What is another word for perturbs?

Pronunciation: [pətˈɜːbz] (IPA)

The word perturbs is often used to describe a state of confusion or disturbance. Some synonyms for this word include agitates, unsettles, unnerves, disconcerts, disturbs, and vexes. Each of these words has a slightly different connotation, but they all suggest a disruption of the usual order of things. When a situation is perturbing, it can make people feel uncomfortable, anxious, or upset. Being aware of different ways to describe this feeling can help to communicate more clearly and precisely about what is happening, whether it is in a personal context or a broader social or political context.

What are the paraphrases for Perturbs?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Perturbs?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Perturbs

Our moon perturbs at first sight nothing, and accordingly its mass is not even yet known with exactness.
"Pioneers of Science"
Oliver Lodge
But now it may be asked, surely the moon perturbs the earth, swinging it round their common centre of gravity, and really describing its own orbit about this point instead of about the earth's centre?
"Pioneers of Science"
Oliver Lodge
It was not an exact ellipse, of course: none of the planets describe exact ellipses-each perturbs all the rest, and these small perturbations must be taken into account, those of Jupiter and Saturn being by far the most important.
"Pioneers of Science"
Oliver Lodge

Famous quotes with Perturbs

  • The very fact of its finding itself in agreement with other minds perturbs it, so that it hunts for points of divergence, feeling the urgent need to make it clear that at least it reached the same conclusions by a different route.
    Herbert Butterfield

Related words: perturbed, perturbed quantum state, perturbation, perturbation theory, the perturbations of the atom, parametric perturbations

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