What is another word for Marcescent?

Pronunciation: [mɑːsˈɛsənt] (IPA)

Marcescent is a word used to describe leaves that don't fall off trees in autumn, but hold on to their trees through the winter months. There are several synonyms for 'marcescent', including; withered, faded, wilted, drooping, dried up, and lifeless. Other synonyms for this word include; lingering, persisting and dying. These all signify a lack of life or vitality, in some way or another. Marcescent leaves can be seen clinging to trees throughout the fall, winter and even early spring. They can be fascinating to observe, as they seem to be defying the natural order of things by hanging on long after other leaves have fallen.

What are the hypernyms for Marcescent?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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