every talent point is a cercle ? no nodes or square spell talent ?
the preservation evoker abilities link redirects to the devastation evoker :(
The Interrupt (Quell) is a Class Talent, meaning HEALER INTERRUPTS. (albeit on a 40s cooldown; Devastation gets a Spec Talent to reduce it to a 20s cooldown)
Played a bit with them, and just like the other trees there are nodes that benefit abilities that aren't required for that node.For example, there are a bunch of talents on the lower right of the Devastation tree that benefit Eternity Surge; but you may reach them while focusing on "Red" skills when going for Power Nexus or Imposing Presence, making those talents completely useless. Furthermore, to grab Eternity Surge you need to commit to "Blue" side early on, or that path will be closed to you; it's not a single point that you can move around.The new talents trees do look cool, fresh and interesting, but many prerequisites don't make sense and this plagues all other classes. On the Classic trees, prerequisite nodes were barely present and you still needed to invest in plenty of fillers; but at least you could pick the fillers freely.The current approach in Dragonflight is a step forward from present, but not as much as it seemed at first sight, seeing that in the end you're pretty much led through the talent tree with only a few meaningful choices. The prerequisites are there for the sake of it, because they don't even act as a safeguard in several cases.
New class talent tree before even releasing "classic" classes talent trees (warrior, shaman, mage etc.), lets goo! kappa
Obsidian scales. Just defensive cooldown or maybe a hint for tank spac...
Something that I have found to be a problem with the current iteration of the Devastation Evoker spec tree is that with one simple change builds become much more freeing. Simply swapping the position of the talents - Honed Aggression and Eternity's Span allow for much more smooth and cleaner builds.With this positioning of the referred talents, AoE and single target builds become much more defined, and there is less of a feeling of taking unwanted talents. This is because in AoE, for a Red build you do not ideally want to spend points on Honed Aggression. Whereas in a Single Target focused Blue Build, you may not want to take Eternity's Span. With this adjustment you can take the path of Honed Aggression into Focused Iris and Heatwave into Ruin for a Single Target focused Blue Build. As well as you may take Eternity's Span in a Hybrid Mythic Plus-centric Build. This would make getting to Scintillation easier with 1 extra point for an M+ build attempting to feel less clunky in Single Target while not being forced into Azure Strike damage.For those that would say this adjustment would make a Blue Single-Target Build more costly as the Blue side of the tree as it effectively adds 2 more points to the build which cannot be accounted for - I say that I agree.Which is why I will also note that creating a path directly from Imposing Presence to Ruin is another is another adjustment that I would also like to see.Thank for reading and I do hope the devs have a chance to read my feedback. I will compile various comments on Tree Balancing in feedback forums as they come out on Wowhead. Thank you to the devs for your great work! Dragonflight looks so promising!