What is another word for MICROS?

Pronunciation: [mˈa͡ɪkɹə͡ʊz] (IPA)

The word "micros" has a variety of synonyms that can be used to describe small or microscopic objects, organisms, or structures. Some synonyms include "microorganisms," "microbes," "microscopic particles," "microbeads," "microliths," and "microscopic organisms." Other synonyms that can be used in place of "micros" include "minuscule," "tiny," "small-scale," "pint-sized," and "petite." These synonyms can be useful when writing scientific papers, describing the size of an object or cell, or referring to small things in general. Using synonyms can help to avoid repetition and adds variety to your writing.

Usage examples for Micros

The MICROS are abundant from early spring to late fall about shrubbery, in open fields, and along the edges of woods.
"Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects"
C. V. Riley
For some of the larger MICROS the long pins may be used directly and a different spreading board employed.
"Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects"
C. V. Riley

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