What is another word for nonintersecting?

Pronunciation: [nˌɒnˌɪntəsˈɛktɪŋ] (IPA)

The word "nonintersecting" describes two or more objects or lines that do not cross or meet each other. Synonyms for this term include "disjoint," "separate," "unconnected," "divergent," and "independent." The word "disjoint" refers to two or more things that are not connected or related. "Separate" describes things that are distinct or disconnected from each other. "Unconnected" implies a lack of relationship or association between various things. "Divergent" refers to things that move or extend in different directions. Lastly, "independent" describes things that are free from each other's influence or control. All these words can be used interchangeably with "nonintersecting" depending on the context in which it is used.

Synonyms for Nonintersecting:

What are the hypernyms for Nonintersecting?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for nonintersecting?

The word "nonintersecting" refers to a state where two or more things do not cross or intersect each other. Antonyms for nonintersecting could include intersecting, crossing, overlapping, merged, blended, or entangled. When two or more objects merge, they become one, and no parts remain separate. Opposed to nonintersecting, crossing means two or more entities meet and pass each other, and their paths may cross multiple times. Overlapping means two things partially occupy the same space, while entangled means they are twisted or tangled with each other. Identifying and using antonyms for nonintersecting can hone communication, making it possible to convey precise meanings or directions.

What are the antonyms for Nonintersecting?

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