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2 December 2024
- diffhist instance of (P31) 18:16 +280 Swpb talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
1 December 2024
- diffhist English (Q1860) 20:51 0 JnpoJuwan talk contribs (Changed Toki Pona description: toki li tan ma Inli) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist English (Q1860) 20:51 +4 JnpoJuwan talk contribs (Changed Toki Pona description: toki li lon ma Inli) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Dutch (Q7411) 11:01 +7 Raphael1256 talk contribs (Set Irish alias: Ollainnis) Tags: Wikidata user interface Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
30 November 2024
- diffhist German (Q188) 21:54 +1,112 Safirochka talk contribs (Created claim: country (P17): Russia (Q159)) Tag: InfoboxExport
- diffhist family name (Q101352) 10:51 +75 ARABCREATOR7 talk contribs (Added Arabic alias: اسم القبيلة) Tag: Wikidata user interface
29 November 2024
- diffhist criterion used (P1013) 14:36 +344 Olaf Simons talk contribs (Created claim: FactGrid property ID (P10787): P700) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist MyHeritage Surname ID (P5452) 11:27 +750 RVA2869 talk contribs (Created claim: source website for the property (P1896): Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist Latin script (Q8229) 11:27 +87 Kandarpajit Kallol talk contribs (Added [as] description: ৰোমান লিপি) Tags: Mobile edit Mobile app edit Android app edit App description add Suggested Edits edit
- diffhist Geneanet family name ID (P9644) 11:23 +412 RVA2869 talk contribs (Created claim: instance of (P31): Wikidata property related to genealogy (Q56249073)) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist MyHeritage Surname ID (P5452) 11:23 +412 RVA2869 talk contribs (Created claim: instance of (P31): Wikidata property to indicate a name (Q19643892)) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist MyHeritage Surname ID (P5452) 11:22 −883 RVA2869 talk contribs (Removed claim: Wikidata item of this property (P1629): family name (Q101352)) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist MyHeritage Surname ID (P5452) 11:22 +410 RVA2869 talk contribs (Created claim: Wikidata item of this property (P1629): MyHeritage (Q589757)) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist MyHeritage Surname ID (P5452) 11:21 −468 RVA2869 talk contribs (Changed claim: property constraint (P2302): subject type constraint (Q21503250)) Tags: Wikidata user interface Property constraint changed
- diffhist distribution map (P1846) 08:19 +77 Rooiratel talk contribs (Added [af] label: verspreidingskaart) Tag: Wikidata user interface
- diffhist retrieved (P813) 06:30 +75 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: fecha d'acessu, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist retrieved (P813) 06:23 +134 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: fecha ena que la inhormación hue traía duna basi de datus o página web, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist publication date (P577) 06:19 +82 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: fecha de pubricación, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist attested in (P5323) 06:16 +73 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: atestigau en, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist publication date (P577) 06:15 +97 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: fecha ena que hue pubricá esta obra, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist author (P50) 06:14 +65 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: autol, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist attested in (P5323) 06:13 +121 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: decumentu ondi'l lessema o horma dun lessema está atestigau, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Wolfram Language entity code (P4839) 06:13 +115 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: códigu d'entidá nel lenguagi de pogramación Wolfram, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist author (P50) 06:11 +159 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: criaol dun testu; gastal P2093 quandu el ítem del autol en Güiquidata se desconoci o no dessesti, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Wolfram Language entity code (P4839) 06:11 +127 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: códigu pa entral una entidá nel lenguagi de pogramación Wolfram, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist language of work or name (P407) 06:08 +90 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: idioma dela obra o del nombri, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist language of work or name (P407) 06:07 +133 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: idioma dela obra, edición o tornau (pa pressonas se gasti P103 i P1412), batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Soundex (P3878) 06:07 +67 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: Soundex, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Cologne phonetics (P3879) 06:07 +81 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: fonética de Colonia, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Soundex (P3878) 06:06 +145 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: algorismu fonéticu pa esculcal nombris por soníus assina comu se mientan n'ingrés, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Cologne phonetics (P3879) 06:06 +152 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: algorismu fonéticu qu'assisna una retahila de dégitus (el cóigu fonéticu) alas parabras, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Commons category (P373) 06:06 +82 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: categoría en Commons, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist Commons category (P373) 06:05 +177 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: nombri dela crassi de Güiquimedia Commons con archivus relacionaus con esti elementu (sin el prefixu "Categoría"), batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist instance of (P31) 06:03 +108 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: esti elementu es un exempral del sotru elementu, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist page(s) (P304) 06:03 +96 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: númiru de página(s) pa referencia, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist instance of (P31) 06:03 +72 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: istancia de, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist page(s) (P304) 06:02 +71 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: página(s), batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist writing system (P282) 06:00 +101 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: sistema d'escreviúra gastau dela idioma, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist writing system (P282) 06:00 +66 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: fabetu, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist stated in (P248) 05:58 +139 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: gastau nel campu huenti pa endical un testu ondi s'a presentau una afirmación, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist has list (P2354) 05:56 +96 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: lista de Güiquimedia pa l'elementu, batch #240332) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist stated in (P248) 05:56 +71 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: afirmau en, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist has list (P2354) 05:55 +81 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: lista de l'elementu, batch #240331) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist imported from Wikimedia project (P143) 05:36 +208 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: naceru del valol d'esti declaramientu (a gastal namás ena seción de huentis, i namás por bots qu'emportin datus d'otrus proyeutus de Wikimedia), batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist named after (P138) 05:36 +134 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: ojetu, pessona o ventu qu'espiró el nombri del elementu col mesmu nombri, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist described by source (P1343) 05:35 +101 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] description: trebaju nel que l'elementu es descrevíu, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist imported from Wikimedia project (P143) 05:30 +91 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: agarrau del proyeutu Wikimedia, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist named after (P138) 05:29 +79 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: tién el nombri de, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
- diffhist described by source (P1343) 05:29 +82 Amadalvarez talk contribs (Added [ext] label: descrevíu ena huenti, batch #240330) Tag: quickstatements [2.0]
28 November 2024
- diffhist English (Q1860) 12:15 +75 Cicihwahyuni6 talk contribs (Changed label, description and/or aliases in en-us) Tags: Wikidata user interface Mobile termbox