Monday, March 21, 2011

Mohawk Hairstyle

I really like Mohawk hairstyles - they are both cool and bad ass. I saw these guys at the recent Toronto Comic Con. Based on a native american hairstyle worn by the Iroquois and the English sometimes refer to it as the Mohican.

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1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Funky hair styles! I wanna share too that my favorite which is JJ Hair CLub 211 Yonge St 1G Toronto, ON M5B 1M4 . I like Gloria from this hair club because she is simply the best. She is so warm and experienced that I was just relaxing there while she did magic on my hair. Going out from the saloon made me feel someone new, someone more confident and more beautiful. If you are interested to give it a shot and meet fantastic Gloria, call these digits: (416) 916-1868

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