What is another word for mongering?

Pronunciation: [mˈʌŋɡəɹɪŋ] (IPA)

Mongering is a word often used to describe the act of spreading fear or promoting something negative for personal gain. There are several synonyms that can be used instead of the term mongering, including fear-mongering, scaremongering, rumor-mongering, and sensationalism. These terms all have negative connotations and are used to describe the act of creating or exaggerating a fear in order to influence people's opinions or actions. It's important to use accurate and unbiased language when discussing a topic, rather than resorting to mongering tactics, which can be harmful and misleading.

Synonyms for Mongering:

What are the hypernyms for Mongering?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for mongering?

The word "mongering" means dealing or trading in a particular type of goods or services, often in a dishonest or unethical way. Its antonyms include words like honesty, integrity, and sincerity. These words describe behaviors and qualities that are the opposite of those associated with mongering. For example, honesty implies fairness, candidness, and an openness in dealing with others. Integrity suggests moral uprightness, trustworthiness, and adherence to a set of principles. Sincerity is characterized by truthfulness, genuineness, and authenticity. All of these qualities stand in stark contrast to the underhandedness and duplicity involved in mongering.

What are the antonyms for Mongering?

Usage examples for Mongering

And the worthy woman was really-if her son could only have got his eyes freed from the scales of domestic superstition, and seen it-intensely happy and exultant at this fiendish little piece of discomfort-mongering.
"Somehow Good"
William de Morgan
Besides, here I am alone in your studio in Bayreuth, the most scandal-mongering town I ever heard of.
James Huneker
A sea of strange countenances encompassed her, and now and again when some particularly murky wave rolled by, a wave of men whose faces bespoke all the crimes of money-mongering, she and the Marquis exchanged glances of deep sadness.
"Paris From the "Three Cities""
Emile Zola

Famous quotes with Mongering

  • Obama sounded like Al Gore on global warming. The more the case for man-made warming falls apart, the more hysterical Gore gets about an imminent catastrophe. The more public support his stimulus bill loses, the more Obama embraces fear-mongering.
    Fred Barnes
  • Part of the reason that the government's fear mongering is succeeding is because so many people are so ignorant, that it is easier for government to frighten people in submission.
    James Bovard
  • With attention deficit democracy, I am trying to wake up people to how the combination of mass ignorance, fear mongering by the government, and lying politicians is putting our entire system of government to a death spiral.
    James Bovard
  • When word-mongering and showboating becomes too maddening, everything may blow up in the face and the mirror will not waver to bite back. ( "The day the mirror was talking back" )
    Erik Pevernagie
  • To insist on strength ... is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering.
    Barry Goldwater

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