What is another word for unrolling?

Pronunciation: [ʌnɹˈə͡ʊlɪŋ] (IPA)

Unrolling refers to the action of unfurling, unwinding, or opening out, especially a rolled-up piece of material. There are various synonyms for the word "unrolling," each used to represent the same action in different ways. For example, "unfolding" implicates the gradual process of opening or spreading out, while "unwrapping" evokes the act of removing a covering or outer layer to reveal what lies underneath. "Unrolling" can also be replaced with "extending," "stretching," or "flattening," which suggest the movement of making something longer or wider. Ultimately, the specific choice of synonym depends on the context and the desired effect on the reader.

Usage examples for Unrolling

She seemed to be reading the scroll of the future, seeing a dim, mysterious unrolling of joys and sorrows with the eyes of her inner vision.
"The Pioneers"
Katharine Susannah Prichard
And, unrolling it, he spread out the skin of a huge lion.
"The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley"
Bertram Mitford
Lilly sat on in her corner rolling and unrolling her embroidery, and now and then giving vent to her tender feelings toward him by a sigh, though she told herself she only sighed because it was so hot.
"The Song of Songs"
Hermann Sudermann

Famous quotes with Unrolling

  • Above all, I craved to seize the whole essence, in the confines of one single photograph, of some situation that was in the process of unrolling itself before my eyes.
    Henri Cartier-Bresson
  • when you confuse art with propaganda,you confuse an act of God with something which can be turned on and off like the hot water faucet. If "God" means nothing to you(or less than nothing)I'll cheerfully substitute one of your own favorite words,"freedom". You confuse freedom—the only freedom—with absolute tyranny… all over this socalled world,hundreds of millions of servile and insolent inhuman unbeings are busily unrolling in the enlightenment of propaganda.
    E. E. Cummings
  • I’d talk to him about the vast carpet of the future unrolling before us, of the certainty that we would encounter alien intelligences some day, of the unimaginable frontiers open to each of us. He’d tell me that deadheading was a strong indicator that one’s personal reservoir of introspection and creativity was dry; and that without struggle, there is no real victory.
    Cory Doctorow

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