What is another word for squamulose?

Pronunciation: [skwˈɒmjʊlˌə͡ʊz] (IPA)

Squamulose is a word that is often used in scientific studies to describe something that has small, thin scales or flakes. There are several synonyms for squamulose that can be used in place of the word to add variety and depth to writing. Some examples include scaly, flaky, laminated, layered, stratified, plated, and scaled. These words can be used to describe different variations of squamulose textures, such as the layered scales of a reptile or the thin flakes on the surface of a rock. By using synonyms for squamulose, writers can paint a more vivid picture of the subject they are describing while avoiding repetitive language.

Synonyms for Squamulose:

What are the hypernyms for Squamulose?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for squamulose?

Squamulose, a term used to describe a surface covered with small, scale-like structures, has several antonyms. One of the antonyms of squamulose is smooth, referring to a surface that lacks roughness or irregularities. Another antonym for squamulose is flat, indicating a surface that is level and even without any protrusions. Additionally, unscaly can also be considered as an antonym for squamulose, which refers to a surface that is free of small scales or flakes. Other possible antonyms for squamulose may include glistening, shiny, polished, and glossy, all describing surfaces that are sleek, shiny, and lustrous without any hint of scales or roughness.

What are the antonyms for Squamulose?

Usage examples for Squamulose

The pileus is thin, convex or later expanded, of a watery appearance, nearly smooth or scurfy or slightly squamulose.
"Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc."
George Francis Atkinson
The pileus is expanded, umbonate, thin except at the umbo, minutely floccose squamulose, no pinkish tinge noted; the flesh is white, but on the umbo changing to flesh color where wounded.
"Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc."
George Francis Atkinson
Stem cylindrical, even, twisted somewhat, white, striate and minutely squamulose like the pileus, but with coarser scales, especially toward the base, solid, flesh white.
"Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc."
George Francis Atkinson

Related words: squamulose synonym, squamulose definition, squamulose meaning, what is squamulose, how to spell squamulose

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