ 13 C y δ 15 N-y apatita -δ 13 C y δ 18 O-) ósea. Los resultados indican elevados niveles de estrés metabólico y funcional, así como también una dieta de especímenes terrestres correspondientes a ecosistemas de recursos C 3 . Los valores de δ 15 N señalan la presencia de al menos tres individuos lactantes. Los datos de δ 18 O también muestran diferencias entre los lactantes y los no lactantes, aunque los valores no señalan discrepancias importantes respecto a los esperados para el área. Finalmente, a nivel regional se identifica una alta variabilidad en las costumbres funerarias y en las dietas para momentos inmediatamente previos y posteriores al primer contacto hispano-indígena.
Se presentan los resumenes de trabajos enviados a las VI jornadas arqueologicas cuyanas que se de... more Se presentan los resumenes de trabajos enviados a las VI jornadas arqueologicas cuyanas que se desarrollarán en el Centro Tecnológico de Desarrollo Regional de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Reyunos, San Rafael, Mendoza. Durante los días 29 de septiembre al 1° de Octubre de 2015
This paper presents the archaeological record of La Olla site, located in the Atuel river valley ... more This paper presents the archaeological record of La Olla site, located in the Atuel river valley (Mendoza, Argentina). Materials found and analyzed include lithics, ceramics, archaeobotanical, zooarchaeological and human remains. The paper attempts to adjust the state of knowledge of the pre-Hispanic agricultural dispersal using new information. Two discontinuous temporal pulses were recorded in La Olla, the former around 1900 years 14C BP and the later between 700 and 400 years 14C BP. The archaeological analysis confirms stability in human subsistence and human diet based on low rank resources which included carob (mesquite) and small animals such as fish and armadillo. Changes in the technological organization were also recorded, which are interpreted in terms of mobility and action ranges. The archaeological record of La Olla site shows a different perspective about the human occupation to the classic contexts of Atuel II and Atuel I sites.
Se ofrece información acerca de algunos aspectos de las presentaciones en las jornadas y opciones... more Se ofrece información acerca de algunos aspectos de las presentaciones en las jornadas y opciones de alojamiento, costos de inscripcion etc.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los análisis realizados sobre los materiales del s... more En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los análisis realizados sobre los materiales del sitio arqueológico Gruta de El Manzano, localizado sobre el río Grande, en el Departamento de Malargüe, al sur de la provincia de Mendoza. Utilizando la información generada, se discuten aspectos de la funcionalidad del sitio, los cambios a través del tiempo y se destaca su importancia para la discusión de los temas de la arqueología del norte de Patagonia. Los recientes fechados radiocarbónicos ubican al inicio de las ocupaciones en más de 8.000 años AP y confirman la existencia del hiatus regional para el holoceno medio. Los materiales analizados muestran importantes cambios en las tendencias de los mismos, especialmente hacia la segunda mitad del holoceno tardío, donde los diferentes indicadores sugieren diferencias en relación a la movilidad, el uso de la fauna, los recursos vegetales y la incorporación de tecnología cerámica.
zooarchaeological research from central western Argentina has focused until recently on the relev... more zooarchaeological research from central western Argentina has focused until recently on the relevance of large mammals, camelids in particular. there exists relatively abundant
ethnohistorical information that illustrates the importance of fish exploitation in the Guanacache lagoons during historical times. However, –with a few exceptions– the zooarchaeological
record has been poorly explored in relation to this issue, even though a large number of fish remains are found on different areas of the plains. this work deals with the data obtained from
fish remains recovered at Altos de Melien II, sector I (Guanacache) and compares them with those from other archaeological assemblages recovered from nearby contexts. It aims to improve our knowledge about fish consumption in this area of north-eastern Mendoza, with special attention to potential formation processes involved in this kind of assemblages. the ichthyoarchaeological record from AM II is dominated by the creole perch (Percichthys trucha), even though from specimens the patagonian pejerrey (Odontesthes hatcheri) have been also identified. Body part representation and other indicators have been analysed. It is suggested that
the assemblage reflects primarily the waste products of subsistence exploitation.
Estas jornadas se centran principalmente en las investigaciones arqueológicas en la región de Cuy... more Estas jornadas se centran principalmente en las investigaciones arqueológicas en la región de Cuyo, sin embargo, invitamos a todos los interesados que desarrollen investigaciones, tanto en la región cuyana como en áreas vecinas, a participar con sus ponencias enviando sus resúmenes. Se pueden presentar trabajos a simposios en formato oral o comunicaciones generales tanto en formato oral como poster.
Understanding social-ecological system dynamics is a major research priority for sustainable mana... more Understanding social-ecological system dynamics is a major research priority for sustainable management of landscapes, ecosystems and resources. But the lack of multi-decadal records represents an important gap in information that hinders the development of the research agenda. Without improved information on the long-term and complex interactions between causal factors and responses, it will be difficult to answer key questions about trends, rates of
change, tipping points, safe operating spaces and pre-impact conditions. Where available long term monitored records are too short or lacking, palaeoenvironmental sciences may provide continuous multi-decadal records for an array of ecosystem states, processes and services.
Combining these records with conventional sources of historical information from instrumental monitoring records, official statistics and enumerations, remote sensing, archival documents, cartography and archaeology produces an evolutionary framework for reconstructing integrated
regional histories. We demonstrate the integrated approach with published case studies from Australia, China, Europe and North America.
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, Jan 4, 2015
The importance of obsidian from the northern Patagonian source at Las Cargas is reflected in its ... more The importance of obsidian from the northern Patagonian source at Las Cargas is reflected in its early use (8000 years B.P.) and extensive geographic diffusion but is nonetheless surprising in light of the source’s high altitude (located
in the Andes Cordillera), which makes it both difficult to access under ideal conditions and inaccessible for much of the year. Prehistoric use of the Las Cargas source can inform us about mobility, subsistence choices, economics of stone consumption, trade, and territoriality. Here we present the results of
various lines of evidence (surface survey, X-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analyses, artifact morphometry, and obsidian hydration dating) used to characterize obsidian from Las Cargas and its prehistoric use
during the Holocene. Results indicate that Las Cargas obsidian occurs at the source as blocks and nodules, which are chemically homogeneous and of variable quality. Use of the source was nearly continuous through time, and the primary knapping activities performed there were the production of blanks and preparation of cores.
Change or continuity of the human diet after the Spanish settlement in
America is a topic mostly ... more Change or continuity of the human diet after the Spanish settlement in America is a topic mostly addressed in historical written documents with little use of the archaeological record and bioarchaeological or culture material. To counteract this weakness, this paper presents a study of the diet in individuals living in central-western Argentina between the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. The paper, focusing on historical bioarchaeology using stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, δ18O) from bone samples of human skeletal remains found in Mendoza, Argentina. The aim is to reconstruct the human diet and its residential mobility. Our results show little inclusion of maize in these populations’ diets, significantly less than those for the same region during pre-Hispanic times. The data do not indicate a historic continuity in dietary practices between pre-Hispanic and post Hispanic human population.
Using trace elements analysis on obsidian samples we discuss the use of lithic resources and the ... more Using trace elements analysis on obsidian samples we discuss the use of lithic resources and the mobility of the prehispanic population of southern Mendoza (Argentina) and of central Chile during the Late Holocene. As a result of this analysis and of regional systematic surveys we identified four new obsidian sources. A total of 70 artifacts from 20 archaeological sites dating to different moments of the Holocene were assigned to seven distinct sources, with changes in procurement and distribution through time. Results are discussed in the context of some of the regional mobility models proposed by several scholars.
This article discusses the distribution of radiocarbon age signatures obtained from archeological... more This article discusses the distribution of radiocarbon age signatures obtained from archeological sites between 29° and 35° S in Central Chile and Midwest Argentina. The goal of this analysis is to establish bases from which to interpret regional trends in the distribution of the archaeological record that connect these areas, which have been traditionally considered to be geographically decoupled. We propose a standardized methodology for selecting ages that provide a reliable human signature. Variations in date frequencies in a regional scale are discussed with the use of summed probability distributions. Radiocarbon voids at the regional level previously identified in Midwest Argentina are explored. Regional chronological information is compared to the available paleoenvironmental records, thereby emphasizing the possible role of climate pulses in the spatial organization of human populations. Significant arid conditions between 7800 and 5700 cal BP are coincidental with a focused occupation of the Andes Mountains, area which may have offered stable resources; thus more effectively occupied when compared to other environmental bands.
Keywords: radiocarbon dates; climate change; human paleoecology; hunter-gatherers; mid-Holocene; Subtropical Andes.
This study uses stable isotope data to improve our understanding of human exploitation of
Llancan... more This study uses stable isotope data to improve our understanding of human exploitation of Llancanelo lagoon, a saline lake and wetland located between the Monte and Patagonian deserts of Mendoza, Argentina. We collect stable C, N, and O isotope data from human remains from the eastern and northern margins of Llancanelo and compare them with C and N data from an array of local plants and animals, zooarchaeological data from local archaeological sites, and C, N, and O data from human remains elsewhere in southern Mendoza. The isotopes and archaeofaunas from Llancanelo show a low reliance on guanaco and rheids and a moderate reliance on aquatic resources and small, terrestrial game. Although there are no corresponding archaeological remains, the isotope data also suggest a heavy use of mesquite (Prosopis ssp.) and Hardee peppertree (Schinus polygamus). Carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the human remains reveal no significant differences between samples from the Llancanelo area and human remains from the rest of Mendoza. When analized by subarea, however, humans from the west of the lake are more similar to individuals from La Payunia and the eastern plains and humans from the south of Llancanelo more similar to individuals from the Andean piedmont. Based on this information we suggest that Llancanelo acted as a point of population convergence and was exploited in a fashion complementary to other areas in the south of Mendoza.
XVI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, Jan 1, 2005
Several exchange archaeological evidences has been registered in southern Mendoza during last dec... more Several exchange archaeological evidences has been registered in southern Mendoza during last decades. These has been stimulated the discussion about both the real meaning of the non local goods presence in the region and the time when these became more frequent in the archaeological record. However, until now the information available about the kind and place of recovered materials has been not systematized, as a result this has finished in the present dispersion of the discussion. These discussion had been focused on particular sites or materials. The present paper all the archaeological information available from the region is presented and it will be discussed within the different exchanges archaeological and ethnographic models.
XVII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, Jan 1, 2006
This paper reviews the main theoretical problems in the archaeological research from the Cuyo-Chi... more This paper reviews the main theoretical problems in the archaeological research from the Cuyo-Chile central macro region. Some of the topics that can be explored in this spatial scale are presented in order to present the problems and perspective in their research. The early man and the human colonization, the mid Holocene human occupation paradox, the meaning of corn and the exotic material in the late Holocene human strategies are presented as examples.
Arqueología de Ambientes de Altura de Mendoza y San Juan (Argentina). V. Cortegoso y V. Durán (compiladores). Coleción Encuentro. EDIUNC., Sep 1, 2014
The results of archaeological and bioarchaeological research
are presented from an area located ... more The results of archaeological and bioarchaeological research
are presented from an area located in the lower Gualcamayo River Basin (in the northwestern part of the Province of San Juan), which includes sites with surface and sub-surface material, as well as burials from a period between 2300 and 1100 bp. Using these results, ideas for the development or expansion of agropastoral practices in northwest San Juan are discussed. Based on this, arguments are presented in favor of the possibility that there was an expansion of agropastoral groups from the northeastern valleys after 2100 bp. It is also argued that these societies did not incorporate maize as an
important resource in their diets during at least 1000 years.
El IANIGLA (CONICET)-Grupo Vinculado San Rafael, junto a UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael y el Museo de Historia Natural, continuando con su política de integración y desarrollo científico, organizan su reunión anual de comunicación y discusión. Esta reunión cuenta con el Aval del Consejo Directivo de la UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael (Res. 225/2014).
Durante Cuyania se presentan los avances de estudiantes, tesistas (principalmente de doctorado) e investigadores enmarcados en distintos proyectos vinculados a estas instituciones. También se incluyen propuestas de otros proyectos e instituciones que apuntan a estimular la diversidad en el marco de enfoques ecológicos. Cuyania es en algún modo un balance y una celebración motivados por el fin de año. La reunión, realizada anualmente desde 2009, es abierta al público, y busca generar un espacio para la comunicación académica para articular acciones intra e inter proyectos.
Proyectos Participantes:
El concepto de "marginalidad" en antropología y arqueología es polémico y polisémico. Para esta o... more El concepto de "marginalidad" en antropología y arqueología es polémico y polisémico. Para esta oportunidad al mismo se lo entiende como un concepto que dentro de la ecología humana incluye el estudio de las estrategias humanas en aquellos sectores biogeográficos que tienen una jerarquía menor para su ocupación y uso. El seminario intentará mostrar y discutir distintas formas de abordar el entendimiento de las estrategias humanas en ambientes áridos-semiáridos y de altura. Se presentarán elementos teóricos y casos de estudios con énfasis en investigaciones del Centro Occidente Argentino aunque incluyendo casos de Patagonia, Gran Cuenca, Sudáfrica y Australia.
Se suele afirmar que las primeras descripciones de cazadores-recolectores fueron primordialmente ... more Se suele afirmar que las primeras descripciones de cazadores-recolectores fueron primordialmente descriptivas, y que tanto las teorías sociales materialista y evolucionista cuanto las descripciones explícitamente materialistas y evolutivas de los cazadores-recolectores serían invenciones sólo de mediados del siglo XX. Esto no es así. La investigación sobre cazadores-recolectores ha sido tradicionalmente emprendida dentro de marcos teóricos explícitos: salvo las más recientes y doctrinarias, todas las interpretaciones acerca de los cazadores-recolectores (materialistas y evolucionistas por igual) están construidas con argumentos y presunciones que tienen cientos -y a veces miles-de años de antigüedad. Los dos primeros capítulos de este libro examinan algunas de las más importantes entre esas teorías y presunciones, así como las amplias tradiciones intelectuales de las que participaron, para proporcionar una comprensión más general del contexto histórico y teórico en el que están incluidos los modernos estudios sobre cazadores-recolectores.
Libro de Resumenes compilado por A. Izeta et al. Trabajos presentados en 12th International Confe... more Libro de Resumenes compilado por A. Izeta et al. Trabajos presentados en 12th International Conference of Archaeozoology (San Rafael; Argentina-September 2014)
El IANIGLA (CONICET)-Grupo Vinculado San Rafael, junto a UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael y el Mu... more El IANIGLA (CONICET)-Grupo Vinculado San Rafael, junto a UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael y el Museo de Historia Natural, continuando con su política de integración y desarrollo científico, organizan su reunión anual de comunicación y discusión. Durante Cuyania se presentan los avances de estudiantes, tesistas (principalmente de doctorado) e investigadores enmarcados en distintos proyectos vinculados a estas instituciones. También se incluyen propuestas de otros proyectos e instituciones que apuntan a estimular la diversidad en el marco de enfoques ecológicos. Cuyania es, en algún modo, un balance y una celebración motivados por el fin de año. La reunión, realizada anualmente desde 2009 y busca generar un espacio para la comunicación académica y articular acciones intra e inter proyectos.
Nos complace anunciar las fechas y sede de las VI Jornadas Arqueológicas Cuyanas (VI JAC), organi... more Nos complace anunciar las fechas y sede de las VI Jornadas Arqueológicas Cuyanas (VI JAC), organizadas por el Museo de Historia Natural de San Rafael, UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael y IANIGLA-Grupo Vinculado San Rafael. Las mismas se llevarán a cabo entre los días 29, 30 de Septiembre y 1º de Octubre del corriente año. LOS ESPERAMOS!
Occupants of the Great Basin 13- 6 kya cannot be understood by direct analogy with ethnographic G... more Occupants of the Great Basin 13- 6 kya cannot be understood by direct analogy with ethnographic Great Basin foragers because they lived in climatic circumstance and at population densities utterly unlike those of recent times. Archaeological evidence dating earlier than 8 kya suggests that hunter-gatherers were highly mobile with hunting oriented lithic technology and lacking milling equipment, but acquired a broad spectrum of faunal prey and tended to camp near wetland environments. Debate about the adaptive implications of these traits often devolves to whether they are best characterized as Paleo-Indian, Paleoarchaic, or Prearchaic in comparison to subsequent Archaic (broad-spectrum foraging) adaptations. At the transition from Early to Middle Holocene, the Great Basin witnessed higher effective temperatures and reduced aquatic resource zones. Most archaeologists agree that the proliferation of milling equipment marks inception of the Archaic, but the relative importance of terrestrial fauna and aquatic resources, and the effects of climatic aridity on human occupation and mobility remain unclear (Grayson 2011).
Here we develop an environmental frame of reference (Binford 2001) to model regional Late Pleistocene through Middle Holocene subsistence and mobility based on climatic variables inferred from paleoenvironmental proxies. Our goal is to develop expectations about the range of hunter-gatherer adaptations feasible under climatic scenarios posed for the Late Pleistocene and Early-to Middle Holocene Great Basin.We proceed in four steps: 1) extrapolate a geographic grid from a global climatic model to capture climatic variability across the Great Basin and compare with weather station records to assess how well the model captures current climate; 2) alter monthly precipitation and temperature to reflect climatic parameters of Bølling-Allerød, Younger Dryas, Early Holocene, and Middle Holocene climatic scenarios, and assess their accuracy against independent paleoenvironmental proxies; 3) predict hunter- gatherer subsistence and mobility under the current climate model and compare to 38 hunter-gatherers groups falling within the Great Basin using the Environmental Calculations program [ENVCALC2.1] (Binford and Johnson. 2014); and 4) generate expectations about hunter-gatherer subsistence and mobility under each of the four paleoclimatic models.
Papers by Adolfo Gil
procedentes del campo volcánico de La Payunia (sur de Mendoza, Argentina). Estudios previos
en el centro oeste argentino y Chile central abordaron desde una escala macro regional, el rol las fuentes
de obsidiana dentro de las redes de interacción y movilidad humana en diferentes escalas temporales. En
La Payunia se identificaron dos fuentes de obsidiana, ubicadas en áreas con características ambientales
e historia ocupacional diferentes: fuente El Peceño en área el Nevado y fuente Payún Matrú en área El
Payén. Se explora desde escalas meso y micro espaciales, y sobre la base de estudios tecnológicos de
artefactos caracterizados por medio de fluorescencia de rayos-X (XRF), las estrategias de abastecimiento
y posibles rangos de acción humana en el extremo sur de Mendoza, durante la segunda mitad del Holoceno
tardío. Los resultados sugieren marcadas diferencias en el modo uso estas fuentes, así como en la
amplitud y direccionalidad de los territorios explotados.
ethnohistorical information that illustrates the importance of fish exploitation in the Guanacache lagoons during historical times. However, –with a few exceptions– the zooarchaeological
record has been poorly explored in relation to this issue, even though a large number of fish remains are found on different areas of the plains. this work deals with the data obtained from
fish remains recovered at Altos de Melien II, sector I (Guanacache) and compares them with those from other archaeological assemblages recovered from nearby contexts. It aims to improve our knowledge about fish consumption in this area of north-eastern Mendoza, with special attention to potential formation processes involved in this kind of assemblages. the ichthyoarchaeological record from AM II is dominated by the creole perch (Percichthys trucha), even though from specimens the patagonian pejerrey (Odontesthes hatcheri) have been also identified. Body part representation and other indicators have been analysed. It is suggested that
the assemblage reflects primarily the waste products of subsistence exploitation.
change, tipping points, safe operating spaces and pre-impact conditions. Where available long term monitored records are too short or lacking, palaeoenvironmental sciences may provide continuous multi-decadal records for an array of ecosystem states, processes and services.
Combining these records with conventional sources of historical information from instrumental monitoring records, official statistics and enumerations, remote sensing, archival documents, cartography and archaeology produces an evolutionary framework for reconstructing integrated
regional histories. We demonstrate the integrated approach with published case studies from Australia, China, Europe and North America.
in the Andes Cordillera), which makes it both difficult to access under ideal conditions and inaccessible for much of the year. Prehistoric use of the Las Cargas source can inform us about mobility, subsistence choices, economics of stone consumption, trade, and territoriality. Here we present the results of
various lines of evidence (surface survey, X-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analyses, artifact morphometry, and obsidian hydration dating) used to characterize obsidian from Las Cargas and its prehistoric use
during the Holocene. Results indicate that Las Cargas obsidian occurs at the source as blocks and nodules, which are chemically homogeneous and of variable quality. Use of the source was nearly continuous through time, and the primary knapping activities performed there were the production of blanks and preparation of cores.
America is a topic mostly addressed in historical written documents with little use
of the archaeological record and bioarchaeological or culture material. To counteract
this weakness, this paper presents a study of the diet in individuals living in
central-western Argentina between the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth
centuries. The paper, focusing on historical bioarchaeology using stable isotopes
(δ13C, δ15N, δ18O) from bone samples of human skeletal remains found in
Mendoza, Argentina. The aim is to reconstruct the human diet and its residential
mobility. Our results show little inclusion of maize in these populations’ diets,
significantly less than those for the same region during pre-Hispanic times. The
data do not indicate a historic continuity in dietary practices between pre-Hispanic
and post Hispanic human population.
Keywords: radiocarbon dates; climate change; human paleoecology; hunter-gatherers; mid-Holocene; Subtropical Andes.
Llancanelo lagoon, a saline lake and wetland located between the Monte and Patagonian deserts of
Mendoza, Argentina. We collect stable C, N, and O isotope data from human remains from the eastern
and northern margins of Llancanelo and compare them with C and N data from an array of local plants
and animals, zooarchaeological data from local archaeological sites, and C, N, and O data from human
remains elsewhere in southern Mendoza. The isotopes and archaeofaunas from Llancanelo show a low
reliance on guanaco and rheids and a moderate reliance on aquatic resources and small, terrestrial game.
Although there are no corresponding archaeological remains, the isotope data also suggest a heavy use of
mesquite (Prosopis ssp.) and Hardee peppertree (Schinus polygamus). Carbon and nitrogen isotope data
from the human remains reveal no significant differences between samples from the Llancanelo area and
human remains from the rest of Mendoza. When analized by subarea, however, humans from the west
of the lake are more similar to individuals from La Payunia and the eastern plains and humans from the
south of Llancanelo more similar to individuals from the Andean piedmont. Based on this information
we suggest that Llancanelo acted as a point of population convergence and was exploited in a fashion
complementary to other areas in the south of Mendoza.
are presented from an area located in the lower Gualcamayo River Basin (in the northwestern part of the Province of San Juan), which includes sites with surface and sub-surface material, as well as burials from a period between 2300 and 1100 bp. Using these results, ideas for the development or expansion of agropastoral practices in northwest San Juan are discussed. Based on this, arguments are presented in favor of the possibility that there was an expansion of agropastoral groups from the northeastern valleys after 2100 bp. It is also argued that these societies did not incorporate maize as an
important resource in their diets during at least 1000 years.
procedentes del campo volcánico de La Payunia (sur de Mendoza, Argentina). Estudios previos
en el centro oeste argentino y Chile central abordaron desde una escala macro regional, el rol las fuentes
de obsidiana dentro de las redes de interacción y movilidad humana en diferentes escalas temporales. En
La Payunia se identificaron dos fuentes de obsidiana, ubicadas en áreas con características ambientales
e historia ocupacional diferentes: fuente El Peceño en área el Nevado y fuente Payún Matrú en área El
Payén. Se explora desde escalas meso y micro espaciales, y sobre la base de estudios tecnológicos de
artefactos caracterizados por medio de fluorescencia de rayos-X (XRF), las estrategias de abastecimiento
y posibles rangos de acción humana en el extremo sur de Mendoza, durante la segunda mitad del Holoceno
tardío. Los resultados sugieren marcadas diferencias en el modo uso estas fuentes, así como en la
amplitud y direccionalidad de los territorios explotados.
ethnohistorical information that illustrates the importance of fish exploitation in the Guanacache lagoons during historical times. However, –with a few exceptions– the zooarchaeological
record has been poorly explored in relation to this issue, even though a large number of fish remains are found on different areas of the plains. this work deals with the data obtained from
fish remains recovered at Altos de Melien II, sector I (Guanacache) and compares them with those from other archaeological assemblages recovered from nearby contexts. It aims to improve our knowledge about fish consumption in this area of north-eastern Mendoza, with special attention to potential formation processes involved in this kind of assemblages. the ichthyoarchaeological record from AM II is dominated by the creole perch (Percichthys trucha), even though from specimens the patagonian pejerrey (Odontesthes hatcheri) have been also identified. Body part representation and other indicators have been analysed. It is suggested that
the assemblage reflects primarily the waste products of subsistence exploitation.
change, tipping points, safe operating spaces and pre-impact conditions. Where available long term monitored records are too short or lacking, palaeoenvironmental sciences may provide continuous multi-decadal records for an array of ecosystem states, processes and services.
Combining these records with conventional sources of historical information from instrumental monitoring records, official statistics and enumerations, remote sensing, archival documents, cartography and archaeology produces an evolutionary framework for reconstructing integrated
regional histories. We demonstrate the integrated approach with published case studies from Australia, China, Europe and North America.
in the Andes Cordillera), which makes it both difficult to access under ideal conditions and inaccessible for much of the year. Prehistoric use of the Las Cargas source can inform us about mobility, subsistence choices, economics of stone consumption, trade, and territoriality. Here we present the results of
various lines of evidence (surface survey, X-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analyses, artifact morphometry, and obsidian hydration dating) used to characterize obsidian from Las Cargas and its prehistoric use
during the Holocene. Results indicate that Las Cargas obsidian occurs at the source as blocks and nodules, which are chemically homogeneous and of variable quality. Use of the source was nearly continuous through time, and the primary knapping activities performed there were the production of blanks and preparation of cores.
America is a topic mostly addressed in historical written documents with little use
of the archaeological record and bioarchaeological or culture material. To counteract
this weakness, this paper presents a study of the diet in individuals living in
central-western Argentina between the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth
centuries. The paper, focusing on historical bioarchaeology using stable isotopes
(δ13C, δ15N, δ18O) from bone samples of human skeletal remains found in
Mendoza, Argentina. The aim is to reconstruct the human diet and its residential
mobility. Our results show little inclusion of maize in these populations’ diets,
significantly less than those for the same region during pre-Hispanic times. The
data do not indicate a historic continuity in dietary practices between pre-Hispanic
and post Hispanic human population.
Keywords: radiocarbon dates; climate change; human paleoecology; hunter-gatherers; mid-Holocene; Subtropical Andes.
Llancanelo lagoon, a saline lake and wetland located between the Monte and Patagonian deserts of
Mendoza, Argentina. We collect stable C, N, and O isotope data from human remains from the eastern
and northern margins of Llancanelo and compare them with C and N data from an array of local plants
and animals, zooarchaeological data from local archaeological sites, and C, N, and O data from human
remains elsewhere in southern Mendoza. The isotopes and archaeofaunas from Llancanelo show a low
reliance on guanaco and rheids and a moderate reliance on aquatic resources and small, terrestrial game.
Although there are no corresponding archaeological remains, the isotope data also suggest a heavy use of
mesquite (Prosopis ssp.) and Hardee peppertree (Schinus polygamus). Carbon and nitrogen isotope data
from the human remains reveal no significant differences between samples from the Llancanelo area and
human remains from the rest of Mendoza. When analized by subarea, however, humans from the west
of the lake are more similar to individuals from La Payunia and the eastern plains and humans from the
south of Llancanelo more similar to individuals from the Andean piedmont. Based on this information
we suggest that Llancanelo acted as a point of population convergence and was exploited in a fashion
complementary to other areas in the south of Mendoza.
are presented from an area located in the lower Gualcamayo River Basin (in the northwestern part of the Province of San Juan), which includes sites with surface and sub-surface material, as well as burials from a period between 2300 and 1100 bp. Using these results, ideas for the development or expansion of agropastoral practices in northwest San Juan are discussed. Based on this, arguments are presented in favor of the possibility that there was an expansion of agropastoral groups from the northeastern valleys after 2100 bp. It is also argued that these societies did not incorporate maize as an
important resource in their diets during at least 1000 years.
El IANIGLA (CONICET)-Grupo Vinculado San Rafael, junto a UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael y el Museo de Historia Natural, continuando con su política de integración y desarrollo científico, organizan su reunión anual de comunicación y discusión. Esta reunión cuenta con el Aval del Consejo Directivo de la UTN Facultad Regional San Rafael (Res. 225/2014).
Durante Cuyania se presentan los avances de estudiantes, tesistas (principalmente de doctorado) e investigadores enmarcados en distintos proyectos vinculados a estas instituciones. También se incluyen propuestas de otros proyectos e instituciones que apuntan a estimular la diversidad en el marco de enfoques ecológicos. Cuyania es en algún modo un balance y una celebración motivados por el fin de año. La reunión, realizada anualmente desde 2009, es abierta al público, y busca generar un espacio para la comunicación académica para articular acciones intra e inter proyectos.
Proyectos Participantes:
científico, organizan su reunión anual de comunicación y discusión.
Durante Cuyania se presentan los avances de estudiantes, tesistas (principalmente de doctorado) e investigadores enmarcados en distintos proyectos vinculados a estas instituciones. También se incluyen propuestas de otros proyectos e instituciones que apuntan a estimular la diversidad en el marco de enfoques ecológicos. Cuyania es, en algún modo, un balance y una celebración motivados por el fin de año. La reunión, realizada anualmente desde 2009 y busca generar un espacio para la comunicación académica y articular acciones intra e inter proyectos.
Proyectos Participantes:
Here we develop an environmental frame of reference (Binford 2001) to model regional Late Pleistocene through Middle Holocene subsistence and mobility based on climatic variables inferred from paleoenvironmental proxies. Our goal is to develop expectations about the range of hunter-gatherer adaptations feasible under climatic scenarios posed for the Late Pleistocene and Early-to Middle Holocene Great Basin.We proceed in four steps: 1) extrapolate a geographic grid from a global climatic model to capture climatic variability across the Great Basin and compare with weather station records to assess how well the model captures current climate; 2) alter monthly precipitation and temperature to reflect climatic parameters of Bølling-Allerød, Younger Dryas, Early Holocene, and Middle Holocene climatic scenarios, and assess their accuracy against independent paleoenvironmental proxies; 3) predict hunter- gatherer subsistence and mobility under the current climate model and compare to 38 hunter-gatherers groups falling within the Great Basin using the Environmental Calculations program [ENVCALC2.1] (Binford and Johnson. 2014); and 4) generate expectations about hunter-gatherer subsistence and mobility under each of the four paleoclimatic models.