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4 December 2024
- diffhist Commons category (P373) 19:06 +88 Sciking talk contribs (Added Lombard alias: categoria Commons) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Commons category (P373) 19:06 +81 Sciking talk contribs (Added [lmo] label: categoria de Commons) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist English (Q1860) 13:36 +114 Rinai Natsumi talk contribs (Added link to [idwikivoyage]: Buku frase Inggris) Tag: Sitelink change from connected wiki
- diffhist stated in (P248) 10:20 +1,343 Jpnbot talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): value-type constraint (Q21510865)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
3 December 2024
- diffhist MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 09:59 −409 Back ache talk contribs (Removed claim: related property (P1659): Babelio author ID (P3630), Moving claim to Amazon author ID (P4862)) Tags: moveClaim Manual revert
- diffhist MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 09:59 −410 Back ache talk contribs (Removed claim: related property (P1659): LibraryThing author ID (P7400), Moving claim to Amazon author ID (P4862)) Tags: moveClaim Manual revert Reverted
- diffhist MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 09:59 −408 Back ache talk contribs (Removed claim: related property (P1659): Open Library ID (P648), Moving claim to Amazon author ID (P4862)) Tags: moveClaim Manual revert Reverted
- diffhist MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 09:59 +408 Back ache talk contribs (Updated property: Copying related property (P1659) from Gallimard author ID (P13151)) Tags: moveClaim Reverted
- diffhist MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 09:58 +410 Back ache talk contribs (Updated property: Copying related property (P1659) from Gallimard author ID (P13151)) Tags: moveClaim Reverted
- diffhist MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 09:58 +409 Back ache talk contribs (Updated property: Copying related property (P1659) from Gallimard author ID (P13151)) Tags: moveClaim Reverted
2 December 2024
- diffhist instance of (P31) 18:16 +280 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
1 December 2024
- diffhist English (Q1860) 20:51 0 JnpoJuwan talk contribs (Changed Toki Pona description: toki li tan ma Inli) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist English (Q1860) 20:51 +4 JnpoJuwan talk contribs (Changed Toki Pona description: toki li lon ma Inli) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist health specialty (P1995) 02:03 +281 Zhenqinli talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): subject type constraint (Q21503250)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
29 November 2024
- diffhist anatomical location (P927) 06:31 +84 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: assitiación anatómica, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist reference URL (P854) 06:30 +90 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: dereción web dela referencia, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist retrieved (P813) 06:30 +75 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: fecha d'acessu, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist anatomical location (P927) 06:24 +109 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: sitiu del cuerpu aondi residi la enhuncionalidá, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist MeSH tree code (P672) 06:24 +73 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: códigu MeSH, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist reference URL (P854) 06:23 +113 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: devi empreal-si p'atijus web gastaus comu referencia, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist retrieved (P813) 06:23 +134 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: fecha ena que la inhormación hue traía duna basi de datus o página web, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist MeSH tree code (P672) 06:18 +175 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: crassificación herárquica dela basi de datus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Es deferenti de l'entificaol MeSH, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist mapping relation type (P4390) 06:10 +95 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: crassi de relación d'assisnación, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist mapping relation type (P4390) 06:09 +171 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: qualificaol pa definil de horma essata la relación dentri un elementu i un entificaol d'ahuera gastandu SKOS, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist language of work or name (P407) 06:08 +90 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: idioma dela obra o del nombri, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist language of work or name (P407) 06:07 +133 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: idioma dela obra, edición o tornau (pa pressonas se gasti P103 i P1412), batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Commons category (P373) 06:06 +82 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: categoría en Commons, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Commons category (P373) 06:05 +177 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: nombri dela crassi de Güiquimedia Commons con archivus relacionaus con esti elementu (sin el prefixu "Categoría"), batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist instance of (P31) 06:03 +108 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: esti elementu es un exempral del sotru elementu, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist instance of (P31) 06:03 +72 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: istancia de, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist exact match (P2888) 06:01 +165 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: gastau pa enganchal dos concetus, endica un grau altu de confial-si en que'l concetu se puei cambioteal, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist exact match (P2888) 06:00 +83 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: correspondencia essata, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist subclass of (P279) 06:00 +97 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: esti elementu es una crassi de sotru, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist subclass of (P279) 05:59 +72 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: sucrassi de, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist stated in (P248) 05:58 +139 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: gastau nel campu huenti pa endical un testu ondi s'a presentau una afirmación, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist stated in (P248) 05:56 +71 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: afirmau en, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist health specialty (P1995) 05:53 +104 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: especialidá en avenencia a cierta dolencia, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist drug or therapy used for treatment (P2176) 05:52 +79 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: melecina (o droga), batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist health specialty (P1995) 05:50 +83 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: especialidá sanitaria, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist subject named as (P1810) 05:39 +191 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: nombri col qu'un endividu está rustríu nuna basi de datus, confirmau comu calavoraol nuna obra o mentau nun contestu particulal, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist subject named as (P1810) 05:33 +73 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: nombrau comu, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
28 November 2024
- diffhist English (Q1860) 12:15 +75 Cicihwahyuni6 talk contribs (Changed label, description and/or aliases in en-us) Tags: Wikidata user interface Mobile termbox