클라라 프라스트

Klara Prast
클라라 프라스트
Klara Prast.jpg
2009년 1월 런어웨이 표지 v3 #6의 클라라.[1]
훔베르토 라모스의 예술.[1]
출판 정보
출판사마블 코믹스
첫 등장활주로 (Vol. 2) #27 (2007년 7월)
작성자조스 웨던
마이클 라이언
분신클라라 프라스트
휴먼 뮤턴트
팀 소속런어웨이
주목할 만한 별칭로즈 레드, 꽃의 탑

클라라 프라스트(Tower of Flower or Rose Red)마블 코믹스가 발행하는 미국 만화책에 등장하는 가상의 슈퍼히어로다.그 캐릭터는 런어웨이 시리즈에 출연했다.[2]1907년 시간제인 런어웨이가 상륙했을 때, 그들은 학대하는 중년 남편을 섬기기 위해 살아야 했던 독일 계통의[3] 소녀인 열두 살의 클라라를 만난다.[2]클라라의 능력은 식물을 통제하거나 "말하는 것"이다.그녀의 이름은 엽록체라는 단어에 나오는 희곡으로, 식물의 힘과 관련이 있다.[citation needed]그녀의 가족이 그녀의 능력을 발견했을 때, 그들은 그녀를 미국으로 이주하는 누군가와 결혼시켰고, 그녀는 1907년에 룬웨이로 달려갔고, 그녀는 나중에 그녀를 다시 현재로 데려왔다.[3]클라라는 대략 몰리의 나이인데, 땋은 머리칼에 제트흑색 머리가 뒤틀리고, 눈이 희끗희끗하다.[4]


클라라 프라스트는 런어웨이즈 2권 27호에 처음 등장했으며 작가 조스 웨돈과 예술가 마이클 라이언에 의해 창작되었다.이것은 휘던이 이 책의 임기를 시작할 때 추가하겠다고 언급했던 인물이었다.[5]

허구의 인물 전기


독자들은 1907년 룬웨이즈가 거트의 부모가 만든 시간 장치 때문에 아이들이 쫓겨난 뉴욕의 한 공장에서 불을 끄는 것을 도운 후 클라라에게 처음 소개된다.[6]만약 역사가 정상적으로 진행되었다면, 클라라는 그날 1907년 6월 27일에 죽었을 것이다.[7]불이 꺼진 뒤 카롤리나는 생존자를 찾기 위해 공장을 통해 날아가 벽에 난 구멍을 통해 장미 덩굴 다리를 건너와 달아나는 클라라의 모습을 포착한다.

그날 밤 늦게, 카롤리나는 비슷한 장미와 스파이를 우연히 만나 창문으로 들어가게 되는데, 그곳에서 그녀는 젊은 클라라가 돈을 받고 꽃을 팔지 않아 카롤리나를 크게 화나게 하여 나이든 남자에게 매를 맞으려 하는 것을 보게 된다.[2]다음날 카롤리나는 몰리를 데리고 자신의 힘에 대해 클라라와 대결하게 하고, 걱정하지 말라고 말한다.몰리가 학대하는 삶에서 벗어나기 위해 팀에 합류하고 싶은지 묻자, 그들은 카롤리나가 본 남자가 자기 아버지가 아니라 남편이었기 때문에, 그녀에게는 그렇게 쉽지 않다는 것을 알고는 아연실색한다.[8]그녀는 비록 몰리가 이해한 것처럼 보이지는 않지만, 카롤리나에게 그가 신체적으로나 성적 학대를 한다는 것을 분명히 한다.하지만 나중에 몰리는 클라라가 남편에게 한 '의무'를 "단순한 죄가 아니라 불법"이라고 언급하면서 그녀가 말하는 것보다 더 많은 것을 이해한다는 것을 암시한다.

알고 보니 클라라의 가족은 (미국을 여행하고 있던) 프라스트와 그녀를 혼인한 뒤 어머니가 그녀를 불성실한 것으로 보고 그녀의 능력을 "저주"[8]라고 불렀기 때문에 등을 돌린 것이었다.카롤리나와 몰리는 망설이지만 간신히 클라라를 설득해 그들과 함께 가도록 했다.클라라는 카롤리나와 자빈이 여성인 것을 보고 겁을 먹고 도망을 치는데, 그녀는 보수적인 양육으로 인해 틀렸다는 것을 알게 된다.[8]몰리는 이것에 대해 그녀와 맞서서 그녀가 다른 어른과 똑같이 행동하고 있다고 말하면서 그녀를 슬프게 내버려둔다.나중에, 런어웨이즈의 위대한 골목 전투 직후, 그들은 클라라가 남편에게 맞고 멍든 것을 발견한다.팀은 그녀가 그들과 함께 가는 것을 기쁘게 받아들이고, 그들이 떠난 바로 그 지점으로 돌아간다.[3]

시크릿 인베이젼

At the start of the Runaways/Young Avengers tie in to Secret Invasion, the team is still fresh from arriving back in the present and giving Klara one final tour of the present version of New York City before heading back to California. Klara is the first one of the group to spot the Skrull ships descending upon the city, and after the invasion starts, she is knocked out, along with the rest of the team, by their own Skrull member, Xavin, as he is trying to protect them from these Skrulls whom he recognizes to be religious extremists.[9] Klara later plays a vital role in the battle between the two teams and the Skrull known as Chrell, Xavin's former mentor and a powerful member of the invading army. As the other Runaways, minus Xavin, are held in his clutches, Klara manages to cause a large tree to spring under Chrell's feet, wrapping him up and allowing the others to be freed, which turns the tide of the battle against him.[10]

Los Angeles

When the Runaways finally return to Los Angeles, Klara is constantly in awe of the various inventions and advancements the world has made, everything from television to food; she does not realize that such superhuman menaces as alien invasions and other crises the Runaways face are not also typical and accepted parts of her new era. When the team makes a trip to the local mall so Chase can look for a job, a manager from a local radio station falls over a high railing, and Klara immediately leaps into action, ordering the indoor plants to grow up and catch him, then lie back down once he's safe. The team then beats a retreat from the mall, hoping no one noticed them.[11] While the Runaways slowly separate because of Nico's spell, Molly and Klara go to build a fort. After a long talk with Molly, a smiling Klara quips: "Ships that sail in the sky. Parks filled with dinosaurs. I'm never going to get used to this century."[12]


In Runaways Vol. 3 #11, the first issue written by Kathryn Immonen and drawn by Sara Pichelli, Chase, Nico, Victor and Karolina hold a house prom. An outside source manages to send a UAV flying into the Runaways' Malibu home, in the upstairs living room where Klara and Old Lace lie. Nico, Victor and Karolina rush to save Klara and Old Lace - upon arriving at the top, however, it's revealed that Old Lace had shielded Klara, who ends up alive. Old Lace, however, slowly dies. Chase, in the downstairs living room, feels her die, as part of her connection to him, he huddles over apologizing to Gertrude Yorkes.[13] Klara, who recovers from the attack, ends up bloodied. She screams for Old Lace's body to be taken away from her, and within minutes, the entire house is covered in long, twisted vines - Nico herself ends up almost strangled.[13]

Best Friends Forever

In Runaways Vol. 5 #11, the Runaways attempt to rescue Klara from her new family, but Klara declined their invitation stating that she doesn't want to live as a runaway. She acknowledges that she had work to get over her preconceptions and prejudices about homosexuality but she's happy with her two foster dads. She did not believe that all adults are evil like she used too. The gang understood and respected Klara's decision and left with a broken-hearted Molly.[14]

Powers and abilities

Klara has the ability to control and manipulate the growth and movement of plants at will and with incredible ease, demonstrated frequently, known as Chlorokinesis. She likes to describe this ability as "talking to" the plants, something she says she did back on her family's farm in Bern. An example of her actually speaking to the plants comes when Klara manages to save a radio station manager from falling by calling out "grow!" prompting the mall plant life to burst out of their planters and save him, then "thank you, yes, lie down" when finished.[11]

She appears to be able to manipulate any kind of plant material, but has an affinity for roses since they "speak back" to her.[2] Klara had once caused large, violent vines to burst out of the ground and shield her.[8] Furthermore, the plants she manipulates also seem to react to Klara's emotions; such as when Molly leaves Klara saddened after confronting her on her attitude toward her friends, the roses on the vines begin to wilt.[8]

Completely unfamiliar with the modern world, Klara is timid and has no combat skills to speak of. When she is panicked or upset, her control over her abilities suffers greatly, and this can result in her plants attacking anyone that approaches her, including her own friends. Klara has mentioned that she is unable to swim.[15] She is also fluent in English and German.

In 2010, The Official Handbook To The Marvel Universe confirmed that she was indeed a genetic mutant.


Besides Karolina, Molly is the one member Klara connects well with, because of their ages,[8] even though it can seem that Klara is "much older and wiser than Molly because of the way she's grown up and the life she's experienced already."[16] However, living in the 21st century has made her experience the fun and joys in life.

Relationships with other Runaways

Molly Hayes

When they travel to the past, Karolina introduced Molly to Klara because they are closer in age.[17] Molly invites her to join the team, and together they manage to convince her to come with them to escape her tragic fate of being married to an abusive husband (the details of which Molly does not seem to fully understand due to her sheltered life).

When Klara is upset by Karolina's seemingly interracial lesbian relationship, it causes a rift between her and Molly, as Molly defends Karolina and cannot relate to Klara's homophobic and racist attitudes, a result of her upbringing. Klara is visibly saddened by the confrontation (her emotions reflected in her roses) and leaves.

While Molly has come to be close with Xavin, Klara has not (Xavin was the one she saw Karolina kissing) and this is one thing the two twelve-year-olds have yet to resolve in the process of solidifying their friendship. They also have very different personalities, with Molly feeling young compared to Klara, who has weathered a lot of difficulties in her life.


  1. ^ a b Marvel solicits. RUNAWAYS #6 Marvel. Retrieved October 21, 2008.
  2. ^ a b c d Runaways: Volume 2, #28
  3. ^ a b c Runaways: Volume 2, #30
  4. ^ "Klara Prast (Character)". Comic Vine.
  5. ^ Joss Whedon talks Runaways Archived 2007-05-16 at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ Runaways vol.2 #27
  7. ^ Runaways vol.2 #26
  8. ^ a b c d e f Runaways: Volume 2, #29
  9. ^ Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #1
  10. ^ Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #3
  11. ^ a b Runaways: Volume 3, #1
  12. ^ Runaways: Volume 3, #3
  13. ^ a b Runaways #11
  14. ^ Runaways: Volume 5, #11
  15. ^ Runaways vol. 3 #6
  16. ^ "The Official Site for Marvel Movies, Characters, Comics, TV, & More". Marvel Entertainment.
  17. ^ Runaways: Volume 2, #27

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