What is another word for lustfully?

Pronunciation: [lˈʌstfəlɪ] (IPA)

When it comes to describing something that is done with a sense of intense desire or passion, the word "lustfully" may come to mind. However, there are numerous synonyms that can be used to express this feeling, such as ardently, passionately, fervently, intensely, hungrily, or even greedily. Each of these words conveys a sense of strong emotional and physical longing. Choosing the right synonym will depend on the context of the sentence and the desired tone, whether it be romantic or sensual. Ultimately, selecting the appropriate synonym can help to create a more vivid and engaging narrative.

What are the opposite words for lustfully?

Lustfully is an adverb that describes a strong desire or craving for something. Its antonyms are words that convey the opposite meaning. Some of the antonyms for lustfully could be words like chastely, modestly, innocently, or virtuously. These words describe a lack of desire or craving, or a desire to abstain from things that are deemed immoral or inappropriate. For example, chastely would mean acting without sexual desire, while virtuously could mean acting with great moral character. Overall, the antonyms of lustfully are words that are characterized by self-restraint, morality, and discipline, rather than the unrestrained passion for which lustfully is known.

What are the antonyms for Lustfully?

Usage examples for Lustfully

Yet foreign tyranny, from the earliest ages, has coveted this meagre territory as lustfully as it has sought to wrest from their native possessors those lands with the fatal gift of beauty for their dower; while the genius of liberty has inspired as noble a resistance to oppression here as it ever aroused in Grecian or Italian breasts.
"Project Gutenberg History of The Netherlands, 1555-1623, Complete"
John Lothrop Motley
Thought was surely the material assessed in abstraction, but lustfully eating his food with the foreign acquaintances of that country of backward brethren he did not consider that issue consciously.
"An Apostate: Nawin of Thais"
Steven Sills
When the Teuton first crossed the Alpine barrier and poured himself lustfully out over the fertile plains of northern Italy, it was literally a place in the sun which he coveted.
"The World Decision"
Robert Herrick

Famous quotes with Lustfully

  • My proof that homosexuality is not a choice? A question for my straight male readers: Is there anything I could do or say or write that would convince you to willingly, happily, eagerly, anxiously, deliriously, lustfully put my dick in your mouth and leave it there until I had an orgasm? I rest my case.
    Dan Savage
  • For already the myth is being carefully built up. Hitler is to be the Messiah of organic evolution—the anti-Christ of the will to power, which is not a will to national power but a will to power , the liberation of the lustfully destructive from any inhibitions whatsoever.
    Dorothy Thompson

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