US Naval aviation is the envy of every military in the world. Whether carrier-based or shore-based, a jet, plane, helicopter or trainer, America’s Navy has the most technologically advanced aircraft in the world. And a Navy air wing may also be the most versatile collection of crew and equipment in the sky.
Here you can pilot cutting-edge aircraft. Oversee the intricate communications, navigation and weapons systems they carry. Help ensure mission success – and the safety of the people involved.
A carrier air wing is a precision-tuned machine of 2,500+ people. When that team is rolling at peak capability, a flight deck crew can launch two planes at a time and land one every 37 seconds.
Excellence & Air Superiority
From the pilots to the ground crews, Navy personnel are highly-skilled and trained – operating the best aircraft in the world – and dedicated to protect and serve those at sea and on the ground. Regardless of your role in Naval Aviation, the mission rests on your shoulders.