

@mkr-2002 / mkr-2002.tumblr.com

original weirdcore edits! (revived)

Happy year new guys, Do NOT die this year <3


I'm quitting weirdcore

Not going to make this long so I'll just say thank you all for showing your support through the past two years. I am unfortunately going to stop posting weirdcore.

I've loved making these edits throughout these two years, I've had such great memories figuring out what I wanted to create next and seeing the flood of likes and reposts, it's been incredible for me!

I guess the reason is I'm just older. A lot has changed with my life in the past two years and this just isn't really for me at the moment. I've contemplated so many times on whether I should stop, because I think about everyone I've made happy with my posts. It's hard to leave this passion behind but ultimately it isn't really making me happy anymore. I've got so much going on in my life that I'm working towards and it's really sad for me knowing I have to put this behind to focus on myself.

BUT, I'll still post things here! I don't know what yet but I'll figure it out.

It really has been such a great journey and I can't thank you all enough for showing an interest in what I've been making :)

Anyways, my appreciation goes out to every single person who follows me, love you all! Here's my last edit:

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